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Alternative forms




From Latin apud with the confluence of ad post.


  • IPA(key): /ˈap.po/
  • Rhymes: -appo
  • Hyphenation: àp‧po



appo (obsolete)

  1. at, nearby
    Synonyms: accanto, presso
    Antonyms: distante da, lontano da, (literary) (di) lungi da
    • 18181836, Giacomo Leopardi, “XXII — Le ricordanze”, in Canti, lines 14–15; republished as Alessandro Donati, editor, Bari: publ. Laterza, 1917:
      E la lucciola errava appo le siepi
      And the firefly was wandering nearby the hedges
    1. denotes a sharing of a common feature in a group; among
      • 1350s, anonymous author, “Prologo e primo capitolo [Preface and first chapter]”, in Cronica [Chronicle]‎[1] (overall work in Old Italian); republished as Giuseppe Porta, editor, Anonimo romano - Cronica, Adelphi, 1979, →ISBN:
        Livro non ne facevano, ché lettera non se trovava appo li Grieci.
        No books were made, because there were no letters among the Greeks.
  2. (figurative) in someone's regard
    Synonym: (rare) presso
    • 1300s–1310s, Dante Alighieri, “Canto XVIII”, in Inferno [Hell]‎[2], lines 133–135; republished as Giorgio Petrocchi, editor, La Commedia secondo l'antica vulgata [The Commedia according to the ancient vulgate]‎[3], 2nd revised edition, Florence: publ. Le Lettere, 1994:
      Taïde è, la puttana che rispuose
      al drudo suo quando disse "Ho io grazie
      grandi apo te?": "Anzi maravigliose!".
      It is Thais the harlot, who replied to her paramour, when he said, 'Have I great gratitude from you?'--'Nay, marvellous'
    • 13491353, Giovanni Boccaccio, “Proemio”, in Decameron; republished as Aldo Francesco Massera, editor, Il Decameron[4], volume 1, Bari: Laterza, 1927:
      quantunque appo coloro che discreti erano ed alla cui notizia pervenne io ne fossi lodato e da molto piú reputato
      Whereby, among people of discernment to whose knowledge it had come, I had much praise and high esteem, []
  3. (figurative) before; in comparison to
    Synonyms: davanti, (literary) dinanzi
    • 1575, Torquato Tasso, “Canto 1”, in Gerusalemme liberata, stanza 52; republished as La Gerusalemme liberata di Torquato Tasso, Paris: Agostino Delalain; Pietro Durand; Gio. Claudio Molini, 1771:
      Taccia Argo i Mini, e taccia Artù que’ suoi
      Erranti, che di sogni empion le carte:
      Ch’ogni antica memoria appo costoro
      Perde: or qual duce fia degno di loro?
      Let Argo silence the Minyans, and let Arthur silence those errants of his, whom fill pages with dreams, for any old memory is lost before them; now, what leader will be worthy of them?
  4. behind
    Synonyms: alle spalle di, dietro
    Antonyms: davanti, (literary) dinanzi
    • 1812, Annibale Caro, transl., Gli amori pastorali di Dafni e Cloe [The Bucolic Loves of Daphnis and Chloe]‎[5], Società Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, translation of Δάφνις καὶ Χλόη (Dáphnis kaì Khlóē) by Longus, Ragionamento terzo, page 89:
      appiattandosi appo una macchia di pruni per non esser veduta, udì tutto che dicevano
      having crouched down behind some shrubs so as not to be seen, she heard everything they were saying
  5. after
    Synonyms: (obsolete) dipoi, dopo
    Antonym: prima di
    • 1723, Anton Maria Salvini, transl., Iliade [Iliad]‎[6], Milan: Giovanni Gaetano Tartini, Santi Franchi, translation of Ἰλιάς (Iliás) by Homer, Book Ⅰ, page 9:
      Men vo alle navi, appo aver fatte in guerra
      ben gravi, e dure, e faticose imprese
      I return to the ships, after having carried out grave, hard and laborious war endeavours/endeavors