Talk:hot as hell

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RFD discussion: April–May 2016[edit]

The following information passed a request for deletion (permalink).

This discussion is no longer live and is left here as an archive. Please do not modify this conversation, but feel free to discuss its conclusions.

hot + as hell. --Romanophile (contributions) 00:22, 10 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Delete per #scared as hell (to be archived at Talk:scared as hell)Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 00:28, 10 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]
The entry is written badly but keep because Hell is actually hot, so it's a legitimate simile, like "cold as ice" or "silent as the tomb". This makes it distinct from "ugly, annoying, cool, funny... as hell" where Hell has no actual role to play. Equinox 00:59, 10 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]