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  1. (personal suffix) [from the end of the 12th century]
    1. Third-person singular personal suffix in back-vowel verbs. Today it can be found in the third-person singular definite forms (indicative past and imperative conjugations) as part of the suffix -ja/-je, -ta/-te.
      tud (to know)tudta (he/she knew it)
      tudtudja (he/she knows it (indicative mood))
      tudtudja (he/she should know it (subjunctive mood))
      kér (to request, ask for sth)kérte (he/she requested it)
      kérkérje (he/she should request it (subjunctive mood))
    2. Third-person singular personal suffix in back-vowel conjugated infinitives and in the declined and postposition forms of the third-person personal pronoun ő (he/she/it).
      tanulni (to study)tanulnia kell (he/she must study, literally it is necessary for him/her to study)
      kérni (to request, ask for)kérnie kell (he/she must request [it], literally it is necessary for him/her to request)
      -ról (about)róla (about him/her/it)
      -től (from)tőle (from him/her/it)
      után (after)utána (after him/her/it)
      fölött (above)fölötte (above him/her/it)



This is a definition template for the Hungarian pair of personal suffixes -a/-e. Instead of repeating the same definition twice, a template allows editing in one place and keeps the definitions in sync.