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From avancer (to advance) +‎ -ment.


  • IPA(key): /a.vɑ̃s.mɑ̃/
  • Audio:(file)



avancement m (plural avancements)

  1. the state of advancing, progress
  2. a projection (i.e. from a building)
    Synonym: avant-toit
    • 1887, Émile Zola, “Chapter 2 of part V”, in 439[1], page 439:
      Alors, ne pouvant aller plus loin, il se coucha contre la porte, ramassé, roulé en boule, pour que l’avancement du toit le protégeat de l’eau.
      Then, unable to go any further, he laid against the door, tight, rolled into a ball, so that the eaves of the roof protected him from the water.
  3. a promotion, an advancement in status
    Synonym: promotion
    • 1924, Félicien Champsaur, Homo-Deus[2], page 199:
      Son mari, ancien sous-secrétaire d’État, avait dû son rapide avancement dans la carrière politique plutôt à la beauté de sa femme qu’à ses propres capacités.
      Her husband, former undersecretary of state, owed his rapid promotion in politics rather to the beauty of his wife, than to his own abilities.
    • 1887, Émile-Marc Hilaire (pseudonym: Émile Marco de Saint-Hilaire ), Histoire militaire du consulat et de l'empire; souvenirs intimes[3], page 140:
      Quant à lui, c’est à l’aventure la plus extraordinaire, la plus incroyable qu’il dut un avancement rapide.
      As for him, it's to a most extraordinary, a most incredible adventure that he owes a rapid promotion.
  4. (law) clipping of avancement d'hoirie; an early inheritance

Usage notes

  • Interchangeable with avancée in sense 1 & 2.


  • Danish: avancement

Further reading


Old French




From avancier +‎ -ment.





avancement oblique singularm (oblique plural avancemenz or avancementz, nominative singular avancemenz or avancementz, nominative plural avancement)

  1. advantage

