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From con (with) +‎ medio (middle).





comedio m (plural comedios)

  1. (archaic) interlude
    • 1370, R. Lorenzo, editor, Crónica troiana. Introducción e texto, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 408:
      en este comedio poderemos soterrar et queymar aqueles que jazẽ mortos ẽno cãpo
      during this interlude we can bury and burn the ones who lie dead on the field
  2. (archaic) period, term
    Synonyms: prazo, termo
    • 1473, A. López Ferreiro, editor, Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática, Santiago: Tipografía Galaica, page 28:
      Iten mando mais se diga hua misa cantada a onrra e gloria de san salvador e outra de nosa señora santa maria virgen e madre de deus e outra ao senor san pedro e santiago apostoles e outra a san miguel e santo angel da garda e outra a san bieyto enna sua ermida do monte desta dita fregesia e outra de requien por todo los finados e sepoltados enna dita iglesia de Lantaño e estas seys misas sejan cantadas por miña devoçion e todas huas e outras sejan enno cargo de meus conpridores que as façan deçir logo enno comedio de un ano despois que eu for sepoltado.
      Item more, I order that they recite a sung mass in the honor and glory of the Holy Saviour; and another to our lady the Virgin Saint Mary, mother of God; and another to the lords Saint Peter and Saint James the apostles; and another to Saint Michael and the holy guardian angel; and another to Saint Benedict in his chapel atop the hill in this parish; and another one of requiem for all the ones dead and buried at this church of Lantaño; and these six masses must be sung for my devotion, and all of them must be at the expenses of my executors, who must order them then in the term of a year since I am buried.
  3. (archaic) a moment in time
    Synonym: intre







comedio m (plural comedios)

  1. middle; midpoint

Further reading
