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na- (atelic, circuital) + -∅- (3rd person subject prefix) +

  • ∅- (classifier) (continuative imperfective stem of root -YÁ, “to go, to walk — 1 actor”)
  • ∅- (classifier)-ʼaash (continuative imperfective stem of root -ʼÁÁZH, “to go, to walk — 2 actors”)
  • d- (classifier)-kai (continuative imperfective stem of root -KAI, “to go, to walk — 3 actors”)




  1. he/she is going around, walking about
  2. he/she goes and returns
    Marianne hádą́ą́ʼ Ahééhéshį́į́hgóó naayá?When did Marianne go to Phoenix?
    Áłchíní daʼółtaʼígíí naaki nídeezidídą́ą́ʼ Wááshindoongóó naaskai.The school children went to Washington two months ago.
  3. (with -di or an adverb of place) he/she is at/in
    Mary dóó Kii bimá sání yighandi naaʼaash.Mary and Kee are at their grandmother’s house.
    Ashiiké ółtaʼígíí kǫ́ǫ́ naaʼaash.The two boys who are students, are around here.
  4. (with -dę́ę́ʼ) he/she comes from
    Hastiin Hall Ohio hoolyéédę́ę́ʼ naaghá.Mr. Hall hails from a place called Ohio.
    Díí kweʼé atah daʼółtaʼígíí háádę́ę́ʼ ndaakai?Where do these students come from?
  5. (with baa) he/she is busy with; he/she is doing it
    Diné bizaad bóhooshʼaahgo baa naashá.I’m busy learning Navajo.
    Áłchíní haʼátʼíí yaa naakai?What are the children doing?
  6. (with chʼaa) he/she is on trip
    Chʼaa naashá ńtʼééʼ.I was on trip.
  7. (with yínííł “with mind”) he/she is sad/blue/worried
    Yínííł naaghá.He is sad.
  8. (with ) he/she is sickly/invalid
    naashá.I am sickly.
  9. buddy, friend (used by males, the 3rd-person dual can be used in this way to refer to male cousins)
    shił naaʼaashmy clan brother; my buddy; my cousin ("father’s sister’s son" or "mother’s brother’s son")

Usage notes


Like all go-verbs, this verb uses three different roots for 1 subject going alone, 2 subjects going in a pair, and 3+ subjects going in a group. All three roots can be conjugated in all 3 numbers (singular, duoplural, distributive plural), with practical different meanings. See chʼéghááh, chʼéʼaash, chʼékááh for further details.



Paradigm: Continuative (∅/si).

IMPERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person naashá neiitʼaash neiikai
2nd person naniná naahʼaash naahkai
3rd person naaghá naaʼaash naakai
4th person nijighá nijiʼaash nidajikai
PERFECTIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person niséyá nishiitʼáázh nisiikai
2nd person nisíníyá nishooʼáázh nisoohkai
3rd person naayá naazhʼáázh naaskai
4th person nijiyá nijizhʼáázh nijiskai
FUTURE singular duoplural plural
1st person nideeshaał nidiitʼash niikah
2nd person nidíínaał nidoohʼash nidoohkah
3rd person nidoogaał nidooʼash nidookah
4th person nizhdoogaał nizhdooʼash nizhdookah
ITERATIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person nináshdaah ninéiitʼash ninéiikah
2nd person ninánídaah nináhʼash nináhkah
3rd person ninádaah nináʼash ninákah
4th person ninájídaah ninájíʼash ninájíkah
OPTATIVE singular duoplural plural
1st person naooshaʼ naootʼaash naookááh
2nd person naóóyaʼ naoohʼaash naoohkááh
3rd person naooyaʼ naooʼaash naookááh
4th person njóyaʼ njóʼaash njókááh