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Originally the past participle of an old (still dialectally attested) verb spilgt (to shine), from Proto-Baltic *spelg-, *spilg-, *spulg- (whence also spulgs), from Proto-Indo-European *pel-, *spel-, *spʰel- (to shine) with an extra g. Cognates include Low German flink (bright, shining; fast) (cf. German flink (quick, nimble)).[1]


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spilgts (definite spilgtais, comparative spilgtāks, superlative visspilgtākais, adverb spilgti)

  1. (of light, light sources) bright (very strong; which emits strong light)
    spilgta gaismabright light
    spilgta uguns, liesmabright fire, flame
    spilgts zibensbright lightning
    spilgta saulebright sun
    lielās dzīvsudraba spuldzes ir tik spilgtas, ka kož acīsthe big mercury lamps are so bright that they hurt (lit. bite in) the eyes
  2. (of colors) bright, vivid
    spilgts krāsas tonisbright color shade
    spilgti sarkansbright red
  3. (of other objects) bright, shiny (which reflects light strongly)
    spilgts audumsbright, shiny fabric
    puisis apstājas pie apaļās cīniju dobes un vēro spilgtos ziedusthe young man stopped by the round zinnia beds and watched the bright, shiny flowers
    varde tupēja man uz plaukstas: mikla, vēsa un tik neparasti spilgta, it kā glumo ādu būtu apgleznojusi ekspresionista otathe frog sat on the palm of my hand: soft, cool and unusually bright, shiny, as if its smooth, slippery skin had been painted with an expressionist brush
  4. (figuratively) clear, striking, powerful, remarkable (mentally, emotionally very impressive)
    spilgts piemērsa striking example
    spilgti pretstatistriking contrasts
    spilgts talantsstriking, impressive talent
    spilgta izrādes epizodestriking, impressive show episode
    spilgts romāna tēlspowerful, striking literary (lit. novel) character
    Alfrēds Kalniņš ir viena no visspilgtākajām, savdabīgākajām personībām latviešu mūzikas vēsturēAlfrēds Kalniņš is one of the brightest, most striking personalities in Latvian musical history
    cilvēku parasti pazudina viņa visspilgtākā rakstura īpašība, kas ar laiku kļūst par vājībua person is usually ruined by his most striking character trait, which with time becomes (his/her) weakness
  5. (dated sense, of sounds; now usually spalgs) very loud, strong
    bet vējš tik skaļiem smiekliem pasmejas... līdz smejas kaivas spilgtiem kliedzieniembut the wind laughs with such loud laughs... (and) with the laughs (also) a seagull's sharp, loud squawks







Derived terms



  1. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “spilgts”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca[1] (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN