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English Wikipedia has an article on:



From Ranidae +‎ -phobia.



ranidaphobia (uncountable)

  1. The fear of frogs and toads. [20th c.]
    Synonym: batrachophobia
    • 2001 May 22, Kathy Antoniotti, “Make a frog from papier machie and Styrofoam”, in Rome News-Tribune, page T1:
      Now, you have no reason to suffer from ranidophobia – the fear of frogs.
    • 2013, Nick Haslam, “What are phobias?”, in The Explainer: From Déjà Vu to Why the Sky Is Blue, and Other Conundrums, CSIRO Publishing, →ISBN, page 231:
      One published case documented a woman who developed ranidaphobia, as it is known, after running over a knot of frogs with a lawn-mower.
    • 2013 April 10, Derek Prall, “Man sues town over plague of frogs”, in American City & County:
      However Marinaccio's ranidaphobia may soon be quieted, as Clarence, N.Y., recently awarded him a $1.6 million settlement after he sued both the town and development firm Kieffer Enterprises for diverting the water runoff from a nearby development onto his land.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:ranidaphobia.

