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Alternative forms[edit]


From Proto-Permic *tɔp- or *tɔpal-.

Cognates include Hungarian tapad, Udmurt тупаны (tupany) and Erzya тавадомс (tavadoms).


  • IPA(key): /ˈtopɘdnɯ/, [ˈto̞pɘdnɯ̈]
  • Hyphenation: сёй‧ны


топӧдны (topödny)

  1. (transitive) to slam, to bang
  2. to press, to squeeze, to clutch
  3. to press (to), to clasp (to)
  4. to unite, to rally
  5. to oppress
  6. to end
  7. to lay siege (to), to besiege, to beset, to beleaguer
  8. to strengthen, to grow stronger


Conjugation of топӧдны
Present tense Future tense
positive negative positive negative
1st singular топӧда (topöda) ог топӧд (og topöd) топӧда (topöda) ог топӧд (og topöd)
2nd singular топӧдан (topödan) он топӧд (on topöd) топӧдан (topödan) он топӧд (on topöd)
3rd singular топӧдӧ (topödö) оз топӧд (oz topöd) топӧдас (topödas) оз топӧд (oz topöd)
1st plural топӧдам (topödam) ог топӧдӧй (og topödöj) топӧдам (topödam) ог топӧдӧй (og topödöj)
2nd plural топӧданныд (topödannyd)
топӧдад (topödad)
он топӧдӧй (on topödöj) топӧданныд (topödannyd)
топӧдад (topödad)
он топӧдӧй (on topödöj)
3rd plural топӧдӧны (topödöny) оз топӧдӧй (oz topödöj) топӧдасны (topödasny) оз топӧдӧй (oz topödöj)
Direct past tense Reported past tense
positive negative positive negative
1st singular топӧді (topödi) эг топӧд (eg topöd)
2nd singular топӧдін (topödin) эн топӧд (en topöd) топӧдӧмыд (topödömyd) абу топӧдӧмыд (abu topödömyd)
3rd singular топӧдіс (topödis) эз топӧд (ez topöd) топӧдӧма (topödöma) абу топӧдӧма (abu topödöma)
1st plural топӧдім (topödim) эг топӧдӧй (eg topödöj)
2nd plural топӧдінныд (topödinnyd)
топӧдід (topödid)
эн топӧдӧй (en topödöj) топӧдӧмныд (topödömnyd) абу топӧдӧмныд (abu topödömnyd)
3rd plural топӧдісны (topödisny) эз топӧдӧй (ez topödöj) топӧдӧмаӧсь (topödömaöś) абу топӧдӧмаӧсь (abu topödömaöś)
positive negative
2nd singular топӧд (topöd) эн топӧд (en topöd) Infinitive топӧдны (topödny)
2nd plural топӧдӧй (topödöj) эн топӧдӧй (en topödöj) Present participle топӧдысь (topödyś)
*) The impersonal reported past is expressed using the third singular form.
**) The first person imperative is expressed using the first person future form.
***) Any form ending in -ӧй has an alternative form ending in .
****) The imperfect and perfect participles have alternative forms with a paragogic .
Imperfect participle топӧдан (topödan)
Perfect participle топӧдӧм (topödöm)
Caritive participle топӧдтӧм (topödtöm)
Nominal inflection of топӧдны
Impersonal First person Second person Third person
Nominative топӧдны (topödny) топӧдным (topödnym) топӧдныд (topödnyd) топӧдныс (topödnys)
Accusative топӧднытӧ (topödnytö) топӧднысӧ (topödnysö)


  • L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN
  • Lytkin, V. I., Gulyaev, E. S., editors (1970), “топӧдны”, in Краткий этимологический словарь коми языка [Brief Etymological Dictionary of the Komi Language]‎[1] (in Russian), Moscow: Nauka