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Norwegian Bokmål

Norwegian Bokmål Wikipedia has an article on:
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Labeled photograph of an absorption refrigerator.



absorpsjon +‎ -s- +‎ kjøleskap, first part from Latin absorptiō (drink, beverage), from absorbeō (absorb), from both ab- (from, away from, off), from ab (from, away from, on, in), from Proto-Italic *ab, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂epó (off, away), + and from sorbeō (I suck in, drink up), from Proto-Italic *sorβeō (to suck in), from Proto-Indo-European *srobʰéyeti (to be sipping, sucking), from *srebʰ- (to sip, gulp, suck (in)) and *-éyeti, from *-yeti (creates transitive imperfective verbs).

Last part kjøleskap (refrigerator), of both kjøle (to cool), from Old Norse kœla, kǿla, and of skap (a closet; cupboard), from Middle Low German schap, from Old Saxon skap, from Proto-West Germanic *skap (shape), from Proto-Germanic *skapą (shape), from *skapjaną (to make, to create), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)keb- (to cut, split, hew, shape).


  • IPA(key): /ˈabsɔrpʃuːnsˈçøːləskɑːp/
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  • Rhymes: -ɑːp
  • Hyphenation: ab‧sorp‧sjons‧kjø‧le‧skap



absorpsjonskjøleskap n (definite singular absorpsjonskjøleskapet, indefinite plural absorpsjonskjøleskap, definite plural absorpsjonskjøleskapa or absorpsjonskjøleskapene)

  1. (physics) an absorption refrigerator (a refrigerator that uses a heat source to provide the energy needed to drive the cooling process)
    Jeg har et absorpsjonskjøleskap i campingvognen min.
    I have an absorption refrigerator in my caravan.
    • 2001, Svein Erik Pedersen, Skipsutstyr og hjelpesystemer[1], Vett & Viten, →ISBN, page 183:
      Hermann Geppert, Tyskland foreslo i 1899 å innføre en inertgass for å overvinne trykkforskjellen mellom koker og absorber, men først med von Platen og Munters forslag (1922) om å bruke H₂, fikk dette praktisk betydning og førte til utviklingen av absorpsjonskjøleskapet.
      Hermann Geppert, Germany, suggested in 1899 to implement an inert gas to overcome the differential pressure between the boiler and the absorber, but only with von Platen and Munter's suggestion (1922) to use H₂ did this achieve practical significance and lead to the development of the absorption refrigerator.


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