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Old English




From swutelian.



swutelung f

  1. explanation
    • c. 992, Ælfric, "The Decollation of St. John the Baptist"
      Nu hæbbe ge oft gehyred be his mæran drohtnunge and be his ðenunge, nu wylle we embe ðises godspelles trahtnunge sume swutelunge eow gereccan.
      Now ye have often heard of his great course and of his ministry, now we will relate to you some explanation touching the exposition of this gospel.
    • c. 992, Ælfric, "Dedication of the Church of St. Michael the Archangel"
      Se biscop ða funde him to rǽde, þæt hí mid þreora daga fæstene, swutelunge þæs wundres æt Gode bædon.
      The bishop then found it advisable, that they should ask from God an explanation of the miracle with a fast of three days.
  2. manifestation
  3. declaration, setting forth, exposition
    Synonym: traht
  4. evidence, testimony, declaration, testament, title-deed, certificate, prescript

