Wiktionary:Word of the day/2024/October 31

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Word of the day
for October 31
witching hour n
  1. (chiefly literary or poetic) Often preceded by the: midnight, when witches and other supernatural beings were thought to be active, and to which bad luck was ascribed; also (generally), the middle of the night, when unfortunate things are thought more likely to occur; the dead of night.
  2. (by extension)
    1. A time of day, usually in the early evening, when babies and young children are more fretful and likely to cry or fuss.
    2. (originally and chiefly US, stock market) The final hour of trading each month during which certain stock options expire, leading to a higher trading volume and greater price volatility.
  3. (occult, less common) The hour between 3:00 and 3:59 a.m., associated with demons.

Boo! Happy Halloween!

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