User:PUC/Terms misleading as to the place of origin of their referents

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Terms Literal translation into English (if term not English) English translation (if term not English) Comments
Arabic دِيك الْحَبَش (dīk al-ḥabaš), دِيك هِنْدِيّ (dīk hindiyy), دِيك رُومِيّ (dīk rūmiyy) Ethiopian, Indian or Byzantine cock turkey
Arabic سُنْبُل رُومِيّ (sunbul rūmiyy)  Byzantine spikenard valerian valerian is distributed all over Eurasia
Arabic مَقْدُونِس‎‎ إِفْرَنْجِيّ (maqdūnis ʔifranjiyy)  Frankish parsley chervil It can also be found in Asia, it is just used more in Europe
Arabic فِلْفِل إِفْرَنْجِيّ (filfil ʔifranjiyy)  Frankish pepper allspice This plant is Jamaican
Dutch kalkoen Calicut [hen] turkey
Dutch Russisch ei, German Russisch Ei Russian egg
Dutch Engelse ziekte English disease rickets
English turkey
English Armenian cucumber
English French fries Belgium, French and Spain all claim the invention of deep-fried potato batons
English guinea pig a double misnomer: this animal is not a pig, nor does it come from Guinea
English Venice treacle
English Venice turpentine, Cyprus turpentine, Strasburg turpentine. Canada turpentine, Bordeaux turpentine, French turpentine, Dutch drops    while some may have a factual basis, they are more likely completely arbitrary
English Dutch elm This hybrid occurs naturally in a vast swath across Europe from France to Ukraine
English Jew's harp Not of Jewish origin
French cochon d’Inde pig from India guinea pig a double misnomer: this animal is not a pig, nor does it come from India
French filet américain, Dutch filet americain American fillet Belgian steak tartare
French chiffre arabe Arabic numeral Arabic numeral possibly from India, but perhaps not a misnomer
German Judenkirsche and most German plant names that start with Jude (Jew)
Italian granoturco, German türkischer Weizen etc. Turkish wheat maize maize is from the Americas
Turkish mısır and fuller forms Egypt(ian wheat) maize maize is from the Americas
Turkish hindi Indian [hen] turkey
Chinese 星洲炒米 (Xīngzhōu chǎomǐ) Singaporean stir-fried noodles

Contradictory names

One language Another language English Comments
French omelette norvégienne (literally Norwegian omelette) baked Alaska
French montagnes russes (literally Russian mountains) Russian америка́нские го́рки (amerikánskije górki, literally American mountains) rollercoaster
French filer à l’anglaise (literally to leave the English way) take French leave
French clé anglaise (literally English key) Greek γαλλικό κλειδί (gallikó kleidí, literally French key) monkey wrench
French téléphone arabe (literally Arabic telephone) Chinese whispers
French capote anglaise (literally English overcoat, English bonnet) French letter

"Toponyms" in general

Terms Literal translation into English (if term not English) English translation (if term not English) Comments
French cigarette russe
French roulette russe Russian roulette
French poupée russe Russian doll
French frigo américain
French poing américain brass knuckles
French été indien Indian summer
French branlette espagnole tit fuck
French douche écossaise
French crème anglaise custard
German Franzosen (obsolete), etc., see bejel, also under syphilis endemic syphilis, bejel
German Pariser condom