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Kanji in this term

Grade: 3
かり > が
Grade: 5

Grade: 1
kun'yomi irregular kun'yomi
Alternative spelling
眞假名 (kyūjitai)



(true) +‎ 仮名. It is called "true", as opposed to hiragana and katakana which no longer retain the original shape of the Han characters (kanji) they derive from, even though it is still "false" as a type of 仮名 (kana, literally false name) because it is used phonetically. See also 真名 (mana, non-phonetic kanji, literally true name) and 真片仮名 (shinkatakana, non-phonetic kanji and katakana).





()()() (magana

  1. (history) a syllabary with characters drawn from kanji, such as the 万葉仮名 (Man'yōgana), that is the precursor to hiragana and katakana

See also
