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The classification of and data for regional dialects is based on pre-1950s data. Since the 1950s, the dialects have become increasingly mixed, levelled and influenced by Standard Finnish. Besides Standard Finnish, a relatively uniform and originally urban 'colloquial Finnish' is beginning to emerge in their place, especially in the cities.

Each spot on the map is a parish, with some minor exceptions; see Appendix:Finnish dialects. For a map showing dialect areas rather than groups, see Template:fi-dial-map.

Sources: Data of parishes and their areas is based on data from Suomen murteiden sanakirja © Kotimaisten kielten keskus, under the CC BY 4.0 license. Location data is partially extracted from OpenStreetMap © OpenStreetMap contributors, under the Open Database license. See the information for the background image for its sources and licensing.

Map of Finnish dialects

Western Finnish: Southwestern dialects (lounaismurteet) Southwestern transitional dialects (lounaiset välimurteet) Tavastian dialects (hämäläismurteet) South Ostrobothnian dialects (eteläpohjalaismurteet) Central and North Ostrobothnian dialects (keski- ja pohjoispohjalaismurteet) Lapland dialects (peräpohjalaiset murteet)

Eastern Finnish: Savonian dialects (savolaismurteet) Southeastern dialects (kaakkoismurteet)


Dialect list

Western Finnish

Southwestern dialects (lounaismurteet)

Southern Southwest Finland (Eteläinen Varsinais-Suomi)
Northern Southwest Finland (Pohjoinen Varsinais-Suomi)

Southwestern transitional dialects (lounaiset välimurteet)

Southwest Finnish Highlands (Varsinais-Suomen ylämaa)
Western Uusimaa (Länsi-Uusimaa)
Southern Satakunta (Etelä-Satakunta)
Western Satakunta (Länsi-Satakunta)

Tavastian dialects (hämäläismurteet)

Northern Satakunta (Pohjois-Satakunta)
Tavastia (Häme)
Northern Tavastia (Pohjois-Häme)
Southern Tavastia (Etelä-Häme)
Southeastern Tavastia (Kaakkois-Häme)

South Ostrobothnian dialects (eteläpohjalaismurteet)

Southern Ostrobothnia (Etelä-Pohjanmaa)

Central and North Ostrobothnian dialects (keski- ja pohjoispohjalaismurteet)

Central Ostrobothnia (Keski-Pohjanmaa)
Northern Ostrobothnia (Pohjois-Pohjanmaa)

Lapland dialects (peräpohjalaiset murteet)

Lapland (Peräpohjola)
Westrobothnia (Länsi-Pohja)

Eastern Finnish

Savonian dialects (savolaismurteet)

Kainuu (Kainuu)
Savonia (Savo)
Northern Savonia (Pohjois-Savo)
Southern Savonia (Etelä-Savo)
Central Finland (Keski-Suomi)
Northern Central Finland (Pohjoinen Keski-Suomi)
Western Central Finland (Läntinen Keski-Suomi)
Southern Central Finland (Eteläinen Keski-Suomi)
Värmland (Vermlanti)
Northern Karelia (Pohjois-Karjala)

Southeastern dialects (kaakkoismurteet)

Central Karelia (Keski-Karjala)
Southern Karelia (Etelä-Karjala)
Ingria (Inkeri)