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vittu (cunt, fuck) +‎ -ttaa


  • IPA(key): /ˈʋitutːɑːˣ/, [ˈʋit̪ut̪ːɑ̝ː(ʔ)]
  • Rhymes: -itutːɑː
  • Syllabification(key): vi‧tut‧taa



vituttaa (vulgar)

  1. (transitive, usually atelic) to annoy the hell out of, to (really) piss off; to fucking get on someone's nerves
    Minua vituttaa tämä jatkuva vesisade.
    This continuous rain is annoying the hell out of me. / This nonstop rain is fucking killing me. / This nonstop rain is really pissing me off.
  2. (impersonal + partitive) to be annoyed as hell, be fucking pissed off
    Minua vituttaa.
    I'm really pissed off. / I'm so fucking annoyed. / I'm fucking sick of everything.

Usage notes


As illustrated by the examples above, the person who is annoyed is in the partitive case, and the cause of the annoyance is the subject of the sentence. There are a number of Finnish verbs that behave in the same way — the impersonal verbs. For example, all the verbs that are mentioned in the synonym section below behave this way.



Mostly only used in the third person.

Inflection of vituttaa (Kotus type 53*C/muistaa, tt-t gradation)
indicative mood
present tense perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. vitutan en vituta 1st sing. olen vituttanut en ole vituttanut
2nd sing. vitutat et vituta 2nd sing. olet vituttanut et ole vituttanut
3rd sing. vituttaa ei vituta 3rd sing. on vituttanut ei ole vituttanut
1st plur. vitutamme emme vituta 1st plur. olemme vituttaneet emme ole vituttaneet
2nd plur. vitutatte ette vituta 2nd plur. olette vituttaneet ette ole vituttaneet
3rd plur. vituttavat eivät vituta 3rd plur. ovat vituttaneet eivät ole vituttaneet
passive vitutetaan ei vituteta passive on vitutettu ei ole vitutettu
past tense pluperfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. vitutin en vituttanut 1st sing. olin vituttanut en ollut vituttanut
2nd sing. vitutit et vituttanut 2nd sing. olit vituttanut et ollut vituttanut
3rd sing. vitutti ei vituttanut 3rd sing. oli vituttanut ei ollut vituttanut
1st plur. vitutimme emme vituttaneet 1st plur. olimme vituttaneet emme olleet vituttaneet
2nd plur. vitutitte ette vituttaneet 2nd plur. olitte vituttaneet ette olleet vituttaneet
3rd plur. vituttivat eivät vituttaneet 3rd plur. olivat vituttaneet eivät olleet vituttaneet
passive vitutettiin ei vitutettu passive oli vitutettu ei ollut vitutettu
conditional mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. vituttaisin en vituttaisi 1st sing. olisin vituttanut en olisi vituttanut
2nd sing. vituttaisit et vituttaisi 2nd sing. olisit vituttanut et olisi vituttanut
3rd sing. vituttaisi ei vituttaisi 3rd sing. olisi vituttanut ei olisi vituttanut
1st plur. vituttaisimme emme vituttaisi 1st plur. olisimme vituttaneet emme olisi vituttaneet
2nd plur. vituttaisitte ette vituttaisi 2nd plur. olisitte vituttaneet ette olisi vituttaneet
3rd plur. vituttaisivat eivät vituttaisi 3rd plur. olisivat vituttaneet eivät olisi vituttaneet
passive vitutettaisiin ei vitutettaisi passive olisi vitutettu ei olisi vitutettu
imperative mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. 1st sing.
2nd sing. vituta älä vituta 2nd sing.
3rd sing. vituttakoon älköön vituttako 3rd sing. olkoon vituttanut älköön olko vituttanut
1st plur. vituttakaamme älkäämme vituttako 1st plur.
2nd plur. vituttakaa älkää vituttako 2nd plur.
3rd plur. vituttakoot älkööt vituttako 3rd plur. olkoot vituttaneet älkööt olko vituttaneet
passive vitutettakoon älköön vitutettako passive olkoon vitutettu älköön olko vitutettu
potential mood
present perfect
person positive negative person positive negative
1st sing. vituttanen en vituttane 1st sing. lienen vituttanut en liene vituttanut
2nd sing. vituttanet et vituttane 2nd sing. lienet vituttanut et liene vituttanut
3rd sing. vituttanee ei vituttane 3rd sing. lienee vituttanut ei liene vituttanut
1st plur. vituttanemme emme vituttane 1st plur. lienemme vituttaneet emme liene vituttaneet
2nd plur. vituttanette ette vituttane 2nd plur. lienette vituttaneet ette liene vituttaneet
3rd plur. vituttanevat eivät vituttane 3rd plur. lienevät vituttaneet eivät liene vituttaneet
passive vitutettaneen ei vitutettane passive lienee vitutettu ei liene vitutettu
Nominal forms
infinitives participles
active passive active passive
1st vituttaa present vituttava vitutettava
long 1st1
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st vituttaakseni vituttaaksemme
2nd vituttaaksesi vituttaaksenne
3rd vituttaakseen
past vituttanut vitutettu
2nd inessive2 vituttaessa vitutettaessa agent4 vituttama
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st vituttaessani vituttaessamme
2nd vituttaessasi vituttaessanne
3rd vituttaessaan
negative vituttamaton
instructive vituttaen 1) Used only with a possessive suffix.

2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only).
3) Some uses of the verbal noun are called the 'fourth infinitive' by certain sources (more details).
4) Usually with a possessive suffix. Not used with intransitive verbs. Distinct from nouns with the -ma suffix and third infinitive forms.
* The third-person singular indicative form vituttaa does not exhibit final gemination,
unlike the first infinitive (the lemma form), even though they are spelled identically.

3rd inessive vituttamassa
elative vituttamasta
illative vituttamaan
adessive vituttamalla
abessive vituttamatta
instructive vituttaman vitutettaman
4th3 verbal noun vituttaminen
Possessive forms
Person sing. plur.
1st vituttamaisillani vituttamaisillamme
2nd vituttamaisillasi vituttamaisillanne
3rd vituttamaisillaan



Derived terms


Further reading


