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Text style Emoji style
🍴︎ 🍴️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
🍴 U+1F374, 🍴
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs 🍵





A silver fork and a knife.




  1. Cutlery.
    • 2019 September 3, PHfashionplug, Twitter[1]:
      Missing items: (12 plates, 68 cups, 45 glasses, 145 forks 🍴, & 34 containers missing )😂😂😂
    • 2023 August 11, One Home, Twitter[2]:
      🍴 Avoid plastic cutlery
  2. (figuratively) Used generally as a pictogram to represent eating or dining.
    • 2017 November 23, “Naked dining in Paris 🍴”, in BBC News[3]:
      [See title]
    • 2020 July 9, Anja Mernik, Twitter[4]:
      Eating out in 2020🍴😷😂
    • 2023 August 11, “Everything you need to know about Bruce Springsteen at Citizens Bank Park”, in The Philadelphia Inquirer[5]:
      🍴 What to eat and drink.
  3. (cartography) Indicates a restaurant or other dining establishment.
    • 2024 September 5, Google Maps:
      [This web mapping application denotes food-related establishments with 🍴.]
    • 2024 September 5, OpenStreetMap:
      [This social mapping website uses a brown 🍴 to indicate a restaurant (except for fast food establishments) or food court.]

Usage notes



  • 🍽 (knife and fork surrounding a plate)

Further reading
