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See also: kuniĝas






  1. present of kunigi


Kunigas (1).
Kunigas (2) ja emäntä.

Alternative forms




From Proto-Finnic *kuningas. Cognates include Finnish kuningas and Estonian kuningas.






  1. king, queen, tsar
    • 1885, “Sprachproben: Der goldene Vogel”, in Volmari Porkka, editor, Ueber den Ingrischen Dialekt mit Berücksichtigung der übrigen finnisch-ingermanländischen Dialekte:
      Oli enne kunigas, ja kunikaal oli kolt poikaa.
      Once upon a time, there was a king and the king had three sons.
      (Note: The spelling has been normalised in accordance with the literary Ingrian language.)
    • 1885, “Sprachproben: Das von Tenfel bezauberte Mädchen”, in Volmari Porkka, editor, Ueber den Ingrischen Dialekt mit Berücksichtigung der übrigen finnisch-ingermanländischen Dialekte:
      Ja suet, karhut laittoi metsää, itse mäni kunikaalle, mist hää nai.
      And the wolves, the bears he left in the forest, and he himself went to the princess, which he had married.
      (Note: The spelling has been normalised in accordance with the literary Ingrian language.)
    • 1936, D. I. Efimov, Lukukirja: Inkeroisia alkușkouluja vart (toin osa), Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 118:
      Se oli veel kunikaan aikaan. Miul oli siis kakstoist aastaikaa.
      This was still in the tsar's time. I was twelve years old then.
  2. (card games) king

Usage notes

  • By default, kunigas denotes a male monarch. Depending on context, a female monarch may be denoted, or any member of the royal family.


Declension of kunigas (type 2/patsas, k-g gradation)
singular plural
nominative kunigas kunikaat
genitive kunikaan kunikain
partitive kunigasta, kunigast kunikaita, kunikaja
illative kunikaasse kunikaisse
inessive kunikaas kunikais
elative kunikaast kunikaist
allative kunikaalle kunikaille
adessive kunikaal kunikail
ablative kunikaalt kunikailt
translative kunikaaks kunikaiks
essive kunikaanna, kunikaan kunikainna, kunikain
exessive1) kunikaant kunikaint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.

Derived terms



  • Fedor Tumansky (1790) “куннигасъ”, in Опытъ повѣствованїя о дѣянїях, положенїи, состоянїи и раздѣленїи Санкт-Петербургской губернїи [An experiment of an account of the acts, location, condition and division of the Saint Petersburg gubernia], Краткїй словарь ижерскаго, финскаго, эстонскаго, чюдскаго, и ямскаго нарѣчїя съ россїйскимъ переводомъ [A short dictionary of the Ingrian, Finnish, Estonian, Chud and Yamtian dialects with a Russian translation], page 685
  • Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 219


 kunigas on Lithuanian Wikipedia
Katalikų kunigas



From Proto-Germanic *kuningaz (king). Compare the shift from "king" to "priest" with Polish ksiądz (priest).





kùnigas m (plural kunigaĩ) stress pattern 3

  1. priest (male religious official trained to perform and lead rituals at a church or temple)
    katalìkų, anglikõnų, stačiãtikių kùnigasCatholic, Anglican, Orthodox priest

