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From Proto-Baltic *speng-, *spang- (> *spuog-, +‎ -ulis), from Proto-Indo-European *speng- (to shine). Originally a dialectal word with many variant forms, meaning “shine, gloss, sheen.” Atis Kronvalds introduced it in the literary language in the 1860s, first to mean “shiny surface (of water)” (ūdens-spogulis), from which it spread to its other current meanings (compare German Wasserspiegel). The word really entered the literary language after A. Pumpurs included it in his epic poem Lāčplēsis (“Bear-slayer”). It has mostly replaced a former German borrowing spieģelis.[1]


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spogulis m (2nd declension)

  1. mirror (smooth surface that reflects light so as to produce an image of what is in front of it)
    stikla, metāla spogulisglass, metal mirror
    'sienas, kabatas, galda spoguliswall, pocket, table mirror
    apskatīt sevi spogulīto look at oneself in the mirror
    viņa ķemmē matus un skatās spogulīshe combs her hair and looks in the mirror
    greizais spogulistwisted, distorting mirror (i.e., one which gives a wrong image)
  2. calm water surface
    ezera, upes spogulislake, river surface
  3. (optics) a reflective surface as an optical system
    spoguļa formulamirror formula
    spoguļa fokussmirror focus
    spoguļa lineārais palielinājumsmirror linear increase
  4. (figuratively) something that reflects or shows something (a quality, a feature, etc.)
    prese ir sabiedriskās domas spogulisthe press is a mirror of public opinion
    acis ir cilvēka dvēseles spogulisthe eyes are the mirror of a person's soul
  5. an area of an animal's body that is different from its surroundings and characterizes the animal
    mugurpusē ap asti stirnai ir spilgti balts laukums, tā sauktais “spogulisback around the tail of the roe deer is a bright white spot, the so-called “mirror






  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “spogulis”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN