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Inherited from Proto-Slavic *otъvoriti (*otъ- + *voriti) later reanalysed as *o-tvoriti giving rise to formation of other verbs from the stem *tvoriti with a related meaning (see zatvoriť (to close), pritvoriť (to close not fully), vytvoriť (to expel < to leave someone outside)).





otvoriť pf (imperfective otvárať)

  1. (transitive) to open (to place an obstructing object in a position that permits access, entry)
    Otvoriť dvereto open a door
    Synonyms: odchlopiť, odchýliť, roztvoriť
    Antonyms: zatvoriť, zavrieť
  2. (transitive) to open (to release a locking, latching etc. mechanism to allow access)
    Otvoriť skriňuto open a wardrobe
    Antonyms: zatvoriť, zavrieť
  3. (transitive) to open (to make available to the public)
    Otvoriť obchodto open a shop
    Antonyms: zatvoriť, zavrieť
  4. (transitive) to open, to uncork, to uncap (to remove a cap, lid or break the outer wrapping to make the contents accessible)
    Otvoriť fľašuto open a bottle
    Antonym: zatvoriť
  5. (transitive) to open (to open, stretch something folded, joined)
    Otvoriť ústato open one's mouth
    Otvoriť knihuto open a book
    Synonyms: roztvoriť, roztiahnuť, rozovrieť
    Antonyms: zatvoriť, zavrieť
  6. (transitive) to open (to launch a public facility or an activity for the public)
    Otvoriť schôdzuto open a meeting
    Synonym: (proscribed) zahájiť
    Antonym: zatvoriť
  7. (transitive) to open, to open up (to make something accessible)
    Otvoriť hraniceto open up the border
    Synonym: sprístupniť
  8. (transitive) to present, to raise
    Otvoriť problémto raise an issue
    Synonyms: predostrieť, nastoliť
  9. (transitive) to open, to open up (to enter the body through an incision)
    Otvoriť brušnú dutinuto open up the abdominal cavity
  10. (transitive) to open (to run a software, to view the contents of a file, a page)
    Otvoriť súborto open a file
    Synonyms: spustiť, aktivovať
    Antonym: zatvoriť
  11. (intransitive, reflexive with sa) to open, to open up (to get (even spontaneously) into a position allowing access)
    Dvere sa zrazu otvorili.The door opened suddenly.
    Synonyms: odchlopiť, odchýliť, roztvoriť
    Antonyms: zatvoriť, zavrieť
  12. (intransitive, reflexive with sa) to open up, to unfold (of something folded, joined: to open, stretch (even spontaneously))
    Kniha sa sama otvorila.The book opened by itself.
    Synonyms: roztvoriť, rozovrieť
    Antonym: zavrieť
  13. (intransitive, reflexive with sa) to appear, to show up
    Synonyms: ukázať, zjaviť, odhaliť
  14. (transitive, reflexive with sa) to open up (to become more accepting of something) [with dative]
    Otvoriť sa širšej spoluprácito open up to wider cooperation
    Synonym: dať priestor
    Antonyms: uzatvoriť, uzavrieť



Further reading

  • otvoriť”, in Slovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV [Dictionary portal of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Science] (in Slovak), https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk, 2024