User:AG202/internalized homophobia

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Alternative forms




internalized homophobia (uncountable)

  1. (LGBT, psychology, sociology) The conscious or unconscious belief where one takes in societal homophobic biases, prejudices, and beliefs and applies them to themselves and others, often leading to internal & external conflicts and the devaluation of self.

Usage notes


Some authors prefer the use of internalized heterosexism over internalized homophobia, due to the fact that the belief centers around a heteronormative society and external pressure, rather than necessarily a fear of gay people as homophobia can imply, and that not everyone who experiences the phenomenon is gay or lesbian.[1][2][3] A few even extend internalized homophobia to include people that identify as heterosexual.[4]





See also



  1. ^ Iain R. Williamson (2000 February) “Internalized homophobia and health issues affecting lesbians and gay men”, in Health Education Research, volume 15, number 1, pages 97-107
  2. ^ Gregory M. Herek (2004 April) “Beyond “Homophobia”: Thinking about sexual prejudice and stigma in the twenty-first century”, in Sexuality Research & Social Policy[1], volume 1, pages 19-20
  3. ^ Dawn M. Szymanski, Susan Kashubeck-West, Jill Meyer (2008 July 1) “Internalized Heterosexism: A Historical and Theoretical Overview”, in The Counseling Psychologist, volume 36, number 4, →DOI
  4. ^ Zawn Villines (2021 March 15) “What to know about internalized homophobia”, in Emelia Arquilla, DO, editor, MedicalNewsToday[2]