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See also: تمرة


ث م ر (ṯ m r)
9 terms



ثَمَرَة or ثَمُرَة (ṯamara or ṯamuraf (singulative, collective ثَمَر m (ṯamar), plural ثِمَار (ṯimār) or ثُمُر (ṯumur) or أَثْمَار (ʔaṯmār))

  1. (countable) a fruit
    1. (countable, by extension) something or someone resembling, likened to, or related to fruit (such as natural produce, the result of a happening or an action, offspring or progeny, the produce of anything, the fruit of one's labor, gain, advantage, profit, possessions, riches, money, and so on)
      مباركة أنت بين النساء، ومباركة ثمرة بطنك يسوع
      Mubārakatun ʾanti bayna n-nisāʾi wa-mubārakatun ṯamaratu baṭniki, Yasūʿ.
      Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
  2. (countable, rare) a tip (especially when looking fruitlike or pulpy, such as that of the tongue)
    1. (countable, rare) the end of the whiplash that lacerates the skin




  • Azerbaijani: səmərə
  • Ottoman Turkish: ثمره (semere)
  • Persian: ثمره (samare)

