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Originally the past passive participle of spirgt (to become fresh, lively) (q.v.}.[1]


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spirgts (definite spirgtais, comparative spirgtāks, superlative visspirgtākais, adverb spirgti)

  1. fresh, brisk, lively, sprightly, active
    spirgts un veselsfresh and healthy
    slimnieks jau jūtas, izskatsā spirgtāksthe patient feels, looks livelier
    man bija ierādīta vieta blakus šoferim, spirgtam, spēcīgam vīramI was seated near the driver, a lively, strong man
    Nestors papriekš nomazgāja rokas, seju un galvu un jutās uzreiz daudz spirgtāksNestors first washed his hands, face and head and felt immediately much fresher
    rītām Ilze bija jautrāka un spirgtāka nekā citām dienām savas vājības laikāin the mornings Ilze was more cheerful and lively than in other days during her sickness
  2. (of plants, their parts) strong, well grown, healthy
    ziedi saplakuši kā lupatiņas... tikai viens vienīgais stādiņš vēl spirgtsthe flowers had flattened like pieces of cloth... only one single little plant was still strong, healthy
  3. fresh, brisk, lively, sprightly, active (such that it expresses such qualities; compatible with, predisposing to, such qualities)
    spirgts cilvēku izskatsa lively, brisk human appearance
    spirgts garastāvoklislively, brisk mood
    viņš redzēja Līzes spirgto, sārto sejuHe saw Līze's lively, rosy face
    vecais Gatviņš vairs nestaigā tik jautriem, spirgtiem soļiem arklam pakaļ kā citreizthe old Gatviņš no longer walked behind the plow with such cheerful, lively stems as (he) once (did)
    rudenī raisās spirgtā skolas dzīvein autumn the fresh, lively school life blossoms
    ārkārtīga interese par dzeju, mākslu, spirgta, dabiska nenotrulināta uztvereextreme interest in poetry, art, a fresh, natural, unblunted perception
    bērzu zaļums vēl spirgts un spilgtsthe green(ness) of the birch tree (is) still lively/fresh and bright
  4. fresh (pleasantly cool, so that it causes active, positive physical and mental states)
    viņš dziļi ieelpo spirgto pavasara nakts gaisuhe inhaled deeply the lively spring night air
    kad cēlās spirgts rīta vējš, tad Līzīte kā atdzīvojāswhen the fresh morning wind increased, then Līzīte came back to life
    ir spirgta rīta stunda, kad jūlija saule vēl nav paspējusi piekarsēt Rīgu(there) is a fresh morning hour, when the July sun has not yet managed to warm up Rīga



Derived terms


  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “spirgt”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN