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See also: փոխ-





Inherited from Old Armenian փոխ (pʻox).





փոխ (pʻox)

  1. loan, borrowing
    փոխ առնելpʻox aṙnelto loan


i-type, inanimate (Eastern Armenian)
singular plural
nominative փոխ (pʻox) փոխեր (pʻoxer)
dative փոխի (pʻoxi) փոխերի (pʻoxeri)
ablative փոխից (pʻoxicʻ) փոխերից (pʻoxericʻ)
instrumental փոխով (pʻoxov) փոխերով (pʻoxerov)
locative փոխում (pʻoxum) փոխերում (pʻoxerum)
definite forms
nominative փոխը/փոխն (pʻoxə/pʻoxn) փոխերը/փոխերն (pʻoxerə/pʻoxern)
dative փոխին (pʻoxin) փոխերին (pʻoxerin)
1st person possessive forms (my)
nominative փոխս (pʻoxs) փոխերս (pʻoxers)
dative փոխիս (pʻoxis) փոխերիս (pʻoxeris)
ablative փոխիցս (pʻoxicʻs) փոխերիցս (pʻoxericʻs)
instrumental փոխովս (pʻoxovs) փոխերովս (pʻoxerovs)
locative փոխումս (pʻoxums) փոխերումս (pʻoxerums)
2nd person possessive forms (your)
nominative փոխդ (pʻoxd) փոխերդ (pʻoxerd)
dative փոխիդ (pʻoxid) փոխերիդ (pʻoxerid)
ablative փոխիցդ (pʻoxicʻd) փոխերիցդ (pʻoxericʻd)
instrumental փոխովդ (pʻoxovd) փոխերովդ (pʻoxerovd)
locative փոխումդ (pʻoxumd) փոխերումդ (pʻoxerumd)

Old Armenian




Ultimately from Akkadian 𒁍𒌑𒄷 (pu-u-ḫu /⁠pūḫu⁠/, exchange, substitute, replacement; loan), perhaps via Urartian 𒁍𒄭 (pu-ḫi /⁠pūḫi⁠/, change, alter) or Hurrian 𒁍𒄭 (pu-ḫu /⁠pôḫi, pūḫi⁠/, barter, exchange)[1][2][3] since the phoneme /o/ is absent from Akkadian.[4] The verbal attestation Urartian 𒁍𒄭𒀀𒉌 (pu-ḫi-a-ni /⁠pūḫiani⁠/, let him not alter) is sometimes adduced as an argument for a specifically Urartian source,[5] though it does not exclude a direct borrowing from an unattested Hurrian verbal form.[4] The Hurrian root was also borrowed with suffix as Hittite 𒁍𒄷𒂵𒊑 (pu-ḫu-ga-ri /⁠puḫugari⁠/, substitute, replacement).[6]



փոխ (pʻox)

  1. loan, borrowing
    խնդրել փոխxndrel pʻoxto ask in loan
    փոխ տալpʻox talto lend, to make a loan
    փոխ առնուլpʻox aṙnulto receive as a loan, to borrow
    ընդ փոխս մտանելənd pʻoxs mtanelto be overburdened by loans, to be obliged to beg
    փոխով կեալpʻoxov kealto live upon trust, or upon credit
  2. (music) anthem, response, antistrophe, antiphon
    փոխ առ փոխ, փոխն ի փոխpʻox aṙ pʻox, pʻoxn i pʻoxby turns, reciprocally, alternatively, mutually
  3. (as a prefix) meta-

Usage notes




Derived terms



  • Armenian: փոխ (pʻox), փոխ- (pʻox-)


  1. ^ Kapancjan, G. A. (1951) “Хурритские слова армянского языка [The Hurrian words of Armenian]”, in Archív Orientalni[1] (in Russian), volume 19, numbers 3–4, pages 579–605
  2. ^ Diakonoff, Igor M. (1982) “Ancient Near Eastern Substrata in Armenian”, in Annual of Armenian Linguistics[2], volume 3, page 17 of 13–18
  3. ^ Diakonoff, Igor M. (1985) “Hurro-Urartian Borrowings in Old Armenian”, in Journal of the American Oriental Society[3], volume 105, number 4, page 599 of 597–603
  4. 4.0 4.1 Thorsø, Rasmus (2023) Prehistoric loanwords in Armenian: Hurro-Urartian, Kartvelian, and the unclassified substrate[4], PhD dissertation, Leiden University, page 14
  5. ^ Yakubovich, Ilya (2016) “Review of Bibliographisches Glossar des Hurritischen by Thomas Richter”, in Journal of the American Oriental Society[5], volume 136, number 1, page 181 of 179–183
  6. ^ Puhvel, Jaan (1984–) Hittite Etymological Dictionary (Trends in linguistics. Documentation), volume 9, pages 114-115

Further reading

  • Petrosean, Matatʻeay (1879) “փոխ”, in Nor Baṙagirkʻ Hay-Angliarēn [New Dictionary Armenian–English], Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy
  • Awetikʻean, G., Siwrmēlean, X., Awgerean, M. (1836–1837) “փոխ”, in Nor baṙgirkʻ haykazean lezui [New Dictionary of the Armenian Language] (in Old Armenian), Venice: S. Lazarus Armenian Academy
  • Ačaṙean, Hračʻeay (1971–1979) “փոխ”, in Hayerēn armatakan baṙaran [Armenian Etymological Dictionary] (in Armenian), 2nd edition, a reprint of the original 1926–1935 seven-volume edition, Yerevan: University Press
  • Diakonoff, Igor M. (1985) “Hurro-Urartian Borrowings in Old Armenian”, in Journal of the American Oriental Society[6], volume 105, number 4, pages 597–603
  • Fournet, Arnaud (2013) “About the Vocalic System of Armenian Words of Substratic Origin”, in Archív Orientalni[7], volume 81, number 2, pages 207–222