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to receive; to accept; to collect
to receive; to accept; to collect; in care of (used on address line after name)
wind; news; style
wind; news; style; custom; manner
trad. (收風)
simp. (收风)





收⫽風 (verb-object)

  1. to let a prisoner back to the prison cell after letting them out
    Antonym: 放風放风 (fàngfēng)
  2. (chiefly Cantonese) to collect information; to hear from rumours
    收風收风 [Cantonese]  ―  paai3 jan4 sau1 fung1 [Jyutping]  ―  to have someone to collect information
    嚟緊公司cut人手 [Cantonese, trad.]
    嚟紧公司cut人手 [Cantonese, simp.]
    sau1 dou2 fung1 waa6 lei4 gan2 gung1 si1 wui5 kat1 jan4 sau2 wo3. [Jyutping]
    I've heard that the company's laying off employees.
  • 放風放风 (fàngfēng, to let prisoners out for an exercise; to spread the news)