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  1. Alternative letter-case form of TOS (terms of service).
    • 2016, Bernadette H. Schell, Online Health and Safety: From Cyberbullying to Internet Addiction: From Cyberbullying to Internet Addiction, Greenwood, →ISBN, page 178:
      Clearly, from Facebook’s ToS, neither sexting nor bullying will be tolerated on their network.
    • 2020, Alan Mislove, Christo Wilson, “Practitioner’s Guide to Ethical Web Data Collection”, in Brooke Foucault Welles, Sandra González-Bailón, editors, The Oxford Handbook of Networked Communication, Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 550:
      Thus, crawlers that do not obey a website’s posted robots.txt file may be breaching the site’s ToS.
    • 2021, Jillian York, Silicon Values: The Future of Free Speech Under Surveillance Capitalism, Verso, →ISBN, page 16:
      While a company’s ToS is a legal contract that outlines the terms between a company and a user of its services, the community standards or guidelines is a more human-readable document that explains a platform’s rules and, sometimes, the consequences for violating those rules.

