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See also: Yle

Middle English

Etymology 1

From Medieval Latin hȳlē (matter, the fundamental matter of all things; the matter of the body) (whence English hyle), a transliteration of Ancient Greek ὕλη (húlē, wood; material, substance; matter) or πρώτη ὕλη (prṓtē húlē, fundamental matter). The concept of “fundamental matter” was propounded by the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle (384–322 BCE).


yle (uncountable)

  1. (philosophy) Matter.
    • 1390, John Gower, Confessio Amantis [The Lover's Confession]; published as Reinhold Pauli, editor, Confessio Amantis of John Gower: Edited and Collated with the Best Manuscripts by Dr. Reinhold Pauli, volume III, London: Bell and Daldy Fleet Street, 1857, OCLC 162886391, liber septimus [book 7], pages 91–92:
      For yet withouten any forme / Was that matere univerſal, / Which hight Ylem in ſpeciall. / Of Ylem as I am enformed, / Theſe elements ben made and formed, / Of Ylem elements they hote / After the ſcole of Ariſtote, / Of which if more I ſhall reherce, / Four elements there ben diverſe.
Alternative forms


Etymology 2

From Old French isle, from Latin īnsula.

Alternative forms


yle (plural yles)

  1. Isle, island.
    The bareyne ile stondynge in the see.


  • English: isle