ende mal

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Alternative forms




From inda (yet, still) mal (bad).





ende mal

  1. despite; however; unfortunately
    Synonyms: desafortunadamente, infelizmente, porén
    Antonym: ende ben



ende mal

  1. alas
    • c. 1771, anonymous, Rosario Álvarez, Ernesto González, editors, Décima xiringatoria[1]:
      Endemal! non falás rouco,
      mais eu à tanto desfacho,
      (como dixo ô ôutro) a macho
      que hè lerdo, arrieiro louco.
      Por moito que eu malle, hè pouco;
      que a quen do principio aò cabo,
      sin fazer caso do crabo,
      tàs peras tira meu frade,
      conven (xiquera à semade)
      que lle zorreguen ô rabo.
      Alas! you don't speak rough,
      but I, to such impertinence,
      as they say, to dumb mule,
      mad muleteer.
      No matter how much I strike, is not enough;
      because to whom, beginning to end,
      not paying attention to the nail,
      your pears drop, my friar,
      it is advisable (at least summarily)
      that they whip their tail

