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From en- +‎ -dir.


  • IPA(key): [endirˈmæc], [-mæç], [-mæj], [-mæh]
  • Hyphenation: en‧dir‧mək
  • Audio:(file)




  1. (transitive) to take down
  2. (transitive) to lower
    Synonym: aşağı salmaq
  3. (ditransitive) to hit, administer, strike [with accusative ‘what/with what’], [with dative ‘who/to whom’]
    başına yumruq endirdi.[s/he] hit him on the head with a fist
    Düşmən ordusuna zərbə endirildi.A blow has been administered to the enemy's army.
    Yeniçeri piyadabaşı kralın boynuna qılınc endirdi.The Janissary infantry officer struck the king on the neck with a sword.
    • 2013 March 18, Kifayət Haqverdiyeva, kitabxana.net[1]:
      Çevrildim - məndən 3-4 addım arxada gənc bir dağlı öz xəncərini çıxarıb mənə endirmək istəyir, ancaq heç cür onu qınından çıxara bilmir.
      I turned around - 3-4 steps behind me, a young highlander was attempting to take out his dagger and stab me with it, but he could not pull it out of the sheath.
  4. (transitive) to depose (to remove (a monarch) from the throne) [with accusative ‘whom’], [with ablative ‘from where’]
  5. (intransitive) to favour, to honour, to vouchsafe, to deign
  6. (transitive, Islam) to reveal, to send down
    Synonym: nazil etmək
    Allah-təala Qurani-Kərimi öz peyğəmbəri olan Məhəmmədə endirmişdir
    Allah the Highest revealed the Qur'an to His prophet Muhammad.
  7. (transitive) to discount, to reduce the price
    Synonym: aşağı salmaq
  8. (transitive, computing) to download
    Synonym: yükləmək
    faylı internetdən endirməkto download a file from the Internet



Derived terms


Further reading
