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From ex- (out of) +‎ niteō (shine).





ēniteō (present infinitive ēnitēre); second conjugation, no perfect or supine stem

  1. to shine forth or out, gleam; brighten
    Synonyms: candeō, splendeō, niteō, fulgeō, resplendeō, micō
  2. (figuratively) to be distinguished or eminent
    Synonyms: ēmineō, excellō, exstō, antecēdō, praeēmineō, splendeō
    • c. 140 BCE, Accius, Atreus 20:
      Probae etsi in segetem sunt deteriorem datae / Fruges, tamen ipsae suapte natura enitent.
      Though seed be sown on unpropitious soil, / It springs and ripens by its innate virtue.
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid 4.149–150:
      [...] haud illō sēgnior ībat / Aenēās; tantum ēgregiō decus ēnitet ōre.
      [...] that by no means was Aeneas preparing to go with any less grace [than Apollo]; as great a glory shone forth from [the man’s] most noble face.
      (Aeneas is beyond distinguished; in this simile he appears to “radiate” god-like traits, at least as perceived by Dido.)


   Conjugation of ēniteō (second conjugation, no supine stem, no perfect stem)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present ēniteō ēnitēs ēnitet ēnitēmus ēnitētis ēnitent
imperfect ēnitēbam ēnitēbās ēnitēbat ēnitēbāmus ēnitēbātis ēnitēbant
future ēnitēbō ēnitēbis ēnitēbit ēnitēbimus ēnitēbitis ēnitēbunt
passive present ēniteor ēnitēris,
ēnitētur ēnitēmur ēnitēminī ēnitentur
imperfect ēnitēbar ēnitēbāris,
ēnitēbātur ēnitēbāmur ēnitēbāminī ēnitēbantur
future ēnitēbor ēnitēberis,
ēnitēbitur ēnitēbimur ēnitēbiminī ēnitēbuntur
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present ēniteam ēniteās ēniteat ēniteāmus ēniteātis ēniteant
imperfect ēnitērem ēnitērēs ēnitēret ēnitērēmus ēnitērētis ēnitērent
passive present ēnitear ēniteāris,
ēniteātur ēniteāmur ēniteāminī ēniteantur
imperfect ēnitērer ēnitērēris,
ēnitērētur ēnitērēmur ēnitērēminī ēnitērentur
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present ēnitē ēnitēte
future ēnitētō ēnitētō ēnitētōte ēnitentō
passive present ēnitēre ēnitēminī
future ēnitētor ēnitētor ēnitentor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives ēnitēre ēnitērī
participles ēnitēns ēnitendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
ēnitendī ēnitendō ēnitendum ēnitendō

See also



  • eniteo”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • eniteo”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • eniteo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.