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Old Tupi



  • IPA(key): [ˈjuβ̞]
  • Rhymes: -uβ
  • Hyphenation: îub

Etymology 1


Inherited from Proto-Tupi-Guarani *-uβ*juβ (to lie), from Proto-Tupian *-up*wup (to lie).[1]



îub (first-person singular active indicative aîub, first-person singular negative active indicative n'aîubi, noun uba) (intransitive)

  1. to lie (to be in a horizontal position)
  2. to be implicit
  3. to lodge (stay in any place or shelter)

Etymology 2


Inherited from Proto-Tupi-Guarani *juβ (yellow), from Proto-Tupian *wup (red).[2]

Cognate with Mbyá Guaraní ju.



îub (noun form îuba)

  1. yellow
  2. blond; fair-haired
  3. ginger; ginger-haired
  4. pale
Derived terms

See also

Colours in Old Tupi (layout · text)
Nouns      piranga      îuba              oby      obyeté      *umbyka      morotinga, tinga      una              tingaíba, pytangapyxanga
Adjectives      pirang      îub      *umbyk      moroting, ting      un              tingaíb, pytangpyxang


  1. ^ Beatriz Carretta Corrêa da Silva (2010) Mawé/Awetí/Tupí-Guaraní: relações linguísticas e implicações históricas[1] (in Portuguese), Brasília: UnB
  2. ^ Andrey Nikulin (2020) Proto-Macro-Jê: um estudo reconstrutivo[2] (in Portuguese), Brasília: UnB