Template:prg-verb conjugation -ītun to-be normal full

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(To help, English translations are provided, using the verb "to do")
Verb stem {{{1}}}īt ("do")
Present tense active voice infinitive {{{1}}}ītun ("to do")
Present tense passive voice infinitive {{{1}}}ītan ("to be done")
Auxiliary verb būtwei ("to be")
Relative mood (used with to be) {{{1}}}its ("as if done" - eg to be as if done)
Reflexive {{{1}}}un si ("one does oneself")
Past infinitive {{{1}}}i ("did" [or more literally: "to did"])
Future infinitive wīrstwei {{{1}}}īi ("will do" [or more literally: "to become doing"])
Present participle (same in all forms) {{{1}}}īi ("doing")
Past participle (sg. m\f\n - pl. m\f\n) {{{1}}}s\{{{1}}}u\{{{1}}}an - {{{1}}}usis\{{{1}}}īwus\{{{1}}}īsan ("done")
{{{1}}}īt Present tense Present imperative Present subjunctive Present passive subjunctive Present optative
as {{{1}}}ēi ("I do") {{{1}}}ī ("I do!") {{{1}}}ēī ("I may do") {{{1}}}īlaī ("let me do") {{{1}}}īlai ("I wish to do")
{{{1}}}ēisei ("you do") {{{1}}}is ("you do!") {{{1}}}ēiseī ("you may do") {{{1}}}īseī ("let you do") {{{1}}}īlaisei ("you wish to do")
tāns, tenā, di {{{1}}}ēi ("he, she, it does") {{{1}}}ī ("he, she, it does!") {{{1}}}eī ("he, she, it may do") {{{1}}}īleī ("let him, her, it do") {{{1}}}īsei ("he, she, it wishes to do")
mes {{{1}}}ēimai ("we do") {{{1}}}īm ("we do!") {{{1}}}maī ("we may do") {{{1}}}īlimaī ("let us do") {{{1}}}īmai ("we wish to do")
jūs {{{1}}}ēitei ("you do") {{{1}}}aiti ("you do!") {{{1}}}ēiteī ("you may do") {{{1}}}ītaī ("let you do") {{{1}}}īlitei ("you wish to do")
Present reflexive Past tense Future tense Future optative
as {{{1}}}ēi me ("I do myself" - male speaker)
{{{1}}}ēi min ("I do myself" - female speaker)
{{{1}}}ēi men ("I do myself" - neuter speaker)
{{{1}}}āi ("I did") wīrst {{{1}}}īi ("I shall do") wīrsei {{{1}}}īi ("I should (or shall) wish to do")
{{{1}}}ei te ("you do yourself" - said of a male)
{{{1}}}ēi tin ("you do yourself" - said of a female)
{{{1}}}ēi ten ("you do yourself" - said of an [neuter] object)
{{{1}}}sāi ("you did") wīrstsei {{{1}}}īi ("you will do") wīrsei {{{1}}}īi ("you would (or will) wish to do")
tāns, tenā, di {{{1}}}ēi si ("he does hisself")
{{{1}}}ēi sin (she does herself)
{{{1}}}ēi sen (it does itself)
{{{1}}}āe ("he, she, it did") wīrst {{{1}}}īi ("he, she, it will do") wīrsei {{{1}}}īi ("he, she, it would (or will) wish to do")
mes {{{1}}}ai mans ("we do ourselves") {{{1}}}māi ("we did") wīrstmai {{{1}}}īi ("we shall do") wīrsei {{{1}}}īi ("we should (or shall) wish to do")
jūs {{{1}}}ei wans ("you do yourselves") {{{1}}}tāi ("you did") wīrstei {{{1}}}īi ("you will do") wīrsei {{{1}}}īi ("you would (or will) wish to do")