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Assyrian Neo-Aramaic


Etymology 1

ܚ ܒ ܒ (ḥ b b)
4 terms

Compare Arabic حُبّ (ḥubb).


  • (Standard) IPA(key): [ˈxub.bɑː]



ܚܘܼܒܵܐ (ḥubbām

  1. love, affection
    Synonyms: ܪܸܚܡܬ݂ܵܐ (riḥmṯā), ܒܸܥܝܘܼܬ݂ܵܐ (biˁyūṯā)
    • John 5:42:
      ܐܸܠܵܐ ܟܹܐ ܝܵܕ݂ܥܹܢ ܠܵܘܟ݂ܘܿܢ ܕܠܲܝܬ ܒܝܼܵܘܟ݂ܘܿܢ ܚܘܼܒܵܐ ܕܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ.
      illā kē yāḏˁēn lāwḵōn dlayt bīyāwḵōn ḥubbā d-allāhā.
      But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.
    • Romans 5:8:
      ܐܝܼܢܵܐ ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ ܡܘܼܚܙܹܐ ܠܹܗ ܚܘܼܒܹܗ ܐܸܠܲܢ، ܟܲܕ݂ ܚܲܛܵܝܹ̈ܐ ܝܘܲܚ ܗ݇ܘܵܘ، ܗܵܕܟ݂ܵܐ ܡܫܝܼܚܵܐ ܡܝܼܬ݂ ܠܹܗ ܡ̣ܢ ܓܹܒܲܢ.
      īnā allāhā muḥzē lēh ḥubbēh illan, kaḏ ḥaṭṭāyē ìwaḥ wā, hādḵā mšīḥā mīṯ lēh min gēban.
      But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Derived terms

Cf. ܚܒ, ܚܘܼܒܵܐܝܼܬ, ܚܘܼܒܵܢܵܐܝܼܬ, ܚܘܼܒܵܢܵܝܘܼܬܵܐ, ܚܲܒܝܼܒ݂ܵܐ, ܚܘܼܒܵܢܵܐ, ܚܘܼܒܵܢܬܐܵ, ܐܲܚܸܒ݂, ܚܲܒܝܼܒ݂ܘܼܬܵܐ, ܚܘܼܒܘܼܟ݂, ܡܲܚܘܿܒܹܐ, ܡܵܪ ܚܘܒܵܐ, ܡܲܚܲܒܬܵܐ, ܡܚܲܒܒ݂ܵܢܘܼܬܵܐ, ܫܘܿܥܝܼܬܵܐ ܕܚܘܼܒܵܐ

Etymology 2

ܚ ܘ ܒ (ḥ w b)
4 terms

Compare Hebrew חוֹב (ḥôḇ).


  • (Standard) IPA(key): [ˈxɑw.bɑː]



ܚܵܘܒܵܐ (ḥāwbām sg (plural ܚܵܘܒܹ̈ܐ (ḥāwbē))

  1. debt, due
  2. guilt, liability
  3. (in the plural) sins

Classical Syriac


Etymology 1


From the root ܚ-ܒ-ܒ (ḥ-b-b) related to burning; compare Arabic حُبّ (ḥubb).


  • (Classical Edessan) IPA(key): [ˈħub.bɑ]
  • (Eastern Syriac) IPA(key): [ˈxub.bɑ]
  • (Western Syriac) IPA(key): [ˈħu.bo]



ܚܘܒܐ (ḥūbbām(uncountable)

  1. love, affection
    • Peshitta, John 5:42:
      ܐܠܐ ܝܕܥܬܟܘܢ. ܕܚܘܒܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ ܠܝܬ ܒܟܘܢ.
      ʾellā ʾīḏaʿtəḵōn, də-ḥūbbēh ḏə-ʾălāhā layt bəḵōn.
      But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.
  2. charity
  3. (used with 2nd person possessive suffixes as a title) dear, beloved
Derived terms

Etymology 2


From the root ܚ-ܘ-ܒ (ḥ-w-b) related to owing; compare Hebrew חוֹב (ḥôḇ).


  • (Classical Edessan) IPA(key): [ˈħaw.bɑ]
  • (Eastern Syriac) IPA(key): [ˈxɑw.bɑ]
  • (Western Syriac) IPA(key): [ˈħɑw.bo]



ܚܘܒܐ (ḥawbām (plural ܚܘܒܐ (ḥawbē))

  1. debt, due
  2. guilt, liability
  3. (in the plural) sins
    • Peshitta, Matthew 6:12:
      ܘܫܒܘܩ ܠܢ ܚܘܒܝ̈ܢ: ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܐܦ ܚܢܢ ܫܒܩܢ ܠܚܝܒܝ̈ܢ.
      wa-šəḇoq lan ḥawbayn, ʾaykannā ḏə-āp̄ ḥənan šəḇaqn lə-ḥayyāḇayn.
      And forgive us our debts [sins], as we forgive our debtors.
Derived terms


  • ḥwb3”, in The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 1986–, retrieved 2021-07-17
  • ḥwb”, in The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon Project, Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College, 1986–, retrieved 2008-11-25
  • Costaz, Louis (2002) Dictionnaire syriaque-français ∙ Syriac–English Dictionary ∙ قاموس سرياني-عربي, 3rd edition, Beirut: Dar El-Machreq, pages 93b, 98b
  • Payne Smith, Jessie (1903) A Compendious Syriac Dictionary Founded Upon the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith, D.D., Oxford: Clarendon Press, page 129b
  • Sokoloff, Michael (2009) A Syriac Lexicon: A Translation from the Latin, Correction, Expansion, and Update of C. Brockelmann's Lexicon Syriacum, Winona Lake, Indiana, Piscataway, New Jersey: Eisenbrauns; Gorgias Press, page 419a-b