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This language has translations in 2260 of 204959 (1.10%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

course (Noun: )
* Friulian: {{t-check|fur|cors|m}} <!-- Was under "onward movement" (sense does not exist) -->

No translation template: 1 item

mouse (Noun: )
* Friulian: {{tt-check|fur|surîs}}, {{tt-check|fur|surie}}

Uses l-template instead of t-template: 1 item

worst (Adjective: most inferior)
* Friulian: il {{l|fur|piês}}

Unexpected template: 1 item

mouse (Noun: )
* Friulian: {{tt-check|fur|surîs}}, {{tt-check|fur|surie}}

Multiple t-templates: 4 items

brave (Adjective: strong in the face of fear)
* Friulian: {{t|fur|di}} {{t|fur|fiât}}
fireplace (Noun: open hearth)
* Friulian: {{t|fur|cjamin|m}} {{t|fur|cjaminet|m}}
soul (Noun: the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death)
* Friulian: {{tt|fur|anime|f}} {{tt|fur|ànime|f}}
taste (Verb: to have a taste)
* Friulian: {{t|fur|gustâ}} un {{t|fur|savôr}}

text_outside_template: 4 items

please (Verb: to make happy or satisfy)
* Friulian: {{t|fur|plasê}} a, {{t|fur|contentâ}}, {{t|fur|apajâ}}
scissors (Noun: tool used for cutting)
* Friulian: {{t|fur|fuarpis|f-p}}, (un pâr de {{t|fur|fuarfis}})
taste (Verb: to have a taste)
* Friulian: {{t|fur|gustâ}} un {{t|fur|savôr}}
worst (Adjective: most inferior)
* Friulian: il {{l|fur|piês}}



This language has translations in 145 of 204959 (0.07%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

mountain plum (Noun: Ximenia americana)
* Fula: {{t|ff|saɓɓulli}} {{q|amongst the Woɗaaɓe at least}}<!--Westlich der Kälberleine p. 304-->

Multiple t-templates: 1 item

horse (Noun: members of the species Equus ferus)
* Fula: {{tt|ff|puccu}} ({{tt|ff|𞤨𞤵𞤷𞥆𞤵}})