в Тулу со своим самоваром

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Literally, (going) to Tula with your own samovar; compare to owls to Athens and coals to Newcastle. The phrase derives from the fact that Tula is well-known for samovars. The phrase was coined by Chekhov.


  • IPA(key): [ˈf‿tuɫʊ sə‿svɐˈim səmɐˈvarəm]



в Ту́лу со свои́м самова́ром (v Túlu so svoím samovárom)

  1. coals to Newcastle; (to do) something pointless
    • 2005, “Отдых без супруга”, in Комсомольская правда:
      И колле́ги удивлённо пожима́ют плеча́ми: В Ту́лу со свои́м самова́ром?
      I kollégi udivljónno požimájut plečámi: V Túlu so svoím samovárom?
      And your colleagues shrug their shoulders in surprise: with your own samovar to Tula?

See also
