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Text style Emoji style
🚿︎ 🚿️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
🚿 U+1F6BF, 🚿
Transport and Map Symbols 🛀


Signs at Hamburg Airport in Hamburg, Germany, with one for public showers (centre)



A showerhead streaming water (but see usage notes).




  1. Marks a public room with showers.

Usage notes




See also



  1. ^ “🚿 Shower Emoji”, in Emojipedia[1], 2023 October 4 (last accessed), Emoji Designs
  2. ^ Version 6.0.0 (The Unicode Standard)‎[2], Unicode Consortium, 2010 October 11, retrieved 4 October 2023
  3. 3.0 3.1 International Organization for Standardization (2023 February) “Public information symbols”, in ISO 7001:2023: Graphical symbols — Registered public information symbols, 4 edition
  4. ^ Rudolf Modley, William R. Myers (1976) Handbook of Pictorial Symbols: 3,250 examples from international sources, Dover Publications, →ISBN, pages 91, 122
  5. ^ TAFE NSW (2015) Foundation Skills: Painting & Decorating and Mortar Trades, Pearson Australia, →ISBN, page 149