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See also: Shuka



From Swahili shuka.


shuka (plural shukas)

  1. A sash (decorative length of cloth) worn in parts of Africa.




  • IPA(key): /ʃúː.kàː/
    • (Standard Kano Hausa) IPA(key): [ʃúː.kàː]


shūkā̀ f (plural shū̀ke shū̀ke, possessed form shūkàr̃)

  1. plants, crops


shūkā̀ (grade 1)

  1. to sow, to plant



  • (file)


-shuka (infinitive kushuka)

  1. to descend; disembark
  2. to be depressed; be humiliated, be humbled


Conjugation of -shuka
Positive present -nashuka
Subjunctive -shuke
Negative -shuki
Imperative singular shuka
Positive kushuka
Negative kutoshuka
Singular shuka
Plural shukeni
Tensed forms
Habitual hushuka
Positive past positive subject concord + -lishuka
Negative past negative subject concord + -kushuka
Positive present (positive subject concord + -nashuka)
Singular Plural
1st person ninashuka/nashuka tunashuka
2nd person unashuka mnashuka
3rd person m-wa(I/II) anashuka wanashuka
other classes positive subject concord + -nashuka
Negative present (negative subject concord + -shuki)
Singular Plural
1st person sishuki hatushuki
2nd person hushuki hamshuki
3rd person m-wa(I/II) hashuki hawashuki
other classes negative subject concord + -shuki
Positive future positive subject concord + -tashuka
Negative future negative subject concord + -tashuka
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -shuke)
Singular Plural
1st person nishuke tushuke
2nd person ushuke mshuke
3rd person m-wa(I/II) ashuke washuke
other classes positive subject concord + -shuke
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -sishuke
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngeshuka
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singeshuka
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngalishuka
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singalishuka
Gnomic (positive subject concord + -ashuka)
Singular Plural
1st person nashuka twashuka
2nd person washuka mwashuka
3rd person m-wa(I/II) ashuka washuka
m-mi(III/IV) washuka yashuka
ji-ma(V/VI) lashuka yashuka
ki-vi(VII/VIII) chashuka vyashuka
n(IX/X) yashuka zashuka
u(XI) washuka see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) kwashuka
pa(XVI) pashuka
mu(XVIII) mwashuka
Perfect positive subject concord + -meshuka
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshashuka
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -jashuka
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kishuka
"If not" positive subject concord + -siposhuka
Consecutive kashuka / positive subject concord + -kashuka
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kashuke
Object concord (indicative positive)
Singular Plural
1st person -nishuka -tushuka
2nd person -kushuka -washuka/-kushukeni/-washukeni
3rd person m-wa(I/II) -mshuka -washuka
m-mi(III/IV) -ushuka -ishuka
ji-ma(V/VI) -lishuka -yashuka
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -kishuka -vishuka
n(IX/X) -ishuka -zishuka
u(XI) -ushuka see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kushuka
pa(XVI) -pashuka
mu(XVIII) -mushuka
Reflexive -jishuka
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + (object concord) + -shuka- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -shukaye -shukao
m-mi(III/IV) -shukao -shukayo
ji-ma(V/VI) -shukalo -shukayo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -shukacho -shukavyo
n(IX/X) -shukayo -shukazo
u(XI) -shukao see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -shukako
pa(XVI) -shukapo
mu(XVIII) -shukamo
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker + relative marker + (object concord) + -shuka)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yeshuka -oshuka
m-mi(III/IV) -oshuka -yoshuka
ji-ma(V/VI) -loshuka -yoshuka
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -choshuka -vyoshuka
n(IX/X) -yoshuka -zoshuka
u(XI) -oshuka see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -koshuka
pa(XVI) -poshuka
mu(XVIII) -moshuka
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.

Derived terms[edit]


shuka (n class, plural shuka) or shuka (ma class, plural mashuka)

  1. sash, loincloth (length of cloth used as clothing)
  2. bedsheet

Usage notes[edit]

The secondary Ma class inflection (noun classes 5/6) is generally reserved for a longer length of cloth, and always used for bedsheets.