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Jamaican Creole


This language has translations in 329 of 204959 (0.16%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

I came, I saw, I conquered (Phrase: used to indicate a total swift victory)
* Jamaican Creole: <!-- contrived -->[[mi]] [[reach]], [[mi]] [[look]], [[mi]] [[done]] [[dem]]



This language has translations in 47070 of 204959 (22.97%) translation tables

No translation target

2 items
CD (Noun: abbreviation of compact disc)
* Japanese: {{t|ja||alt=シーディー|tr=sīdī}}, {{t|ja||alt=CD|tr=sīdī}}
Cor Caroli (Proper noun: the brightest star in the constellation Canes Venatici)
* Japanese: {{l|ja||コル・カロリ}}

Multiple qualifiers

4 items
hurricane (Noun: weather phenomenon)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|just a wind}} {{t+|ja|暴風|tr=bōfū}}; {{qualifier|including rain}} {{t+|ja|暴風雨|tr=bōfū-u}}; {{qualifier|literally}} {{t+|ja|ハリケーン|tr=harikēn}} {{qualifier|of Caribbean Sea}}
ladyboy (Noun: effeminate homosexual man, especially an intergender person)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ニューハーフ|tr=nyūhāfu|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|(pseudo-anglicism: from "new half"}}, {{t|ja|レディーボーイ|tr=redībōi|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|anglicism}}
polka dot (Noun: uniform round dots forming a pattern on fabric)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|水玉模様|tr=みずたまもよう, mizutama moyō|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|"droplet pattern"}} {{t|ja|水玉|tr=みずたま, mizutama|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|"droplet"}}
stifle (Verb: to make (an animal or person) unconscious or cause (an animal or person) death by preventing breathing; smother, suffocate)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|a person}} {{t+|ja|窒息|tr=ちっそくさせる, chissoku saseru|alt=窒息させる}}, {{qualifier|an activity or desire}} {{t+|ja|抑圧|tr=よくあつする, yokuatsu suru|alt=抑圧する}}, {{qualifier|a flame}} {{t+|ja|消す|tr=けす, kesu}}. {{qualifier|a sound}} {{t+|ja|静める|tr=しずめる, shizumeru}}, {{qualifier|a rumor}} {{t|ja|もみ消す|tr=もみけす, momikesu}}

Wrong language code

4 items

Expected language code is ja

Lufthansa (Proper noun: German national airline)
* Japanese: {{t|de|ルフトハンザ|tr=rufutohanza}}
Marinette (Proper noun: female given name)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|マリネット}}, {{t|jal|まりねっと}}
Okinawan (Proper noun: Okinawan language)
* Japanese: {{t|ryu|沖縄語|tr=Okinawa-go}}, {{t|ja|沖縄方言|tr=Okinawan hōgen}}
Sinim (Proper noun: ancient location)
* Japanese: {{t|cmn|ㇱニン}}

Uses l-template instead of t-template

10 items
Cor Caroli (Proper noun: the brightest star in the constellation Canes Venatici)
* Japanese: {{l|ja||コル・カロリ}}
afford (Verb: to incur, stand, or bear)
* Japanese: ({{l|ja|買う}}, {{l|ja|持つ}}) {{t+|ja|余裕|tr=よゆうがある, yoyū ga aru|alt=余裕がある}}, ({{l|ja|買う}}, {{l|ja|持つ}}) {{t+|ja|ゆとり|tr=yutori ga aru|alt=ゆとりがある}}
consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
* Japanese: (of: {{l|ja|から|...から|tr=...kara}}) {{t+|ja|成り立つ|tr=なりたつ, naritatsu}}, (of: {{l|ja|から|...から|tr=...kara}}) {{t+|ja|成る|tr=なる, naru}}
count on (Verb: to rely on, trust, or expect)
* Japanese: ...{{l|ja|に|}} {{t+|ja|頼る|tr=たよる, tayoru|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|当てにする|tr=あてにする, ate ni suru|sc=Jpan}}
floorcloth (Noun: cloth for cleaning floors)
* Japanese: ({{l|ja|床}}){{t+|ja|雑巾|tr=ぞうきん, zōkin|sc=Jpan}}
guillemet (Noun: either of the punctuation marks « or »)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ギュメ|tr=gyume|sc=Jpan}}, symbols: {{l|ja|《|sc=Jpan}} and {{l|ja|》|sc=Jpan}}, {{l|ja|〈|sc=Jpan}} and {{l|ja|〉|sc=Jpan}}
too much (Adverb: excessively)
* Japanese: {{l|ja|多}}{{l|ja|すぎる}} (おおすぎる, ō-sugiru) {{qualifier|only of quantity}}, {{t+|ja|すぎる|tr=すぎる, sugiru|sc=Jpan}} (verb or adjective suffix; grammatical verb, e.g. {{lang|ja|飲みすぎる}} (nomisugiru) - to drink too much))
true (Verb: straighten)
* Japanese: {{l|ja|正しい|正しく}}{{l|ja|調整|調整する|tr=tadashiku chōsei suru}}, {{l|ja|正確|正確に}}{{l|ja|形作る|tr=seikaku ni katachizukuru}}
unconsciousness (Noun: the state of lacking consciousness)
* Japanese: {{l|ja|無意識|tr=むいしき, muishiki}}
unconsciousness (Noun: ignorance or innocence)
* Japanese: {{l|ja|無意識|tr=むいしき, muishiki}}

Unexpected template

34 items
-ing (Suffix: to form gerunds)
* Japanese: {{q|use a verb in continuative form}} (i.e., {{m|ja|泳ぎ||tr=oyogi|swimming}} from {{m|ja|泳ぐ||tr=oyogu|to swim}}), {{t+|ja|の|alt=-の|tr=-no}}, {{t+|ja|こと|alt=-こと|tr=-koto}}
-ing (Suffix: to form gerunds)
* Japanese: {{q|use a verb in continuative form}} (i.e., {{m|ja|泳ぎ||tr=oyogi|swimming}} from {{m|ja|泳ぐ||tr=oyogu|to swim}}), {{t+|ja|の|alt=-の|tr=-no}}, {{t+|ja|こと|alt=-こと|tr=-koto}}
Frobisher Bay (Proper noun: bay)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|フロビッシャー湾}} {{gloss|Furobisshā-wan}}
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (Proverb: small but certain advantage is preferable)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|明日の百より今日の五十|tr=asu-no hyaku-yori kyō-no gojū|sc=Jpan}} {{gloss|today's 50 rather than tomorrow's 100}}
aquarium (Noun: tank for keeping fish)
* Japanese: {{gloss|bowl-shaped}} {{t+|ja|金魚鉢|tr=kingyobachi}}, {{t|ja|養魚鉢|tr=yōgyobachi}}, {{gloss|box-shaped}} {{t+|ja|水槽|tr=suisō}}, {{t+|ja|アクアリウム|tr=akuariumu|sc=Jpan}}
aunt (Noun: a parent's sister or sister-in-law)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|おば|tr=oba}}, {{sense|younger than one's parent}} {{t+|ja|叔母|tr=おば, oba}}, {{sense|older than one's parent}} {{t+|ja|伯母|tr=おば, oba}}
bless you (Interjection: said to somebody who has sneezed)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|uncommon}} {{t+|ja|お大事に|tr=おだいじに, o-daiji ni|sc=Jpan}} {{gloss|take care}}
boy (Noun: young male)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|男の子|tr=おとこのこ, otoko no ko}}, {{tt+|ja|少年|tr=しょうねん, shōnen}}, {{tt+|ja|男子|tr=だんし, danshi}} {{gloss|young man}}, {{tt+|ja|坊や|tr=ぼうや, bōya}}
co-brother-in-law (Noun: one's spouse's brother-in-law)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|相婿|tr=[[あいむこ]], aimuko}} {{gloss|a man's wife's sister's husband}}
communist (Adjective: of or relating to communism)
* Japanese: {{gloss|person}} {{t|ja|[[共産主義者]]の|tr=きょうさんしゅぎしゃの, kyōsanshugisha no}}, {{gloss|concept}} {{t|ja|[[共産主義]]の|tr=きょうさんしゅぎの, kyōsanshugi no}}
fanslation (Noun: unofficial translation of a media product)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|非公式|alt=非公式な}}{{t+|ja|翻訳|tr=ひこうしきなほんやく, hikōshiki na hon'yaku}} {{gloss|literally: informal translation}}
fucking (Adjective: as an intensifier)
* Japanese: {{no equivalent translation|ja}}
landform (Noun: geological feature)
* Japanese: {{ja-l|地形|ちけい|chikei}}
museum (Noun: building or institution)
* Japanese: {{sense|museum generally}} {{t+|ja|博物館|tr=はくぶつかん, hakubutsukan}}, {{sense|art museum}} {{t+|ja|美術館|tr=びじゅつかん, bijutsukan}}
nosegay (Noun: small bunch of fragrant flowers or herbs)
* Japanese: {{no equivalent translation|ja}} {{t+|ja|花束|tr=はなたば, hanataba}}, {{t+|ja|ブーケ|tr=būke}}
rat (Noun: rodent)
* Japanese: {{gloss|mouse or rat}} {{tt+|ja|鼠|tr=[[ねずみ]], nezumi}}, {{tt+|ja|ネズミ|tr=nezumi}}, {{tt+|ja|ラット|tr=ratto}}, {{tt+|ja|熊鼠|tr=くまねずみ, kumanezumi|sc=Jpan}}, {{tt+|ja|クマネズミ|tr=kumanezumi|sc=Jpan}}
return on investment (Noun: benefit gained by an investor from an investment)
* Japanese: {{ja-l|投資収益率|とうししゅうえきりつ|tōshi shūeki-ritsu}}
satellite (Noun: country, state, office, building etc. under the control of another body)
* Japanese: {{sense|prefix}} {{t+|ja|衛星|tr=えいせい, eisei|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|サテライト|tr=sateraito|sc=Jpan}}
spread (Noun: piece of material used as a cover)
* Japanese: {{sense|requires an object to be spread before this word}} {{t+|ja|掛け|tr=kake}}
squeeze (Verb: to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once)
* Japanese: {{sense|press}} {{t+|ja|押す|tr=osu}}, {{sense|apply pressure to hold}} {{t+|ja|締め付ける|tr=shimetsukeru}}, {{sense|apply pressure to make something out}} {{t+|ja|絞る|tr=shiboru}}, {{sense|apply pressure to make liquid out}} {{t+|ja|搾る|tr=shiboru}}, {{t+|ja|絞る|tr=しぼる, shiboru}}
stiff (Noun: US: person who leaves without paying the bill)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|ja|食い逃げ|tr=kui-nige}}; {{sense|eats without money, does not matter if he/she leaves}} {{qualifier|formal}} {{t+|ja|無銭飲食|tr=musen-inshoku}}
still (Noun: period of calm or silence)
* Japanese: {{sense|sound}} {{t+|ja|静寂|tr=sējyaku}}, {{t+|ja|静けさ|tr=shizukesa}}, {{sense|wind|sea}} {{t+|ja|凪|tr=nagi}}
still (Noun: photography: a non-moving photograph)
* Japanese: {{sense|photography}} {{t|ja|スチール|tr=suchīru}}, {{sense|electronics}} {{t|ja|スチル|tr=suchiru}}, {{t+|ja|静止画|tr=sēshi-ga}}
string cheese (Noun: cheese)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[w:ja:さけるチーズ|さけるチーズ]]|tr=sakeru chīzu|lit=tearable cheese}} (trademarked product by {{w|Megmilk Snow Brand}})
studying (Noun: the action of the verb to study)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|勉強|tr=べんきょう, benkyō|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|学習|tr=がくしゅう, gakushū|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|研究|tr=けんきゅう, kenkyū|sc=Jpan}} {{gloss|research}}
table (Verb: to put on a table)
* Japanese: {{sense|to put an object on a table}} {{t|ja|テーブルに置く|tr=tēburu ni oku}}, {{sense|to prepare a table for a meal}} {{t|ja|食事の支度をする|tr=shokuji no shitaku wo suru}}
take (Verb: to ingest medicine)
* Japanese: {{sense|take via mouth}} {{qualifier|general}} {{tt+|ja|飲む|tr=nomu}}, {{qualifier|formal}} {{tt|ja|摂取する|tr=sesshu suru}}
taste (Noun: implicit set of preferences)
* Japanese: {{sense|preferences}} {{t+|ja|趣味|tr=shumi}}, {{sense|atmosphere}} {{t+|ja|味|tr=aji}}
tenant (Noun: one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|借地人|tr=shakuchi-nin}}, {{sense|farmer}} {{t+|ja|小作人|tr=kosaku-nin}}
tenant (Verb: to hold as, or be, a tenant)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|借りる|tr=kariru}}, {{sense|land}} {{t|ja|[[土地]][[を]][[借りる]]|tr=tochi o kariru}}
trans woman (Noun: a transgender or transsexual woman)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ニューハーフ|tr=nyūhāfu}} {{w|Wasei-eigo}} {{q|pseudo-anglicism}}, {{t|ja|トランス女性|tr=トランスじょせい, toransu josei}} {{q|uncommon}}, {{t|ja|MtF|tr=エムトゥーエフ, emu tū efu}}
wet behind the ears (Adjective: inexperienced, not seasoned)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|尻が青い|tr=しりがあおい, けつがあおい, shiri ga aoi, ketsu ga aoi}} {{gloss|(to have a) blue butt}}
what goes up must come down (Proverb: )
* Japanese: {{ja-r|盛%者%必%衰|じょう%しゃ%ひっ%すい}}
whose (Determiner: of whom (interrogative))
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|誰|alt=誰の|tr=だれの, dare no}}, {{t+|ja|どなた|alt=どなたの|tr=donata no}} {{gloss|honorific}}

Nested templates

45 items
-ly (Suffix: used to form adverbs from adjectives)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|く|tr=-ku|alt=...く|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|{{l|ja|い}}-adjectives drop {{l|ja|い}}, add {{l|ja|く}}}}, {{t+|ja|に|tr=-ni|alt=...に|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|{{l|ja|な}}-adjectives drop {{l|ja|な}}, add {{l|ja|に}}}}
Achilles tendon (Noun: strong tendon in the calf of the leg)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|アキレス腱|tr={{lang|ja|[[アキレスけん]]}}, akiresu-ken}}
Ichiro (Proper noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|いちろう|tr={{m|ja|Ichirō}}}}
JFGI (Interjection: Abbreviation of just fucking google it)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ggrks|tr={{m|ja|ググれカス}}, gugure kasu}}
Korean Wave (Proper noun: popularity of South Korean culture elsewhere)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|韓流|tr={{l|ja|かんりゅう}}, Kanryū, {{l|ja|ハンりゅう}}, Hanryū|sc=Jpan}}
Oga (Proper noun: Japanese)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|おが}} {{gloss|{{l|ja|Oga}}}}, {{t|ja|男鹿}}
Oga (Proper noun: Japanese park)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|男鹿国定公園}} {{gloss|{{l|ja|[[Oga Kokutei Kōen]], [[おがこくていこうえん]]}}}}
Oga (Proper noun: Japanese city)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|男鹿市}} {{gloss|{{l|ja|[[Oga-shi]], [[おがし]]}}}}
Oga (Proper noun: Japanese peninsula)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|男鹿半島}} {{gloss|{{l|ja|[[Oga-hantō]], [[おがはんとう]]}}}}
Qing (Proper noun: Chinese dynasty)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|清朝|tr={{lang|ja|しんちょう}}, Shinchō}}
Tuguegarao (Proper noun: city in the Philippines)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|{{ja-l|ツゲガラオ||Tsugegarao}}}}
act (Noun: deed)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|行為|tr={{l|ja|こうい}}, kōi}}, {{t+|ja|行動|tr={{l|ja|こうどう}}, kōdō}}
act (Noun: statute)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|法令|tr={{l|ja|ほうれい}}, hōrei}}
act (Noun: drama: division of theatrical performance)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|幕|tr={{l|ja|まく}}, maku}}
are you married (Phrase: polite)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[あなた]]は[[結婚|結婚して]]いますか|tr=あなたはけっこんしていますか, anata wa kekkon shite imasu ka}} {{qualifier|personal pronouns, e.g. {{m|ja|あなた}} should be avoided and names, titles, etc. should be used instead}}
business before pleasure (Proverb: discharging one's obligations should come before one's own gratification)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|花より団子|tr={{l|ja|はなよりだんご}}, hana-yori dango|sc=Jpan|lit=dumplings rather than flowers}}
capybara (Noun: Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|カピバラ|tr=kapibara}}, {{t+|ja|鬼天竺鼠|tr={{lang|ja|[[おにてんじくねずみ]]}}, onitenjikunezumi}}, {{t|ja|オニテンジクネズミ|tr=onitenjikunezumi}}
censer (Noun: religious ornamental container for burning incense)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|香炉|tr={{l|ja|こうろ}}, kōro|sc=Jpan}}
cherub (Noun: (biblical) winged creature attending on God)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|智天使|tr={{l|ja|ちてんし}}, chitenshi}}
chorus (Noun: (Ancient Greece, historical) group of singers and dancers in a theatrical performance or religious festival who commented on the main performance in speech or song)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|コーラス|tr=kōrasu}}, {{t+|ja|合唱|tr={{l|ja|がっしょう}}, gasshō}}
chorus (Noun: group of singers performing together)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|合唱隊|tr={{l|ja|がっしょうたい}}, gasshōtai}}
comedy (Noun: dramatic work that is light and humorous or satirical in tone)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|喜劇|tr={{lang|ja|きげき}}, kigeki}}, {{t+|ja|コメディ|tr=komedi}}
cottage (Noun: A small house; a cot; a hut)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|コテージ|tr=kotēji}}, {{t+|ja|小屋|tr={{lang|ja|こや}}, koya}}
dim sum (Noun: dim sum)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|点心|tr={{l|ja|てんじん}}, tenjin; {{l|ja|てんしん}}, tenshin}}
energy (Noun: physics)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|エネルギー|tr=enerugī}}, {{t+|ja|動力|tr={{lang|ja|どうりょく}}, dōryoku}}
in the eyes of (Preposition: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|{{...}}から[[見る|見]]た|tr={{...}} kara mita|lit=seen from {{...}}}}, {{t|ja|{{...}}から[[見る|見]]れば|tr={{...}} kara mireba|lit=if seen from {{...}}}}
instar (Noun: by extension: development stage)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|齢|tr={{l|ja|れい}}}}
licorice (Noun: plant)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|甘草|tr=かんぞう, kanzō, あまくさ, amakusa, あまき, amaki {{qualifier|obsolete}}}}, {{t|ja|甘木|tr=あまき, amaki}} {{qualifier|obsolete}}, {{t|ja|リコリス|tr=rikorisu}}
lotus (Noun: plant of the genus Nelumbo)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ロータス|tr=rōtasu}}, {{t+|ja|蓮|tr={{lang|ja|はす}}, hasu}}
mare (Noun: female horse)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|牝馬|tr={{lang|ja|ひんば}}, hinba}}
moose (Noun: largest member of the deer family (Alces alces))
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ヘラジカ|tr=herajika|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|箆鹿|tr={{lang|ja|へらじか}}, herajika|sc=Jpan}}
obijime (Noun: thin rope attached to an obi)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|帯締め|tr={{lang|ja|おびじめ}}, obijime}}
otitis (Noun: inflammation of the ear)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|耳炎|tr={{lang|ja|じえん}}, jien}}
pitch accent (Noun: phonology)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|高低アクセント|tr={{ja-l|こうていアクセント}}, kōtei akusento}}, {{t|ja|高さアクセント|tr=takasa akusento}}, {{t|ja|音声高さアクセント|tr=onjō takasa akusento, onsei takasa akusento}}, {{t|ja|ピッチアクセント|tr=pitchi-akusento}}
plead (Verb: to present an argument)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|嘆願する|tr={{lang|ja|たんがんする}}, tangan suru}}
poliomyelitis (Noun: infection by the poliovirus)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|急性灰白髄炎|tr={{lang|ja|きゅうせいかいはくずいえん}}, kyūsei kaihaku zuien}}, {{t|ja|ポリオ|tr=porio}}
political asylum (Noun: protection by a sovereign state)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|政治亡命|tr={{l|ja|せいじぼうめい}}, seiji bōmei|sc=Jpan}}
scissors (Noun: tool used for cutting)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|鋏|tr={{lang|ja|はさみ}}, hasami}}
solecism (Noun: error in the use of language)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[文法違反]]|tr={{l|ja|ぶんぽういはん}}, bunpō ihan}}
speak of the devil (Phrase: expression used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|噂をすれば|tr={{l|ja|うわさをすれば}}, uwasa o sureba}}, {{t+|ja|噂をすれば影|tr={{l|ja|うわさをすればかげ}}, uwasa o sureba kage}}, {{t+|ja|噂をすれば影がさす|tr={{l|ja|うわさをすればかげがさす}}, uwasa o sureba kage ga sasu}}
temporomandibular joint (Noun: the joint on either side of the human head where the jaw (mandible) meets the skull (at the temporal bone))
* Japanese: {{t|ja|顎関節|tr={{lang|ja|がくかんせつ}}, gakukansetsu}}
vampire (Noun: mythological creature)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|吸血鬼|tr={{l|ja|きゅうけつき}}, kyūketsuki}}, {{t+|ja|ヴァンパイア|tr=vanpaia}}, {{t+|ja|バンパイア|tr=banpaia}}
voluptuous (Adjective: curvaceous and sexually attractive)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|肉感的|alt=肉感的な|tr={{l|ja|にっかんてきな}}, nikkanteki-na}}, {{t+|ja|豊満|alt=豊満な|tr={{l|ja|ほうまんな}}, hōman-na}}
whiting (Noun: fish of the family Sillaginidae)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|鱚|tr={{l|ja|キス}}, kisu}}
work of art (Noun: product of the fine arts)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|作品|tr={{l|ja|さくひん}}, sakuhin|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|芸術作品|tr={{l|ja|げいじゅつさくひん}}, geijutsu sakuhin|sc=Jpan}}

List items separated by both comma and semicolon

64 items
Heavenly Father (Proper noun: A formal name for the Judeo-Christian God)
* Japanese: {{q|talking to the Father}} {{t|ja|[[天地]]に[[お父さん|お父]][[様]]|tr=tenchi ni otousama}}; {{q|talking about the Father}} {{t|ja|天地に[[父]]|tr=tenchi ni chichi}}, {{t|ja|[[神]]の父|tr=kami no chichi}} {{gloss|lit. God the Father}}
Rom (Noun: a member of the Romani people)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ロム|tr=Romu|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|ロマ|tr=Roma}}; {{t|ja|ジプシー|tr=Jipushī}}
Yuri (Proper noun: Female given name originating from Japanese)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|Yuri}} / {{t|ja|Yūri}}, {{t+|ja|ゆり}} / {{t+|ja|ゆうり}} ({{t|ja|由里}}, {{t|ja|由理}}, {{t|ja|由梨}}, {{t|ja|由利}}, {{t|ja|祐里}}, {{t|ja|友里}}, {{t|ja|友理}}, {{t|ja|悠里}})
aconite (Noun: herb wolfsbane)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|鳥兜|tr=torikabuto}}, {{t+|ja|トリカブト|tr=torikabuto}}; {{t|ja|洋種鳥兜|tr=yōshu torikabuto}} {{qualifier|specifically the Western variety}}
actually (Adverb: In act or in fact; really; in truth; positively)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|本当|alt=本当に|tr=[[ほんとう]]に, [[hontō]] ni}}; {{t|ja|実際に|tr=jissai ni}}, {{t+|ja|実は|tr=jitsu wa}}
alphabetical order (Noun: the sequence of a collection of items)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|アルファベット順|tr=arufabetto-jun}} {{qualifier|for Latin characters}}, {{t|ja|ABC順|tr=ē-bī-shī-jun|sc=Jpan}}; {{t|ja|あいうえお順|tr=a-i-u-e-o-jun}} {{qualifier|for Japanese characters}}; {{t|ja|辞書順|tr=jisho-jun|lit=dictionary order}}
appearance (Noun: Semblance, or apparent likeness)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|見た目|tr=[[みため]], mitame|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|外見|tr=がいけん, gaiken|sc=Jpan}}; {{qualifier|formally}} {{t+|ja|外観|tr=がいかん, gaikan|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|体裁|tr=ていさい, teisai}}
brother-in-law (Noun: brother of one's husband)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[兄]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[あに]], giri no ani}}, {{t|ja|[[義兄]]|tr=ぎけい, gikei}} {{qualifier|elder brother}}; {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[弟]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[おとうと]], giri no otōto}}, {{t|ja|[[義弟]]|tr=ぎてい, gitei}} {{qualifier|younger brother}}; {{t|ja|[[義兄弟]]|tr=ぎきょうだい, gikyōdai}} {{qualifier|elder and younger brothers}}; {{t|ja|(お)[[義兄さん]]|tr=(お)にいさん, (o-)niisan}} {{qualifier|elder brother}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}; {{t|ja|[[小舅]]|tr=こじゅうと, kojūto}} {{qualifier|elder or younger brother}}
brother-in-law (Noun: brother of one's wife)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[兄]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[あに]], giri no ani}}, {{t|ja|[[義兄]]|tr=ぎけい, gikei}} {{qualifier|wife's elder brother}}; {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[弟]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[おとうと]], giri no otōto}}, {{t|ja|[[義弟]]|tr=ぎてい, gitei}} {{qualifier|wife's younger brother}}; {{t|ja|[[義兄弟]]|tr=ぎきょうだい, gikyōdai}} {{qualifier|wife's elder and younger brothers}}; {{t|ja|(お)[[義兄さん]]|tr=(お)にいさん, (o-)niisan}} {{qualifier|wife's elder brother}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}; {{t|ja|[[小舅]]|tr=こじゅうと, kojūto}} {{qualifier|wife's elder or younger brother}}
brother-in-law (Noun: husband of one's sister)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[兄]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[あに]], giri no ani}}, {{t|ja|[[義兄]]|tr=ぎけい, gikei}} {{qualifier|elder sister's husband}}; {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[弟]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[おとうと]], giri no otōto}}, {{t|ja|[[義弟]]|tr=ぎてい, gitei}} {{qualifier|younger sister's husband}}; {{t|ja|[[義兄弟]]|tr=ぎきょうだい, gikyōdai}} {{qualifier|elder or younger sister's husband}}; {{t|ja|(お)[[義兄さん]]|tr=(お)にいさん, (o-)niisan}} {{qualifier|elder sister's husband}} {{qualifier|colloquial}}
brother-in-law (Noun: husband of the sister of one's husband)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[兄]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[あに]], giri no ani}}, {{t|ja|[[義兄]]|tr=ぎけい, gikei}} {{qualifier|husband's elder sister's husband}}; {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[弟]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[おとうと]], giri no otōto}}, {{t|ja|[[義弟]]|tr=ぎてい, gitei}} {{qualifier|husband's younger sister's husband}}; {{t|ja|[[義兄弟]]|tr=ぎきょうだい, gikyōdai}} {{qualifier|husband's elder or younger sister's husband}}
brother-in-law (Noun: husband of the sister of one's wife)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[兄]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[あに]], giri no ani}}, {{t|ja|[[義兄]]|tr=ぎけい, gikei}} {{qualifier|wife's elder sister's husband}}; {{t|ja|[[義理]][[の]][[弟]]|tr=[[ぎり]]の[[おとうと]], giri no otōto}}, {{t|ja|[[義弟]]|tr=ぎてい, gitei}} {{qualifier|wife's younger sister's husband}}; {{t|ja|[[義兄弟]]|tr=ぎきょうだい, gikyōdai}} {{qualifier|wife's elder or younger sister's husband}}
cannot (Verb: cannot)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|できない|alt=...できない|tr=...dekinai}} {{qualifier|unable}}; {{t+|ja|駄目|alt=...駄目である|tr=...[[だめ]]である, ...dame de aru}}, {{t|ja|ならない|alt=...してはならない|tr=...shite wa naranai}}, {{t|ja|いけない|alt=...してはいけない|tr=...shite wa ikenai}} {{qualifier|not allowed}}; {{qualifier|potential negative forms used}} e.g.: {{l|ja|読む|読めない|tr=yomenai}},  {{l|ja|食べる|食べられない|tr=taberarenai}} / {{l|ja|食べる|食べれない|tr=taberenai}}
clam (Noun: mollusc)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|蛤|tr=はまぐり, hamaguri}}, {{t+|ja|ハマグリ|tr=hamaguri}}; {{t+|ja|浅蜊|tr=あさり, asari}}, {{t+|ja|アサリ|tr=asari}}
crystal (Noun: mineral)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|結晶|tr=けっしょう, kesshō}} {{qualifier|usual}}; {{t+|ja|水晶|tr=すいしょう, suishō}}, {{t+|ja|クリスタル|tr=kurisutaru}} {{qualifier|quartz}}
cursive (Noun: character)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|草書|tr=そうしょ, sōsho}} - for kanji or kana; {{t+|ja|筆記体|tr=ひっきたい, hikkitai}} - for Latin or Greek letters, etc.
flatmate (Noun: a person with whom one shares a flat)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|同居人|tr=dōkyo-nin}}, {{t+|ja|ルームメイト|tr=rūmumēto}}; {{qualifier|informal}} {{t|ja|部屋っ子|tr=heyakko}}
flatmate (Noun: a person with whom one shares a rental property)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|同居人|tr=dōkyo-nin}}, {{t+|ja|ルームメイト|tr=rūmumēto}}; {{qualifier|informal}} {{t|ja|部屋っ子|tr=heyakko}}
gardening (Noun: the care of a garden)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[庭#Japanese|庭]][[弄る|いじり]]|tr=にわいじり, niwa-ijiri}}, {{t+|ja|ガーデニング|tr=gādeningu}}, {{t|ja|[[庭#Japanese|庭]][[仕事#Japanese|仕事]]|tr=にわしごと, niwa-shigoto}}; {{t|ja|[[土#Japanese|土]][[弄る|いじり]]|tr=つちいじり, tsuchi-ijiri}} {{sense|for leisure}}, {{t+|ja|園芸|tr=えんげい, engei}}
glass (Noun: substance)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|ガラス|tr=garasu}}, {{tt+|ja|硝子|tr=ガラス, garasu}}; {{tt+|ja|硝子|tr=しょうし, shōshi}}, {{tt+|ja|玻璃|tr=はり, hari}}
have (Verb: to possess)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|持つ|tr=もつ, motsu}}; {{t+|ja|ある|tr=aru}} {{gloss|of inanimates}}, {{t+|ja|いる|tr=iru}} {{gloss|of animates}}
join (Verb: to come together; to meet)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|繋がる|tr=つながる, tsunagaru}}, {{t+|ja|接続|tr=せつぞくする, setsuzoku suru|alt=接続する}}; {{qualifier|for a river or road}} {{t+|ja|合流|tr=ごうりゅうする, gōryū suru|alt=合流する}}
join (Verb: to come into the company of)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|加わる|tr=くわわる, kuwawaru}}, {{t+|ja|同伴|tr=どうはんする, dōhan suru|alt=同伴する}}; {{qualifier|figurative}} {{t+|ja|合流|tr=ごうりゅうする, gōryū suru|alt=合流する}}, {{t+|ja|加入|tr=かにゅうする, kanyū suru|alt=加入する}}
join (Verb: to become a member of)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|加わる|tr=くわわる, kuwawaru}}, {{t+|ja|参加|tr=さんかする, sanka suru|alt=参加する}}; {{qualifier|figurative}} {{t+|ja|合流|tr=ごうりゅうする, gōryū suru|alt=合流する}}, {{t+|ja|加盟|tr=かめいする, kamei suru|alt=加盟する}}, {{t+|ja|加入|tr=かにゅうする, kanyū suru|alt=加入する}}
keep (Verb: to continue)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|継続|alt=継続する|tr=けいぞくする, keizoku suru}}, {{t+|ja|続行|alt=続行する|tr=ぞっこうする, zokkō suru}}; {{q|to remain [in a state]}} {{t+|ja|残る|tr=のこる, nokoru}}
kitty (Noun: informal: kitten, young cat)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|young}} {{t+|ja|仔猫|tr=koneko}}, {{t+|ja|子猫|tr=koneko}}; {{qualifier|small}} {{t+|ja|小猫|tr=koneko}}, {{t|ja|子ネコ|tr=koneko|sc=Jpan}}
manslaughter (Noun: act of killing unlawfully)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|故殺|tr=こさつ, kosatsu; ''voluntary''}}; {{t+|ja|過失致死|tr=かしつちし, kashitsuchishi; ''involuntary''|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|過失致死罪|tr=かしつちしざい, kashitsuchishizai|sc=Jpan}},
motion sickness (Noun: nausea or dizziness in a moving vehicle)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|加速度病|tr=かそくどびょう, kasokudobyō|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|by boat}} {{t+|ja|船酔い|tr=ふなよい, funayoi}}; {{qualifier|by car}} {{t+|ja|車酔い|tr=くるまよい, kurumayoi}}; {{qualifier|by any vehicle}} {{t+|ja|乗り物酔い|tr=のりものよい, norimonoyoi}}
outrage (Noun: anger)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|激怒|tr=[[げきど]], gekido}}; {{t+|ja|憤怒|tr=[[ふんぬ]], fun'nu}}, {{t+|ja|憤慨|tr=[[ふんがい]], fungai}}
painful (Adjective: requiring labor or toil)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|苦しい|tr=くるしい, kurushii}}, {{t+|ja|困難|alt=困難な|tr=こんなんな, konnan na}}; {{qualifier|figurative}} {{t|ja|骨の折れる|tr=ほねのおれる, hone no oreru}}
pardon (Interjection: interjection, request to repeat)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|polite}} {{t+|ja|はい?|tr=hai?}} ; {{qualifier|plain}} {{t+|ja|何?|tr=なに?, nani?}}, {{t+|ja|え?|tr=e?}}
pass (Verb: to die)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|to die}} {{t+|ja|死ぬ|tr=しぬ, shinu}}, {{t+|ja|死亡|alt=死亡する|tr=しぼうする, shibō suru}}; {{qualifier|formal|to pass away}} {{t+|ja|逝去|alt=逝去する|tr=せいきょする, sēkyo suru}}
persist (Verb: continue to exist)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|to refuse giving up}} {{t|ja|固執する|tr=こしつする, koshitsu-suru}}, {{t+|ja|言い張る|tr=iiharu}}, {{t+|ja|貫く|tr=tsuranuku}}; {{qualifier|to last or remain}} {{t|ja|持続する|tr=tsuranuku}}, {{t|ja|残存する|tr=tsuranuku}}, {{t|ja|尾を引く|tr=tsuranuku}}
pigtail (Noun: braided plait of hair)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|御下げ|tr=おさげ, osage|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|御下げ髪|tr=おさげがみ, osagegami|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|tied over the shoulder}}; {{t+|ja|ツインテール|tr=tsuintēru|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|tied at each side of the head}}
pious (Adjective: practiced under the pretext of religion)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|phrase}} {{t|ja|信心の名を借りた|tr=shinjin no na wo karita}}, {{t|ja|宗教にかこつけた|tr=shūkyō ni kakotsuketa}}; {{qualifier|hypocritical}} {{t|ja|偽善的な|tr=gizen-teki na}}
piracy (Noun: unauthorized duplication)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|著作権侵害|tr=ちょさくけんしんがい, chosakuken shingai}}, {{t|ja|パイレーシ|tr=pairēshi}}; {{t|ja|偽版|tr=ぎはん, gihan}} {{t+|ja|海賊版|tr=かいぞくばん, kaizokuban}} {{qualifier|pirated edition}}
preterite (Adjective: showing an action at a determined moment in the past)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|adnominal}} {{t+|ja|過去|alt=過去の|tr=[[かこの]], kako no}}, {{t|ja|過去時制|alt=過去時制の|tr=[[かこじせいの]], kako-jisei no}}; {{qualifier|for Spanish grammar}} {{t|ja|点過去|alt=点過去の|tr=[[てんかこの]], ten-kako no}}
primer (Noun: layer of priming substance)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|paint}} {{t|ja|砥の粉|tr=tonoko}}, {{t|ja|砥粉|tr=tonoko}}, {{t|ja|目止め|tr=medome}}, {{t|ja|目止|tr=medome}}; {{qualifier|layer}} {{t|ja|地塗り|tr=ji-nuri}}, {{t|ja|地塗|tr=ji-nuri}}, {{t+|ja|下塗り|tr=shita-nuri}}, {{t|ja|下塗|tr=shita-nuri}}
prize (Noun: lever)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|てこ|tr=teko}}; {{qualifier|archaic|not jōyō kanji}} {{t+|ja|梃|tr=てこ, teko}}, {{t+|ja|梃子|tr=てこ, teko}}
prohibition (Noun: law that prohibits something)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|禁止|tr=きんし, kinshi|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|禁止法|tr=きんしほう, kinshihō}}; {{qualifier|obsolete}} {{t+|ja|禁制|tr=きんせい, kinsei}}
provost (Noun: senior academic administrator)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|Europe}} {{t+|ja|学長|tr=gakuchō}}, {{t|ja|学寮長|tr=gakuryōchō}}; {{qualifier|Canada|Japan|US}} {{t|ja|教務部長|tr=kyōmu-buchō}}
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|引用符|tr=いんようふ, in'yōfu}} [「◌」] ''or'' [『◌』]; ''see also:'' {{t+|ja|「}}, {{t+|ja|」}}, {{t+|ja|『}}, {{t+|ja|』}}
quote (Noun: a quotation mark)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|Japanese quotes:}} {{t+|ja|「}}, {{t+|ja|」}}, {{t|ja|鉤括弧|tr=かぎかっこ, kagikakko}} {{qualifier|single}}, {{t+|ja|『}}, {{t+|ja|』}}, {{t|ja|二重鉤括弧|tr=にじゅうかぎかっこ, nijūkagikakko}} {{qualifier|double}}; {{qualifier|any quotes}} {{t|ja|二重引用符|tr=にじゅういんようふ, nijū in'yōfu}}
repentance (Noun: feeling of regret or remorse)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|懺悔|tr=ざんげ, zange}}; {{q|Buddhism}} {{t+|ja|懺悔|tr=さんげ, sange}}, {{t+|ja|悔悟|tr=かいご, kaigo}}, {{t+|ja|後悔|tr=こうかい, kōkai}}
roommate (Noun: a person with whom one shares a room)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|同居人|tr=どうきょにん, dōkyonin}}, {{t+|ja|ルームメイト|tr=rūmumēto}}; {{qualifier|informal}} {{t|ja|部屋っ子|tr=へやっこ, heyakko}}
roommate (Noun: US: with whom one shares an apartment or house)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|同居人|tr=どうきょにん, dōkyonin}}, {{t+|ja|ルームメイト|tr=rūmumēto}}, {{t|ja|ハウスメイト|tr=hausumēto}}; {{qualifier|informal}} {{t|ja|部屋っ子|tr=heyakko}}
satisfaction (Noun: pleasure obtained by such fulfillment)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|for desire}} {{t+|ja|満悦|tr=まんえつ, manetsu}}; {{qualifier|mainly pleasure}} {{t+|ja|充足|tr=じゅうそく, jūsoku}}, {{t+|ja|充実|tr=じゅうじつ, jūjitsu}}
scale (Noun: sequence for measurement)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|目盛り|tr=memori}}; {{t+|ja|強度|tr=kyōdo}}, {{t+|ja|等級|tr=tōkyū}}
scatter (Verb: to distribute loosely)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|other than seeds}} {{t+|ja|撒く|tr=maku}}, {{t+|ja|散布|alt=散布する|tr=sanpu suru}}; {{qualifier|for seeds}} {{t+|ja|蒔く|tr=maku}}; {{qualifier|for seeds in a broad area}} {{t+|ja|播く|tr=maku}}
scent (Noun: distinctive odour or smell)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|good smell}} {{t+|ja|香り|tr=[[かおり]], kaori}}, {{t+|ja|匂い|tr=[[におい]], nioi}}; {{qualifier|unpleasant smell}} {{t+|ja|臭い|tr=[[におい]], nioi}}; {{qualifier|good smell}}
seat (Verb: to provide places to sit)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|to sit}} {{t+|ja|座る|tr=suwaru}}, {{t+|ja|着席|alt=着席する|tr=chakuseki suru}}; {{qualifier|stay as a member}} {{t+|ja|在籍|alt=在籍する|tr=zaiseki suru}}
sexually transmitted disease (Noun: disease contracted through sexual contact)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|性感染症|tr=せいかんせんしょう, seikansenshō}}, {{t|ja|STD|tr=エスティーディー, esu-tī-dī}}; {{qualifier|medical}} {{t+|ja|性行為感染症|tr=せいこういかんせんしょう, seikōi-kansenshō}}; {{qualifier|dated}} {{t+|ja|性病|tr=せいびょう, seibyō}}; {{qualifier|archaic}} {{t+|ja|花柳病|tr=かりゅうびょう, karyūbyō}}
shy (Adjective: reserved)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|引っ込み思案|tr=ひっこみじあん, hikkomijian}}, {{t|ja|恥ずかしがり屋|tr=はずかしがりや, hazukashigariya}}, {{t+|ja|寡黙|tr=かもく, kamoku}}, {{t+|ja|内気|tr=uchiki}}; {{q|of child towards strangers}} {{t|ja|人見知りする|tr=ひとみしりする, hitomishiri suru}} (verb)
singularity (Noun: peculiar state or occurrence)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|単独性|tr=たんどくせい, tandokusē}} {{q|singular}}, {{t|ja|単一性|tr=たんいつせい, tan'itsusē}}; {{t|ja|特異性|tr=とくいせい, tokuisē}} {{q|uncommon}}; {{t+|ja|奇妙|tr=きみょう, kimyō}} {{q|odd}}, {{t+|ja|風変わり|tr=ふがわり, fūgawari}}; {{t+|ja|非凡|tr=ひぼん, hibon}} {{q|supremely rare}}, {{t+|ja|希有|tr=けう, keu}}
size (Noun: dimensions or magnitude of a thing)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|dimension or magnitude}} {{t|ja|大きさ|tr=おうきさ, ōkisa}}, {{t+|ja|大小|tr=だいしょう, daishō}}; {{qualifier|dimension}} {{t+|ja|寸法|tr=すんぽう, sunpō}}; {{qualifier|magnitude}}, {{t|ja|寸尺|tr=すんしゃく, sunshaku}}, {{t+|ja|規模|tr=きぼ, kibo}}, {{t+|ja|サイズ|tr=saizu}}
sorry (Adjective: poor, regrettable)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|poor}} {{t+|ja|気の毒|tr=ki no doku}}, {{t+|ja|かわいそう|tr=kawaisō}}; {{qualifier|regrettable}} {{t+|ja|残念|tr=zannen}}, {{t+|ja|遺憾|tr=ikan}}
split (Verb: share out)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|share out}} {{t+|ja|分ける|tr=wakeru}}; {{qualifier|divide}} {{t|ja|分離する|tr=bunri suru}}, {{t|ja|分断する|tr=bundan suru}}; {{qualifier|cut off}} {{t|ja|切断する|tr=setsudan suru}}, {{t+|ja|切り離す|tr=kiri-hanasu}}
studio (Noun: company or organization that makes films, records or other artistic works)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|films}} {{t+|ja|撮影所|tr=さつえいじょ,satsuējo}}, {{t+|ja|スタジオ|tr=sutajio}}; {{qualifier|records}} {{t|ja|録音室|tr=くおんしつ, rokuonshitsu}}, {{t+|ja|スタジオ|tr=sutajio}}
sweetheart (Noun: a person very much liked or loved by someone)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|informal term for a male}} {{t|ja|カレシ|tr=kareshi}}; {{qualifier|informal term for a female}} {{t+|ja|カノジョ|tr=kanojo}}; {{qualifier|general}} {{t+|ja|恋人|tr=koibito}}, {{t|ja|スイートハート|tr=suītohāto|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|愛すべき|tr=あいすべき, aisubeki|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|darling}} {{t+|ja|ダーリン|tr=dārin|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|honey}} {{t+|ja|ハニー|tr=hanī|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|wife to husband}} {{t+|ja|貴方|tr=あなた, anata|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|husband to wife}} {{t+|ja|君|tr=きみ, kimi|sc=Jpan}}
tent (Noun: portable lodge)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|テント|tr=tento}}; {{qualifier|archaic}} {{t|ja|幕屋|tr=まくや, makuya}}, {{t+|ja|天幕|tr=てんまく, tenmaku}}
tongs (Noun: instrument)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|挟み|alt=-挟み|tr=-basami}}, {{t+|ja|箸|alt=-箸|tr=-bashi}}; e.g., [[パンばさみ]] (panbasami), [[火箸]] (ひばし, hibashi), {{t|ja|トング|tr=tongu}}
transsexual (Noun: person whose gender identity did not match his/her birth sex, and who therefore is changing or has changed sex)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|性転換者|tr=せいてんかんしゃ, seitenkansha}}; {{t|ja|性同一性障害者|tr=せいどういつせいしょうがいしゃ, seidōitsuseishōgaisha}}, {{t|ja|性別移行者|tr=せいべついこうしゃ, seibetsuikōsha}}
uncle (Noun: brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|伯父|tr=oji}} {{qualifier|parent's brother, ''esp.'' older brother}}; {{t|ja|伯父貴|tr=ojiki}} {{qualifier|parent's older brother}}; {{t+|ja|叔父|tr=oji, shukufu}}, {{t|ja|叔父貴|tr=ojiki}} {{qualifier|parent's younger brother}}
violate (Verb: to break or fail to act by rules)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|破る|tr=yaburu}}, {{t+|ja|違う|tr=tagau}}, {{t+|ja|違反|tr=ihan suru|alt=違反する|sc=Jpan}} (''a rule''); {{t+|ja|侵す|tr=okasu}}, {{t+|ja|侵害|tr=shingai suru|alt=侵害する|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|侵犯|tr=shimpan suru|alt=侵犯する|sc=Jpan}} (''a right'')

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82 items
Breaker Point (Proper noun: island in Shantou)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ブリーカー岬|tr=Burīkā Misaki}} <!--航海術手本>
Dodecanese (Proper noun: an island chain consisting of twelve main islands)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|ドデカーニソ|tr=Dodeká-niso}}<!-- there used to be only the romaji form; please check -->, {{t|ja|ドデカネス}}
Haskell (Proper noun: language)
* Japanese: Haskell [''sic'']<!--see>
Houdini (Noun: escape artist)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|フーディーニ|tr=fūdīni}}<!--used in Wikipedia-->, {{t|ja|フーディニ|tr=fūdini}}<!--used by the novelist Haruki Murakami-->
Michael (Proper noun: male given name)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|マイケル|tr=Maikeru}}, {{qualifier|English name}} {{t|ja|マイクル|tr=Maikuru}} <!-- belongs at [[Michel]] {{t|ja|ミシェル|tr=Misheru}} {{qualifier|French name}} -->
Pinyin (Proper noun: romanization of Mandarin Chinese)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ピンイン|tr=pin'in}}, {{t+|ja|拼音|tr=ぴんいん, pin'in}}, {{t|ja|ピン音|tr=pin'in}}<!-- character 拼 is normally not used in Japanese -->, {{t|ja|併音|tr=ぴんいん, pin'in}}
Shenzhen (Proper noun: a city in China)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|深圳|tr=[[しんせん]], Shinsen}}, {{t|ja|深セン|tr=[[しんせん]], Shinsen}}, {{t|ja|シンセン|tr=Shinsen}} <!-- character 圳 is seldom used in standard Japanese -->
abnormally (Adverb: In an abnormal manner)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|異常|tr=[[いじょう]]に, ijōni|alt=異常に|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[異常]]に" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
accomplish (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|完成|tr=[[かんせい]]させる, kansei-saseru|alt=完成させる|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[完成]]させる" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|ja|成し遂げる|tr=[[なしとげる]], nashitogeru|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+check|ja|完了|tr=[[かんりょう]]させる, kanryō-saseru|alt=完了させる|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[完了]]させる" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
agouti (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|アグーチ|sc=Jpan}}<!-- / machine translation -->
ambiguous (Adjective: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|曖昧|alt=曖昧な|tr=aimai na|sc=Jpan}} <!-- Was under non-surviving sense "vague and unclear" -->
ambush (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|待ち伏せ|tr=まちぶせ, machibuse|sc=Jpan}} <!-- Was under "a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station" -->; {{t+|ja|不意打ち|tr=ふいうち, fuiuchi|sc=Jpan}} <!-- Was under "a concealed station" -->
ancient (Adjective: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|古代の|tr=こだいの|sc=Jpan}} <!-- link as t-SOP if non-idiomatic; put marked word in|alt=; see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
androphobia (Noun: fear of men)
* Japanese: <!--added with a gloss "hatred to men", which is a distinct concept-->{{t-check|ja|男嫌い|tr=おとこぎらい, otoko girai}}, {{t-check|ja|男性恐怖症|tr=だんせいきょうふしょう, dansei kyōfushō}}
better late than never (Adverb: it's better to do something late, than to never do it at all)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|遅くてもやらないよりまし|tr=おそくてもやらないよりまし, osokutemo yaranai yori mashi|sc=Jpan}} <!-- to check {{t|ja|良いことよりも遅く|tr=よいことよりもおそく, yoi koto-yori-mo osoku|sc=Jpan}} -->
blind (Adjective: unable to see)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|失明|alt=失明した|tr=shitsumei shita}}, {{tt|ja|見えない|alt=目の見えない|tr=me no mienai}}<!--「目"の"見えない」= blind. 「目"に"見えない」= invisible.-->, {{tt+|ja|盲目|alt=盲目の|tr=もうもくの, mōmoku no}}, {{tt+|ja|盲|tr=mekura}} {{q|a blind person}}
bona fide (Adjective: done in good faith)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|善意|tr=ぜんいの, zen'i-no|alt=善意の|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[善意]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
bona fide (Adjective: genuine)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|本物|tr=ほんものの, honmono-no|alt=本物の|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[本物]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|ja|真実|tr=しんじつの, shinjitsu-no|alt=真実の|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[真実]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
boy (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|男人|tr=[[おとこじん]], otoko-jin}}, {{t+check|ja|男前|tr=[[おとこまえ]], otoko mae}}, {{t+check|ja|男性|tr=[[だんせい]], dansei}} <!-- Were under "adult male found attractive" -->
breathe (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|一息つく|tr=hitoiki-tsuku}} <!-- Was under non-existing sense: "to be relaxed" -->
breeder (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|[[育]][[雛]][[器]]|tr=[[いくすうき]]|sc=Jpan}} (1, only animals) <!-- was "[[育]][[雛]][[器]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
clean (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|きれい|tr=kirei ni suru|alt=きれいにする}} <!-- was "[[きれい]]にする" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
corporal (Noun: ecclesiastical: cloth on which the elements of the Eucharist are placed)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|[[聖体]][[布]]|tr=せいたいふ, seitaifu}} <!-- was "[[聖体]][[布]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
cube (Verb: arithmetic: to raise to the third power)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|三乗|tr=さんじょうする, sanjōsuru|alt=三乗する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[三乗]]する" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
deaf (Adjective: unable to hear)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[耳]]の[[聞こえる|聞こえない]]|tr=みみのきこえない, mimi no kikoenai}}<!--「耳"の"聞こえない」= deaf. 「耳"に"聞こえない」= inaudible.-->, {{t|ja|耳が不自由|tr=mimi ga fujiyuu}}
debenture (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|債券|tr=さいけん, saiken|sc=Jpan}} <!-- Which type of bond? -->
discharge (Verb: electricity: to release an accumulated charge)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|放電|tr=hōden-suru|alt=放電する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[放電]]する" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
dish out (Verb: to put (food) on to a dish)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|[[大皿]]に[[盛る]]|tr=おおざらにもる, ōzara ni moru|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "大皿に[[盛る]]" check if an idiom -->
distribute (Verb: to supply to retail outlets)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|配達|tr=haitatsu-suru|alt=配達する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[配達]]する" -->, {{t+|ja|配送|tr=haisō-suru|alt=配送する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[配送]]する" -->
distribute (Verb: to deliver or pass out)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|撒く|tr=maku|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+check|ja|配る|tr=kubaru|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+check|ja|配布|tr=haifu-suru|alt=配布する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[配布]]する" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
distribute (Verb: to apportion)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|分散|tr=bunsan-suru|alt=分散する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[分散]]する" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
distribute (Verb: to be distributive)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|分布|tr=bunpu-suru|alt=分布する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[分布]]する" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
duodecillion (Numeral: 1039)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|[[千]][[澗]]|tr=せんかん, senkan|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[千]][[澗]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
eliminate (Verb: completely destroy)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|除去|tr=jokyo-suru|alt=除去する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[除去]]する" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
eliminate (Verb: kill)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|抹殺|tr=massatsu-suru|alt=抹殺する|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|殺す|tr=koro-su|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|殺害|tr=satsugai-suru|alt=殺害する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[抹殺]]する" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
free speech (Noun: right to express an opinion in public)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|言論の自由|tr=げんろんのじゆう, genron-no jiyū}} <!-- [[表現の自由]]?-->
gentleman (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|男性用トイレ|tr=danseiyō-toire}} <!-- Was under "toilets intended for use by men" -->
geta (Noun: capturing technique in Go)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|下駄|tr=げた, geta}} <!-- Why does mention ゲタ ? -->
heat (Noun: condition or quality of being hot)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|熱|tr=[[ねつ]], netsu|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+check|ja|熱さ|tr=[[あつさ]], atsusa|sc=Jpan}}, {{t-check|ja|[[暑さ]] ([[あつさ]])|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[暑さ]] ([[あつさ]])" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
hook (Noun: basketball shot that goes overhead)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|[[フック]][[シュート]]}} <!-- was "[[フック]][[シュート]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
impassive (Adjective: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|無感覚な|tr=mukankakuna|sc=Jpan}} <!-- Was under non-existing sense: "not reacting to provocation or stimuli" -->
invisible (Adjective: unable to be seen)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|見えない|alt=目に見えない|tr=me ni mienai}}<!--「目"が"見えない」= blind. 「目"に"見えない」= invisible.-->, {{t+|ja|不可視|alt=不可視の|tr=fukashi no}}, {{t+|ja|無形|alt=無形の|tr=mukei no}}, {{t+|ja|透明|alt=透明な|tr=tōmei na}}
law (Noun: body of rules established in a community by its authorities)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|法律|tr=ほうりつ, hōritsu}}<!--, {{tt+|ja|法|tr=ほう, hō}}, {{tt+|ja|法規|tr=ほうき, hōki}}, {{tt+|ja|法律|tr=ほうりつ, hōritsu}}, {{tt+|ja|法令|tr=ほうれい, hōrei}}-->
ledger (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|簿|tr=[[ちょうめん]], [[chōmen]]}} <!-- Was under "book for keeping notes" but looks that it may rather be "book for keeping accounting records"-->
lessee (Noun: one to whom a lease is given)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|[[賃借]][[人]]|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[賃借]][[人]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
lessor (Noun: owner of property that is leased)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|[[賃貸]][[人]]|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[賃貸]][[人]]" - assumed sum-of-parts; if an idiom, remove the wikilinks to the individual words. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
libidinous (Adjective: having lustful desires)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|嫌らしい|tr=iyarashii}}, {{t+|ja|エッチ|tr=etchi}} <!--- [[貪欲]] (どんよく, don'yoku) -->
love seat (Noun: A sofa for two people)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|as part of a sofa set}} {{t+check|ja|ソファ|tr=sofa|sc=Jpan}}<!-- is this right? -->
mother (Verb: to treat as a mother would be expected to)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|母のように世話する|tr=[[はは]]のように[[せわ|せわする]], haha no yō ni sewa suru}}<!-- looks like a SOP. -->, {{t+check|ja|甘やかす|tr=[[あまやかす]], amayakasu}}
not enough room to swing a cat (Noun: of a room, very little space available)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|猫の額}}<!-- a “cat” idiom meaning “small space” -->
paleography (Noun: study of old forms of writing)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|古文書学|tr=こもんじょがく, komonjogaku}}, {{t-check|ja|古書体学}} <!-- connected Wikipedia article: [[w:ja:古書体学]] -->
parameter (Noun: variable kept constant during an experiment, calculation or similar)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|媒介変数|tr=ばいかいへんすう, baikai hensū}}, {{t|ja|パラメーター|tr=paramētā}} <!-- (rare) 径数, 母数, 助変数 -->, {{t+|ja|引数|tr=ひきすう, hikisū}}
parameter (Noun: name in a function or subroutine definition)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|仮引数|tr=かりひきすう, karihikisū}}, {{t+|ja|引数|tr=ひきすう, hikisū, いんすう, insū}}, {{t|ja|パラメーター|tr=paramētā}} <!-- vs. (argument) 実引数 -->
place (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|置き場所|tr=おきばしょ, okibasho}}, {{t-check|ja|寝場所|tr=nebasho}}; {{t+check|ja|団地|tr=danchi}} <!-- Was under "group of houses" -->
plus (Adjective: being positive rather than negative or zero)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|プラス|tr=purasu no|alt=プラスの|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[プラス]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|ja|正|tr=sei no|alt=正の|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[正]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
plus (Adjective: positive, involving advantage)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|プラス|tr=purasu no|alt=プラスの|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[プラス]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
plus (Adjective: physics: electrically positive)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|プラス|tr=purasu no|alt=プラスの|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[プラス]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|ja|正|tr=sei no|alt=正の|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[正]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
private (Adjective: )
* Japanese: [[私立]]の (しりつの, shiritsu no), [[個人]]の (こじんの, kojin no) <!-- Was under "not done in the view of others" -->
protoplanet (Noun: astronomical object)
* Japanese: [[原始惑星]]<!--DO NOT REMOVE: (?? wakusei)-->
reconstruct (Verb: to construct again)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|再構成|tr=[[さいこうせい]], [[saikōsei]]|sc=Jpan}}<!-- lit. "reconstruct(ion), reconstitut(ion)" - not really helpful. -->
run (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{qualifier|for distance}}{{tt+|ja|道程|tr=dōtei}}, {{tt+|ja|区間|tr=kukan}}, {{qualifier|for time}}{{tt+|ja|時間|tr=jikan}}, {{tt+|ja|期間|tr=kikan}} <!-- were under definition "interval of distance or time" -->
rune (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|占星術|tr=senseijutsu}} <!-- Was under the sense "roun" but the meaning of roun was unspecified -->
sable (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|黒色|tr=kuro iro no|alt=黒色の}} <!-- was "[[黒色]]の" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
scrutinize (Verb: to examine with great care)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[精査]]する|tr=せいさ-する, seisa-suru}}, {{t+|ja|眇める|tr=sugameru}},<!-- rare -->
shape (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|形|tr=かたち, katachi}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->, {{t+check|ja|形状|tr=けいじょう, keijō}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->, {{t+check|ja|形態|tr=けいたい, keitai}} <!-- Was under "figure", a sense which we don't have -->
skillful (Adjective: possessing skill, skilled)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|上手|tr=じょうず, jōzu}}, <!-- one of them is superfluous -->{{t+|ja|上手|tr=じょうずな, jōzu na|alt=上手な|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|得意|tr=とくい, tokui}}, {{t+|ja|熟練|tr=じゅくれん, jukuren}}, {{t+|ja|うまい|tr=umai|sc=Jpan}}
sushi (Noun: Japanese dish)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|寿司}}, {{t+|ja|鮨}}, {{t+|ja|鮓}}, {{t+|ja|すし|tr=sushi}} <!-- only 寿司 is [[ateji]] -->
talk (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|話し|tr=はなし, hanashi}} <!-- Was under "what is being said" -->
tidal (Adjective: relating to tides)
* Japanese: [[潮]]<!-- used as a prefix rather than a -i or -na adjective -->
transport (Verb: carry or bear from one place to another)
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|運送|tr=うんそうする, unsō surú|alt=運送する|sc=Jpan}} <!-- was "[[運送]]する" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->, {{t+check|ja|輸送|tr=ゆそうする, yusō-suru|alt=輸送する}}
tread (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{qualifier|bottom}} {{t+|ja|底|tr=[[そこ]], soko}}; {{qualifier|shoe bottom}} {{t+|ja|靴底|tr=[[くつぞこ]], kutsu-zoko}} <!-- Was under: bottom of a sneaker (refers to a deleted sense) -->
trevally (Noun: fish)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|シマアジ|tr=shima-aji}}<!-- one or two words? could mean "island mackerel" -->
turtle (Noun: sea turtle)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|海亀|tr=[[うみがめ]], umigame|sc=Jpan}}<!-- {{q|sea turtle}}-->
twelve-tone technique (Noun: system of musical composition)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|十二音技法|tr=じゅうにおんぎほう, jūni ongihō}} <!--Used in Wikipedia-->
type (Noun: computing theory: tag indicating data type)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|型|tr=かた, kata}} <!-- e.g. 「整数型 (seisü-gata)」 refers "int type" -->
tyrant (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|僭主|tr=せんしゅ, senshu}}, {{t+check|ja|暴君|tr=ぼうくん, bōkun}} <!-- Were under "absolute ruler" - a sense which we don't have -->
unfortunately (Adverb: happening through bad luck)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|生憎|tr=あいにく, ainiku|sc=Jpan}}<!-- {{R:Kodansha}} -->, {{t+|ja|残念|tr=ざんねんながら, zannen-nagara|alt=残念ながら|sc=Jpan}}
useful (Adjective: having a practical or beneficial use)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|使える|tr=tsukaeru}}, {{t+|ja|有用|alt=有用な|tr=yūyō na}}, {{t+|ja|便利|alt=便利な|tr=benri na}}, {{qualifier|verb}} {{t+|ja|役に立つ|tr=yaku ni tatsu}} <!-- Re: "what is a verb doing here?": yaku ni tatsu is an idiom meaning "be useful", (literally "stand in a role") and imo is the most commonly used of these translations. As a rule it's impossible to translate Japanese noun-noun, verb-verb, adjective-adjective etc. -->
washi tape (Noun: masking tape)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|マスキングテープ|tr=masukingu tēpu}}, {{t|ja|和紙テープ|tr=washi tēpu}} <!-->
way too (Adverb: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|とても|tr=totemo}}, {{t+check|ja|かなり|tr=kanari}}, {{t-check|ja|非常に|tr=ひじょうに, hijōni}}, {{t-check|ja|凄く|tr=[[すごく]], sugoku}}, {{t+check|ja|大変|tr=[[たいへん]], taihen}}, {{t+|ja|大分|tr=[[だいぶ]], daibu}}, {{t+|ja|随分|tr=[[ずいぶん]], zuibun}}, {{t+|ja|ずっと|tr=zutto}}, {{t+|ja|めちゃ|tr=mecha}}, {{t-check|ja|めっちゃ|tr=metcha}} {{q|slang|Kansai}}, {{t+check|ja|超|tr=ちょう, chō}} {{qualifier|slang}}, {{t+check|ja|ばり|tr=bari}} {{q|Hakata}}, {{t+check|ja|つるつる|tr=tsuru tsuru}} {{q|Fukui}}, {{t-check|ja|どえらい、でら|tr=doerai, dera|sc=Jpan}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
what is that (Phrase: what is that?)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[これ]][[は]][[何]][[です]][[か]]|tr=これはなんですか, kore wa nan desu ka}}<!-- question mark ? is not used with question particle か -->, {{t|ja|[[これ]][[は]][[何]]?|tr=これはなに?, kore wa nani?}} {{qualifier|casual}}, {{t|ja|あれはなんですか|tr=are wa nan desu ka}}
when (Conjunction: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|時|alt=...時|tr=... toki}}, {{t+check|ja|とき|alt=...のとき| toki}}, {{qualifier|used as in a longer time-span}}{{t+check|ja|頃|alt=...頃|tr=...koro}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->

No translation template

96 items
-ing (Suffix: to form gerunds)
* Japanese: {{q|use a verb in continuative form}} (i.e., {{m|ja|泳ぎ||tr=oyogi|swimming}} from {{m|ja|泳ぐ||tr=oyogu|to swim}}), {{t+|ja|の|alt=-の|tr=-no}}, {{t+|ja|こと|alt=-こと|tr=-koto}}
-ness (Suffix: appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being...", "the quality of being...", or "the measure of being...")
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|さ|alt=-さ|tr=-sa}}, {{t+|ja|性|alt=-性|tr=-sei}}, {{qualifier|0 ending on -な adjectives}}
Belle (Proper noun: female given name)
* Japanese: [[ベォレ]] (''[[Berre]]'')
Capeverdean Crioulo (Proper noun: creole language spoken in Cape Verde)
* Japanese: [[カーポベルデ]]の[[クレオール語]] (Kāpoberude no kureōru-go)
GIYF (Interjection: Abbreviation of Google is your friend)
* Japanese: [[ggrks]] ([[ググれカス]] gugure kasu)
Ibara (Proper noun: Ibara, Okayama, Japan)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|井原}}, {{t+|ja|いばら}}, イバラ
Rube Goldberg machine (Noun: comically overcomplicated machine)
* Japanese: [[ルーブ・ゴールドバーグ・マシン]]; [[ピタゴラスイッチ]] (pitagora suicchi); [[ピタゴラ装置]] (pitagora sōchi)
Sardinia (Proper noun: island of Italy)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|サルデーニャ|tr=Sarudēnya|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|サルディーニャ|tr=Sarudīnya}} {{qualifier|Sardinian form}}, {{t|ja|サルディニア|tr=Sarudinia}}, {{qualifier|Latin form}}
Trinitarian (Adjective: believing in the Trinity)
* Japanese: [[三位一体]]の (さんみいったいの sanmeittai no)
Venusian (Adjective: of Venus)
* Japanese: [[金星]]の ([[きんせい]]の, kinsei no)
Venusian (Adjective: of Venusians)
* Japanese: [[金星人]]の ([[きんせいじん]]の, kinseijin no)
accomplished (Adjective: completed)
* Japanese: [[完成]]した ([[かんせい]]した, kansei-shita), [[完了]]した ([[かんりょう]]した, kanryō-shita)
adventitious (Adjective: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|偶然的な}}, Botany: [[異常な位置に生じた]]
air-conditioned (Adjective: equipped with air-conditioning)
* Japanese: [[冷房完備の]] (reibō kanbi no); [[冷暖房の]] (reidanbō no); [[完全冷暖房の]] (kanzen reidanbō no)
all of (Adverb: merely)
* Japanese: 全ての (subete no)
anglerfish (Noun: fish of the bony fish order Lophiiformes)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|アンコウ}}, {{t+|ja|鮟鱇}}, ([[あんこう]], [[ankō]])
associate (Adjective: joined with others and having equal or near equal status)
* Japanese: [[一緒]][[に]][[やる|やって]][[いる]] ([[いっしょ]][[に]][[やる|やって]][[いる]], issho ni yatte iru), {{t+|ja|仲間|alt=仲間の|tr=[[なかま|なかまの]], nakama no|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|同僚|alt=同僚の|tr=[[どうりょう|どうりょうの]], dōryō no|sc=Jpan}}
associate (Verb: to connect in the mind or imagination)
* Japanese: [[結び付ける|結び付けて]][[考える]] ([[むすびつける|むすびつけて]][[かんがえる]], musubitsukete kangaeru), ({{t+|ja|連想|alt=連想する|tr=[[れんそう|れんそうする]], rensōsuru}}
be able to (Verb: have ability to)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|出来る|tr=できる, dekiru}}, {{qualifier|also expressed with the potential form of the verb}}
burnt sienna (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[代赭色]]の (たいしゃいろの, taishairo no)
car door (Noun: door designed for use on a car)
* Japanese: [[車]]の[[ドア]] (kuruma no doa)
check (Verb: to verify or compare with a source of information)
* Japanese: [[確認#Japanese|確認]][[する]] ([[かくにん]][[する]], [[kakunin#Japanese|kakunin]] [[suru#Japanese|suru]])
comic strip (Noun: series of illustrations)
* Japanese: [[漫画]] (まんが, manga) / [[コミックス]] (こみっくす, komikkusu)
cone (Noun: surface of revolution)
* Japanese: {{qual|right circular}} {{t|ja|直円錐面|tr=chokuensuimen|sc=Jpan}}, 直円錐の円錐面 (chokuensui no ensuimen), {{qual|circular}} {{t|ja|円錐面|tr=ensuimen|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|錐面|tr=suimen|sc=Jpan}}
corsair (Noun: pirate ship or privateer)
* Japanese: [[海賊(船)]](かいぞく(せん), kaizoku (sen))
curtain (Noun: piece of cloth in a theater)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|幕|tr=[[まく]], maku}}, [[緞帳]] ([[どんちょう]], donchō) with vertical move, [[引き幕]] ([[ひきまく]] hikimaku) with horizontal move
duck (Noun: aquatic bird of the family Anatidae)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|鴨|tr=kamo}}, {{tt+|ja|カモ|tr=kamo}}, {{qual|wild}}, {{tt+|ja|家鴨|tr=ahiru}}, {{tt+|ja|アヒル|tr=ahiru}} {{qual|domestic}}
employ (Verb: to put into use)
* Japanese: [[使う]] (tsukau); [[使用する]] (siyō-suru) (formal use)
eternally (Adverb: forever)
* Japanese: [[永遠]]に (えいえんに, eien ni), [[永久]]に (えいきゅうに, eikyū ni)
exiguous (Adjective: extremely scanty)
* Japanese: [[ごく僅かの]](ごくわずかの, goku wazuka no)
foraging (Noun: the act of searching for food)
* Japanese: [[採餌]] ([[さいじ]], ''[[saiji]]'')
foretell (Verb: to predict the future)
* Japanese: [[予言]]する ([[よげん]]する, yogen-suru) (1)a
frenchify (Verb: )
* Japanese: [[フランス化]]する (furansu-ka-suru)
fucking (Adjective: as an intensifier)
* Japanese: {{no equivalent translation|ja}}
gallicize (Verb: to translate into French)
* Japanese: [[フランス語]]に[[翻訳する]] (furansugo ni hon'yaku suru)
garnet (Noun: colour)
* Japanese: [[ガーネット]]色 (gānettoshoku)
gentleman (Noun: well-bred, well-mannered, or charming man)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|usually omitted}}, {{t+|ja|先生|tr=せんせい, sensei}} {{qualifier|addressing teachers, doctors, etc.}}, {{t+|ja|お客様|tr=おきゃくさま, o-kyaku-sama}} {{qualifier|to customers, guests}}, {{t+|ja|だんな|tr=danna}}
ha-ha (Interjection: approximation of the sound of laughter)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ふふふ}}, {{t|ja|へへへ}}, {{t|ja|えへ}}, {{t|ja|おーっほほほほ}}, [[けけけ]] (transliterated as [[fufufu]], [[hehehe]], [[ehe]] (see [[heh]]), [[o-hohohoho]], and [[kekeke]])
hard-nosed (Adjective: stubborn)
* Japanese: [[抜け目ない]]; [[頑固]]な
henna (Noun: dye)
* Japanese: [[ヘンナ]][[染料]] (へんなせんりょう, hennasenryō)
hepatic (Noun: compound)
* Japanese: [[肝臓]]にきく (かんぞうにきく, kanzō ni kiku)
illegalize (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[不法#Japanese|不法]][[化#Suffix|化]]する|tr=ふほうかする, fuhōka-suru}}, 不法化させる (fuhōka-saseru)
inside out (Adverb: of knowledge: thoroughly)
* Japanese: [[隅々]]まで (sumizumi made)
keratinization (Noun: the process in which cells are converted to hair and nails)
* Japanese: [[角質化]](かくしつか, kakushitsu ka)
landform (Noun: geological feature)
* Japanese: {{ja-l|地形|ちけい|chikei}}
leave me alone (Phrase: stop talking to me)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|放っとく|alt=放っといてよ|tr=ほっといてよ, hottoite yo}}, {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t|ja|独りにしてくれ|tr=hitori ni shite kure}} {{qualifier|plain}}, {{t|ja|独りにしてください|tr=hitori ni shite kudasai}} {{qualifier|formal}}, {{t|ja|余計なお世話だ|tr=yokei na osewada|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|informal}}
let's (Verb: let us; forming first-person plural imperative)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|volitional form is used, e.g. -ō/-mashō}}
mathematize (Verb: describe in terms of a mathematical equation)
* Japanese: [[定式化]]する (teishikika suru)
matter of life and death (Noun: Something whose outcome could result in either someone's survival or their death)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|死活問題|tr=しかつもんだい, shikatsumondai}}, [[生死#Japanese|生死]][[に#Particle|に]][[かかわる]][[問題#Japanese|問題]] ([[せいし]][[に#Particle|に]][[かかわる]][[もんだい]], [[seishi#Japanese|seishi]] [[ni#Japanese|ni]] [[kakawaru#Japanese|kakawaru]] [[mondai#Japanese|mondai]]), [[命#Japanese|命]][[に#Particle|に]][[かかわる]][[問題#Japanese|問題]] ([[いのち]][[に#Particle|に]][[かかわる]][[もんだい]], [[inochi#Japanese|inochi]] [[ni#Japanese|ni]] [[kakawaru#Japanese|kakawaru]] [[mondai#Japanese|mondai]])
meddlesome (Adjective: inclined to meddle or interfere)
* Japanese: [[おせっかい]]な (osekkai na)
mighty (Adjective: very strong, possessing might)
* Japanese: [[強大]]な (きょうだいな, kyōdai na)
neither (Pronoun: not either one)
* Japanese: [[どちら]][[も]]…[[ない]] (dochira mo …nai)
numerology (Noun: study)
* Japanese: [[数秘術]] ([[すうひじゅつ]], ''[[sūhijutsu]]'')
oaken (Adjective: made from the wood of an oak)
* Japanese: [[オーク材]]の (ōkuzai no)
octodecillion (Noun: 1057)
* Japanese: [[十]][[阿僧祇]] (じゅうあそうぎ, jūasōgi)
of (Preposition: indicative of age)
* Japanese: [[歳]][[の]] (sai no)
oil (Verb: lubricate with oil)
* Japanese: [[油]]を[[塗る]] (あぶらをぬる, abura o nuru)
oil (Verb: to grease with oil for cooking)
* Japanese: [[油]]を[[ひく]] (あぶらをひく, abura o hiku)
olive drab (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[濃黄緑色]]の (のうおうりょくしょくの, nōōryokushoku no)
oppress (Verb: keep down by unjust force)
* Japanese: [[圧迫]]する (あっぱくする, appaku suru)
pea green (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[黄緑色]]の (おうりょくしょくの, ōryokushoku no)
pearl grey (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[真珠色]]の (しんじゅいろの, shinjuiro no)
perfect number (Noun: a number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself)
* Japanese: [[完全数]] (かんせんすう; kanzen-su)
petunia (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[暗紫色]]の (あんししょくの, anshishoku)
pluripotent (Adjective: able to develop into any cell type)
* Japanese: [[多能性]]の (tanōsei no)
precipitously (Adverb: abruptly)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|急|tr=[[きゅう]], kyū}}, [[突然]] ([[とつぜん]], totsuzen) (?)
precognition (Noun: knowledge of something that is to occur in the future)
* Japanese: [[予知]](よち), {{t+|ja|予言|tr=yogen}}
puce (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[暗赤色]]の (あんせきしょくの, ansekishoku no)
raspberry (Adjective: the colour)
* Japanese: [[キイチゴ色]]の (kiichigo-iro no)
return on investment (Noun: benefit gained by an investor from an investment)
* Japanese: {{ja-l|投資収益率|とうししゅうえきりつ|tōshi shūeki-ritsu}}
rhythm guitar (Noun: guitar that provides rhythm)
* Japanese: リズム[[ギター]]
romp (Verb: to play roughly or energetically)
* Japanese: [[はしゃぎ回る]](はしゃぎまわる, hasyagi mawaru)
russet (Adjective: color)
* Japanese: [[あずき色]]の (azukiiro no)
sepia (Adjective: of a dark reddish-brown colour)
* Japanese: [[セピア色]]の (sepiairo no)
septendecillion (Numeral: 1054)
* Japanese: [[百]][[恒河沙]] (ひゃくごうがしゃ, hyakugōgasha)
sexdecillion (Numeral: 1051)
* Japanese: [[千]][[極]] (せんごく, sengoku)
sienna (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[シエナ色]]の (shienairo no)
silver-grey (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[銀白色]]の (ぎんはくしょくの, ginnpakushoku no)
simulcast (Noun: that which is broadcast on more than one medium)
* Japanese: [[同時]][[放送]]([[番組]]) (douji housou (bangumi)) (''lit.'' simultaneous transmission (of a program))
simulcast (Verb: broadcast over more than one medium)
* Japanese: [[同時]][[放送]]する (douji housou suru)
snollygoster (Noun: shrewd person not guided by principles)
* Japanese: [[ずる賢い人]](ずるがしこいひと, zurugashikoi hito)
sorrel (Adjective: colour)
* Japanese: [[薄赤褐色]]の (うすせきかっしょくの, ususekikasshoku no)
square centimeter (Noun: unit of area)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|平方センチメートル|tr=heihōsenchimētoru}}, {{qualifier|symbol}} cm<sup>2</sup>
strip (Verb: to remove or take away)
* Japanese: [[剥ぐ]] (はぐ, hagu) / [[外す]] (はずす, hazusu)
strip (Verb: to do a striptease)
* Japanese: [[ストリップする]] (すとりっぷする, sutorippu suru) / [[ストリップショーする]] (すとりっぷしょうする, sutorippushō suru)
striped beakfish (Noun: tropical fish, Oplegnathus fasciatus)
* Japanese: [[イシダイ]] ([[石鯛]] ishidai); [[シマダイ]] (shimadai) (the young, when still striped)
striped catfish (Noun: fish of species Plotosus lineatus)
* Japanese: [[ゴンズイ]] ([[ごんずい]], ''gonzui'')
sundew (Noun: group of insectivorous plants)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|毛氈苔|tr=[[モウセンゴケ]], mōsengoke|sc=Jpan}}, サンデュー (sandyū)
the (Article: used with the name of a member of a class to refer to all things in that class)
* Japanese: {{not used|ja}}, though ''something'' + [[と]][[いう]][[もの]] is often used.
tredecillion (Numeral: 1042)
* Japanese: [[百]][[正]] (ひゃくせい, hyakusei)
used to (Verb: formerly and habitually or repeatedly)
* Japanese: past tense followed by ものだ
vigintillion (Numeral: 1063)
* Japanese: [[千]][[那由他]] (せんなゆた, sennayuta)
what goes up must come down (Proverb: )
* Japanese: {{ja-r|盛%者%必%衰|じょう%しゃ%ひっ%すい}}
white (Noun: color/colour)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|白|tr=[[しろ]], shiro}}, ([[はく]], haku), {{tt+|ja|白色|tr=はくしょく, hakushoku}}
will (Verb: indicating future action)
* Japanese: ''present/future tense form is usually used''
would like (Verb: transitive)
* Japanese: (the exact form depends on the situation, e.g. "何になさいますか。" (nani ni nasaimasu ka?) "What would you like to have?")

Multiple t-templates

127 items
-ify (Suffix: to produce verbs meaning to make)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|化|alt=-化する|tr=-かする, -ka-suru}} ({{t+|ja|化|tr=-か, -ka}} + {{t+|ja|する|tr=-suru}})
-ify (Suffix: to produce verbs meaning to make)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|化|alt=-化する|tr=-かする, -ka-suru}} ({{t+|ja|化|tr=-か, -ka}} + {{t+|ja|する|tr=-suru}})
-ize (Suffix: suffix used to form verbs)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|化|alt=-化する|tr=-かする, -ka-suru}} ({{t+|ja|化|tr=-か, -ka}} + {{t+|ja|する|tr=-suru}})
-ize (Suffix: suffix used to form verbs)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|化|alt=-化する|tr=-かする, -ka-suru}} ({{t+|ja|化|tr=-か, -ka}} + {{t+|ja|する|tr=-suru}})
1992 (Proper noun: nineteen ninety-two (in words))
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[一]][[九]][[九]][[二]][[年]]}} / {{t|ja|[[1]][[9]][[9]][[2]][[年]]|tr=いっせんきゅうひゃくきゅうじゅうにねん, issen kyūhyaku kyūjū ni nen}}
Argentina (Proper noun: Argentine Republic)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|アルゼンチン|tr=Aruzenchin}} ({{tt+|ja|亜爾然丁|tr=アルゼンチン, Aruzenchin}})
Australia (Proper noun: Commonwealth of Australia)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|オーストラリア|tr=Ōsutoraria}} (''also written:'' {{t+|ja|濠太剌利|tr=Ōsutoraria}}), {{qualifier|rare}} {{tt+|ja|濠洲|tr=ごうしゅう, Gōshū}}, {{t+|ja|豪州|tr=ごうしゅう, Gōshū}}, {{qualifier|abbreviation}} {{t+|ja|濠|tr=ごう, Gō}}, {{t+|ja|豪|tr=ごう, Gō}}
Australia (Proper noun: continent of Australia)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|オーストラリア|tr=Ōsutoraria}} (''also written:'' {{t+|ja|濠太剌利|tr=Ōsutoraria}}), {{qualifier|rare}} {{tt+|ja|濠洲|tr=ごうしゅう, Gōshū}}, {{t+|ja|豪州|tr=ごうしゅう, Gōshū}}, {{qualifier|abbreviation}} {{t+|ja|濠|tr=ごう, Gō}}, {{t+|ja|豪|tr=ごう, Gō}}, {{tt|ja|[[オーストラリア]][[大陸]]|tr=オーストラリアたいりく, Ōsutoraria tairiku}}
Bluebeard (Proper noun: the famous fairy tale)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|青ひげ|tr=あおひげ, Aohige|sc=Jpan}} ({{t|ja|青髭|tr=あおひげ, Aohige|sc=Jpan}})
Bluebeard (Proper noun: the title character)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|青ひげ|tr=あおひげ, Aohige|sc=Jpan}} ({{t|ja|青髭|tr=あおひげ, Aohige|sc=Jpan}})
British (Proper noun: the British English language)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[イギリス]][[英語]]|tr=Igirisu eigo}}, {{t|ja|英英語|tr=えいえいご, eieigo}} or {{t|ja|英々語|tr=えいえいご, eieigo}}
Cambridge (Proper noun: city in England)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ケンブリッジ|tr=Kenburijji}} (sometimes: {{t|ja|剣橋|tr=Kenburijji}})
Cantonese (Noun: language)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|広東語|tr=かんとんご, Kantongo}} {{t+|ja|粤語|tr=えつご, Etsugo|sc=Jpan}}
Charles (Proper noun: given name)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|チャールズ|tr=Chāruzu|sc=Jpan}} {{t|ja|シャルル|tr=Sharuru|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|of French people}}
Christ (Proper noun: title for Jesus of Nazareth)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|キリスト|tr=Kirisuto}} ({{t+|ja|基督|tr=きりすと, Kirisuto}}), {{t+|ja|ハリストス|tr=Harisutosu}} {{q|Orthodox Church}}
Cuba (Proper noun: country and largest island in Caribbean)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|キューバ|tr=Kyūba}} ({{tt+|ja|玖馬|tr=Kyūba}} {{qualifier|obsolete}})
Dravidian (Proper noun: family of languages)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ドラヴィダ語族|tr=Doravida-gozoku}} {{t|ja|達羅毗荼語族|tr=Doravida-gozoku}}
Great Britain (Proper noun: United Kingdom)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|グレートブリテン|tr=Gurēto Buriten}} {{t|ja|ブリテン|tr=Buriten}}, {{t+|ja|イギリス|tr=Igirisu}}, {{t+|ja|英国|tr=えいこく, Eikoku}}
Jerusalemite (Adjective: of, from, or pertaining to Jerusalem)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|エルサレム|alt=エルサレムの|tr=Erusaremu no}} {{t|ja|イェルサレム|alt=イェルサレムの|tr=Yerusaremu no}}
Jesus (Proper noun: the Christian Messiah)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|イエス|tr=Iesu}} ({{tt+|ja|耶蘇|tr=いえす, Iesu}}), {{qualifier|Orthodox Church}} {{tt|ja|イイスス|tr=Iisusu}}, {{qualifier|Catholic|historical}} {{tt|ja|イエズス|tr=Iezusu}}, {{tt+|ja|イエス・キリスト|tr=Iesu Kirisuto}}
Kosovo (Proper noun: disputed region in the Balkans)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|コソボ|tr=Kosobo}} {{t+|ja|コソヴォ|tr=Kosovo}}
Kurosawa (Proper noun: surname)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|黒沢|tr=くろさわ, Kurosawa}} (kyūjitai: {{t|ja|黒澤|tr=くろさわ, Kurosawa}})
Latin (Proper noun: language of the ancient Romans)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ラテン語|tr=ラテンご, ratengo}} (obsolete: {{t|ja|拉丁語}})
Masaru (Proper noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|まさる}}: {{t+|ja|優}}, {{t+|ja|勝}}, {{t+|ja|将}}, {{t+|ja|將}}, {{t+|ja|賢}}
Memphis (Proper noun: city of ancient Egypt)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|メンフィス}}、{{t|ja|メンネフル}}、{{t|ja|マンフ}}
Memphis (Proper noun: city of ancient Egypt)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|メンフィス}}、{{t|ja|メンネフル}}、{{t|ja|マンフ}}
Mexico (Proper noun: country)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|メキシコ|tr=Mekishiko}} ({{tt+|ja|墨西哥}})
Paris (Proper noun: capital of France)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|パリ|tr=Pari}} ({{tt+|ja|巴里|tr=Pari}} '''dated''')
Proto-Japonic (Proper noun: the hypothetical ancestral language of both modern Japanese and the Ryukyuan languages)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|日琉祖語|tr=Nichiryū-sogo}} {{t+|ja|日本祖語|tr=Nihonsogo}}
Singapore (Proper noun: an island and city-state in Southeast Asia)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|シンガポール|tr=Shingapōru}} ({{t+|ja|新嘉坡|tr=シンガポール, Shingapōru}}), {{t|ja|昭南|tr=しょうなん, Shōnan}} {{qualifier|historical}}
Telugu (Noun: member of the people who speak it)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|テルグ語話者}} ({{t|ja|テルグごわしゃ|tr=Terugu-go washa}})
Turkey (Proper noun: country at intersection of Europe and Asia)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|トルコ|tr=Toruko}} ({{t+|ja|土耳古}})
Virgo Supercluster (Proper noun: Local Supercluster)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|おとめ座超銀河団}} <sub>({{t|ja|おとめざちょうぎんがだん}})</sub>
Yuriko (Proper noun: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|Yuriko}} / {{t|ja|Yūriko}}; {{t|ja|ゆりこ}} / {{t|ja|ゆうりこ}};
afford (Verb: to incur, stand, or bear)
* Japanese: ({{l|ja|買う}}, {{l|ja|持つ}}) {{t+|ja|余裕|tr=よゆうがある, yoyū ga aru|alt=余裕がある}}, ({{l|ja|買う}}, {{l|ja|持つ}}) {{t+|ja|ゆとり|tr=yutori ga aru|alt=ゆとりがある}}
afford (Verb: to incur, stand, or bear)
* Japanese: ({{l|ja|買う}}, {{l|ja|持つ}}) {{t+|ja|余裕|tr=よゆうがある, yoyū ga aru|alt=余裕がある}}, ({{l|ja|買う}}, {{l|ja|持つ}}) {{t+|ja|ゆとり|tr=yutori ga aru|alt=ゆとりがある}}
ahjussi (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|アジョシ|tr=ajoshi}} {{t|ja|アジョッシ|tr=ajosshi}}
air conditioning (Noun: an air conditioner or system of air conditioners)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|エアコン|tr=eakon}} {{t+|ja|冷房|tr=れいぼう, reibō}}, {{t|ja|空調設備|tr=くうちょうせつび, kūchō setsubi}}
alimony (Noun: a court-enforced allowance)
* Japanese: ({{t+|ja|離婚|tr=りこん, rikon}}) {{t|ja|扶養料|tr=ふようりょう, fuyōryō|sc=Jpan}}
ambergris (Noun: waxy substance produced by sperm whales)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|竜涎香|tr=りゅうぜんこう, ryūzenkō}} (also spelled {{t+|ja|龍涎香|tr=りゅうぜんこう, ryūzenkō}}), {{t|ja|アンバーグリス|tr=anbāgurisu}}
antivirus (Noun: computing software)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|アンチウイルス|tr=anchiuirusu|sc=Jpan}} / {{t|ja|アンチウィルス|tr=anchiwirusu|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|抗ウイルス|tr=kō-uirusu|sc=Jpan}} / {{t|ja|抗ウィルス|tr=kō-wirusu|sc=Jpan}}
anyone (Pronoun: anybody)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|誰も|tr=[[だれも]], dare mo}} {{qualifier|used with affirmative verbs}} {{t|ja|誰でも|tr=[[だれでも]], dare de mo}}
armoured fighting vehicle (Noun: type of military vehicle)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|装甲戦闘車両}} or {{t|ja|装甲戦闘車輛|tr=sōkōsentōsharyō}}
as if (Conjunction: as though)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|まるで|alt=(まるで...)|tr=maru-de...}} {{t+|ja|よう|alt=...のようだ|tr=...-no yō da}}
as if (Conjunction: in mimicry of)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|まるで|alt=(まるで...)|tr=maru-de...}} {{t+|ja|よう|alt=...のようだ|tr=...-no yō da}}
as though (Conjunction: as to suggest that)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|まるで|alt=(まるで...)|tr=maru-de...}} {{t+|ja|よう|alt=...のようだ|tr=...-no yō da}}
as you wish (Interjection: as you wish)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|どうぞお望みの様に|tr=どうぞおのぞみのように, dōzo o-nozomi no yōni|sc=Jpan}} {{t|ja|御意に|tr=ぎょいに, gyoi}}
bang (Verb: slang: to engage in sexual intercourse)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|やる|tr=yaru}} {{t+|ja|寝る|tr=neru}}, {{t+|ja|食う|tr=kuu}}, {{t+|ja|犯す|tr=okasu}}
bilingual (Noun: a person who is bilingual)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[二]][[言語]][[に]][[通じる|通じた]][[人]]}} ({{t|ja|[[に]][[げんご]][[に]][[つうじる|つうじた]][[ひと]]|tr=ni gengo ni tsūjita hito}})
bill (Noun: invoice)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|料金|tr=りょうきん, ryōkin}} {{t+|ja|勘定|tr=かんじょう, kanjō}}, {{t+|ja|請求書|tr=せいきゅうしょ, seikyūsho}}, {{t|ja|送り状|tr=おくりじょう, okurijō}}
bite (Verb: cut into by clamping the teeth)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|噛む|tr=かむ, kamu}} (also spelled: {{tt+|ja|咬む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt+|ja|嚙む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|嚼む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|噛み切る|tr=かみきる, kamikiru}}
bite (Verb: cut into by clamping the teeth)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|噛む|tr=かむ, kamu}} (also spelled: {{tt+|ja|咬む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt+|ja|嚙む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|嚼む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|噛み切る|tr=かみきる, kamikiru}}
bite (Verb: cut into by clamping the teeth)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|噛む|tr=かむ, kamu}} (also spelled: {{tt+|ja|咬む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt+|ja|嚙む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|嚼む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|噛み切る|tr=かみきる, kamikiru}}
bite (Verb: cut into by clamping the teeth)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|噛む|tr=かむ, kamu}} (also spelled: {{tt+|ja|咬む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt+|ja|嚙む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|嚼む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|噛み切る|tr=かみきる, kamikiru}}
calcination (Noun: the process of calcining)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|煆焼|tr=かしょう, kashō}}、{{t+|ja|焼成|tr=しょうせい, shōsei}}
chilblain (Noun: inflammation)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|霜焼け|tr=しもやけ, shimoyake|sc=Jpan}} / {{t|ja|霜焼|tr=しもやけ, shimoyake|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|凍瘡|tr=とうそう, tōsō|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|凍傷|tr=とうしょう, tōshō|sc=Jpan}}
cleft chin (Noun: cleft chin)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|割れ顎|tr=wareago|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|informal, lit.: butt chin}} {{t|ja|ケツあご|tr=ketsuago|sc=Jpan}} (also spelled: {{t|ja|ケツ顎|tr=ketsuago}}, {{t|ja|尻顎|tr=ketsuago}})
cleft chin (Noun: cleft chin)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|割れ顎|tr=wareago|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|informal, lit.: butt chin}} {{t|ja|ケツあご|tr=ketsuago|sc=Jpan}} (also spelled: {{t|ja|ケツ顎|tr=ketsuago}}, {{t|ja|尻顎|tr=ketsuago}})
cloud up (Verb: to become cloudy or overcast)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|曇る}} {{t+|ja|くもる}}
common bean (Noun: plant)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|インゲンマメ|tr=ingenmame|sc=Jpan}} ({{t+|ja|隠元豆|tr=ingenmame|sc=Jpan}}), {{t|ja|サイトウ|tr=saitō|sc=Jpan}} ({{t+|ja|菜豆|tr=saitō|sc=Jpan}}), {{t|ja|サンドマメ|tr=sandomame|sc=Jpan}} ({{t|ja|三度豆|tr=sandomame|sc=Jpan}})
consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
* Japanese: (of: {{l|ja|から|...から|tr=...kara}}) {{t+|ja|成り立つ|tr=なりたつ, naritatsu}}, (of: {{l|ja|から|...から|tr=...kara}}) {{t+|ja|成る|tr=なる, naru}}
corn chip (Noun: snack food made from cornmeal)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|コーンチップ|tr=kōnchippu}} {{t|ja|コーンチップス|tr=kōnchippusu}}
count on (Verb: to rely on, trust, or expect)
* Japanese: ...{{l|ja|に|}} {{t+|ja|頼る|tr=たよる, tayoru|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|当てにする|tr=あてにする, ate ni suru|sc=Jpan}}
dairy (Noun: shop selling dairy products)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|牛乳屋|tr=gyūnyūya}} (optionally, added {{l|ja|さん|tr=san}}), {{t|ja|牛乳販売店|tr=gyūnyūhanbaiten}}
deliver (Verb: to meet expectations)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|沿う}}・{{t+|ja|添う|tr=そう, sou}}, {{t+|ja|応じる|tr=おうじる, ōjiru}}, {{t+|ja|応ずる|tr=おうずる, ōzuru}}, {{t|ja|…を[[果たす]]|tr=…をはたす, … o hatasu}}
dragon (Noun: mythical creature)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|竜|tr=りゅう, ryū; りょう, ryō; たつ, tatsu}} (kyūjitai: {{tt+|ja|龍|tr=りゅう, ryū; りょう, ryō; たつ, tatsu}}), {{tt+|ja|ドラゴン|tr=doragon}}
drown (Verb: to be suffocated in fluid)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|水死|alt=水死する|tr=すいしする, suishi suru}}, {{t+|ja|溺死|alt=溺死する|tr=できしする, dekishi suru|sc=Jpan}} {{t+|ja|溺れる|tr=おぼれる, oboreru|sc=Jpan}}
fanslation (Noun: unofficial translation of a media product)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|非公式|alt=非公式な}}{{t+|ja|翻訳|tr=ひこうしきなほんやく, hikōshiki na hon'yaku}} {{gloss|literally: informal translation}}
floorcloth (Noun: cloth for cleaning floors)
* Japanese: ({{l|ja|床}}){{t+|ja|雑巾|tr=ぞうきん, zōkin|sc=Jpan}}
focus (Verb: (intransitive) to concentrate one's attention on something)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|集中|tr=shūchū suru|alt=集中する}} (on/upon: {{t+|ja|に}})
franc (Noun: former currency of France and Belgium)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|フラン|tr=furan}} ({{t+|ja|法}})
franc (Noun: any of several units of currency)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|フラン|tr=furan}} ({{t+|ja|法}})
gay (Adjective: festive, bright, colorful)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|派手|tr=はでな, hade na|alt=派手な|sc=Jpan}} {{tt|ja|華やか|tr=はなやかな, hanayaka na|alt=華やかな|sc=Jpan}} {{tt|ja|色鮮やか|tr=いろあざやかな, iroazayaka na|alt=色鮮やかな|sc=Jpan}}
gay (Adjective: festive, bright, colorful)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|派手|tr=はでな, hade na|alt=派手な|sc=Jpan}} {{tt|ja|華やか|tr=はなやかな, hanayaka na|alt=華やかな|sc=Jpan}} {{tt|ja|色鮮やか|tr=いろあざやかな, iroazayaka na|alt=色鮮やかな|sc=Jpan}}
get well soon (Phrase: expressing hope that someone recovers soon)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|お大事に|tr=odaiji ni}} {{t|ja|早く良くなりますように|tr=hayaku yoku narimasu yōni}}
give (Verb: transfer the possession of something to someone else)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|与える|tr=あたえる, ataeru}},{{tt+|ja|あげる|tr=ageru}}, {{tt|ja|下さる|tr=くださる, kudasaru}} {{qualifier|honorific}}, {{tt+|ja|差し上げる|tr=さしあげる, sashiageru}} {{qualifier|humble}}, {{tt+|ja|くれる|tr=kureru}} {{qualifier|senior to junior}}
gross domestic product (Noun: economic production of a particular territory)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ジーディーピー|tr=jīdīpī|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|国内総生産|tr=(こくないそうせいさん, kokunai-sōseisan|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|GDP|sc=Jpan}})
guillemet (Noun: either of the punctuation marks « or »)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ギュメ|tr=gyume|sc=Jpan}}, symbols: {{l|ja|《|sc=Jpan}} and {{l|ja|》|sc=Jpan}}, {{l|ja|〈|sc=Jpan}} and {{l|ja|〉|sc=Jpan}}
guy (Noun: male, man)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|やつ|tr=yatsu}}, {{t|ja|ヤツ|tr=yatsu}}, {{t+|ja|奴|tr=yatsu}}, {{t+|ja|野郎|tr=やろう, yarō}} ref. {{t+|ja|こいつ|tr=koitsu}}, {{t+|ja|そいつ|tr=soitsu}}, {{t+|ja|あいつ|tr=aitsu}}
hawthorn berry (Noun: the edible fruit of the hawthorn)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|山査子}}{{t+|ja|の}}{{t+|ja|実|tr=sanzashi no mi}}
hawthorn berry (Noun: the edible fruit of the hawthorn)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|山査子}}{{t+|ja|の}}{{t+|ja|実|tr=sanzashi no mi}}
high-beam (Noun: automobile's headlights adjusted to brighten a longer distance)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ハイビーム|tr=hai-biimu}}, {{t+|ja|上向き|tr=uwamuki}}、{{t|ja|走行用前照灯|tr=sōkō-yō zenshōtō}} {{qual|official}}
how (Adverb: used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|何て|tr=nante}} {{tt|ja|何と|tr=nanto}}
hypothermia (Noun: low body temperature)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|低体温症|tr=teitaionshō|sc=Jpan}} {{t|ja|ハイポサーミア|tr=haiposāmia}}
incalculably (Adverb: in an incalculable manner)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|桁外れ|alt=桁外れに|tr=ketahazure ni}} {{t|ja|箆棒|alt=箆棒に|tr=berabō ni}}
indivisible (Adjective: incapable of being divided)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|分割|alt=分割できない|tr=bunkatsu dekinai}}, {{t+|ja|分ける|alt=分けられない|tr=wakerarenai}}, {{t+|ja|割れる|alt=割れない|tr=warenai}} {{t+|ja|不可分|alt=不可分の|tr=fukabun no}}
inhibit (Verb: to hold in or hold back; to restrain)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|抑制|tr=よくせいする, yokusei-suru|alt=抑制する}} {{t+|ja|阻止|tr=そしする, soshi-suru|alt=阻止する}} {{t+|ja|制止|tr=せいしする, seishi-isuru|alt=制止する}}, {{t+|ja|抑止|tr=よくしする, yokushi-suru|alt=抑止する}}
inhibit (Verb: to hold in or hold back; to restrain)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|抑制|tr=よくせいする, yokusei-suru|alt=抑制する}} {{t+|ja|阻止|tr=そしする, soshi-suru|alt=阻止する}} {{t+|ja|制止|tr=せいしする, seishi-isuru|alt=制止する}}, {{t+|ja|抑止|tr=よくしする, yokushi-suru|alt=抑止する}}
intellect (Noun: The faculty of knowing and reasoning; understanding)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|知性|tr=ちせい, chisei}}、{{t|ja|思考力|tr=しこうりょく, shikōryoku}}
knitting (Noun: knitted fabric)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|編み物|tr=あみもの, amimono|sc=Jpan}} (also: {{t+|ja|編物|tr=あみもの, amimono|sc=Jpan}})
ladyboy (Noun: effeminate homosexual man, especially an intergender person)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ニューハーフ|tr=nyūhāfu|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|(pseudo-anglicism: from "new half"}}, {{t|ja|レディーボーイ|tr=redībōi|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|anglicism}}
lantern (Noun: case of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|灯篭|tr=とうろう, tōrō|sc=Jpan}} (also: {{t+|ja|灯籠|sc=Jpan|tr=とうろう, tōrō}}), {{t+|ja|ランタン|tr=rantan|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|paper}} {{t+|ja|提灯|tr=ちょうちん, chōchin|sc=Jpan}}
lobster (Noun: crustacean)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|伊勢海老|tr=ise ebi}}, {{t|ja|イセエビ|tr=ise ebi}}, {{t|ja|オーマル|tr=ōmaru}} {{t+|ja|ロブスター|tr=robusutā}}
lock (Noun: segment of a canal)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|水門|tr=すいもん, suimon}}, {{t+|ja|水門|tr=みと, mito}}{{t+|ja|閘門|tr=こうもん, kōmon}}
maiden (Noun: unmarried young female)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|処女|tr=しょじょ, shojo}}, {{t+|ja|処子|tr=しょし, shoshi}} {{t+|ja|少女|tr=しょうじょ, shōjo}}
merry (Adjective: jolly and full of high-spirits)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|陽気|tr=ようきな, yōki na|alt=陽気な}}、{{t|ja|賑々しい|tr=にぎにぎしい, nigi nigi shī}}, {{t+|ja|明るい|tr=あかるい, akarui}}
my (Determiner: belonging to me)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|私|alt=私の|tr=わたしの, watashi no}}, {{qualifier|male speaker}} {{tt+|ja|僕|alt=僕の|tr=ぼくの, boku no}}, {{tt+|ja|我が|tr=わが, waga}} (also written: {{tt+|ja|我}})
one (Noun: digit or figure)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|一|tr=いち, ichi}}, {{t+|ja|一|tr=ひと, hito}} {{t+|ja|ワン|tr=ワン, wan}}
or (Conjunction: conjunction)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|または|tr=mata wa}} ({{tt+|ja|又は}}), {{tt+|ja|あるいは|tr=arui wa}}, {{tt+|ja|か|tr=ka}}, {{tt+|ja|それとも|tr=soretomo}}
paper anniversary (Noun: 1st anniversary)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|紙婚式}} {{t|ja|かみこんしき|tr=kamikonshiki}}
parrot (Noun: kind of bird)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|オウム|tr=ōmu}} ({{t+|ja|鸚鵡}}) {{qualifier|large}}, {{t+|ja|インコ|tr=inko}} ({{t+|ja|鸚哥}}) {{qualifier|small}}
platypus (Noun: Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|カモノハシ|tr=[[kamonohashi]]}} (also written: {{t+|ja|鴨嘴}} or {{t+|ja|かものはし}})
platypus (Noun: Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|カモノハシ|tr=[[kamonohashi]]}} (also written: {{t+|ja|鴨嘴}} or {{t+|ja|かものはし}})
play (Verb: produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense))
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|演奏|tr=えんそうする, ensō suru|alt=えんそうする}}, {{tt+|ja|奏でる|tr=かなでる, kanaderu}} {{qualifier|string instruments including piano}} {{tt+|ja|弾く|tr=ひく, hiku}}, {{qualifier|wind instruments}} {{tt+|ja|吹く|tr=ふく, fuku}}, {{qualifier|drums}} {{tt+|ja|叩く|tr=たたく, tataku}}
polar bear (Noun: Ursus maritimus)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ホッキョクグマ|tr=Hokkyoku-guma|sc=Jpan}} ({{t+|ja|北極熊|sc=Jpan}}), {{t|ja|シロクマ|tr=shirokuma|sc=Jpan}} ({{t+|ja|白熊|sc=Jpan}})
sibling (Noun: person who shares same parents)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|兄弟|tr=きょうだい, kyōdai|sc=Jpan}}{{t+|ja|兄弟姉妹|tr=きょうだいしまい, kyōdai shimai}}, {{t+|ja|同胞|tr=どうほう, dōhō}}, {{t+|ja|同胞|tr=harakara}}
sire (Noun: male animal)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|雄|tr=おす, osu}} {{t|ja|オス|tr=osu}}
slap (Verb: to give a slap)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ひっぱたく}}, {{t+|ja|平手打ち}}{{t+|ja|する}}
soak (Verb: to be saturated with liquid by being immersed in it)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|濡れる|tr=nureru|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|浸る|tr=hitaru}} {{t+|ja|染みる|tr=shimiru}}
sorry (Interjection: expression of regret or sorrow)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|すみません|tr=sumimasen}}, {{t|ja|すまない|tr=sumanai|sc=Jpan}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|ja|ごめんなさい|tr=gomennasai}}, {{t+|ja|ごめん|tr=gomen}} {{qualifier|informal}} {{t+|ja|失礼|tr=shitsurei shimashita|alt=失礼しました}}, {{t+|ja|申し訳|tr=もうしわけありません, mōshiwake arimasen|alt=申し訳ありません|sc=Jpan}}
starfish (Noun: various echinoderms)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ヒトデ|tr=hitode}}, {{t+|ja|海星|tr=ひとで, hitode|sc=Jpan}} (also written: {{t+|ja|人手|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|海盤車|sc=Jpan}})
starfish (Noun: various echinoderms)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ヒトデ|tr=hitode}}, {{t+|ja|海星|tr=ひとで, hitode|sc=Jpan}} (also written: {{t+|ja|人手|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|海盤車|sc=Jpan}})
stifle (Verb: to make (an animal or person) unconscious or cause (an animal or person) death by preventing breathing; smother, suffocate)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|a person}} {{t+|ja|窒息|tr=ちっそくさせる, chissoku saseru|alt=窒息させる}}, {{qualifier|an activity or desire}} {{t+|ja|抑圧|tr=よくあつする, yokuatsu suru|alt=抑圧する}}, {{qualifier|a flame}} {{t+|ja|消す|tr=けす, kesu}}. {{qualifier|a sound}} {{t+|ja|静める|tr=しずめる, shizumeru}}, {{qualifier|a rumor}} {{t|ja|もみ消す|tr=もみけす, momikesu}}
sugar beet (Noun: type of beet)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|甜菜|tr=[[てんさい]], tensai}} / {{t+|ja|テンサイ|tr=tensai}}, {{t+|ja|砂糖大根|tr=さとうだいこん, satōdaikon}} / {{t|ja|サトウダイコン|tr=satōdaikon}}
sym- (Prefix: variant of syn-)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|共|tr=きょう, kyō-}} {{t+|ja|同|tr=どう, dō-}}
that (Adverb: to a given extent or degree)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|lesser degree}} {{t+check|ja|それ|sc=Jpan}} {{l|ja|程|tr=sore hodo}}, {{qualifier|greater degree}} {{t+check|ja|あれ|sc=Jpan}} {{l|ja|程|tr=are hodo}}
too much (Adverb: excessively)
* Japanese: {{l|ja|多}}{{l|ja|すぎる}} (おおすぎる, ō-sugiru) {{qualifier|only of quantity}}, {{t+|ja|すぎる|tr=すぎる, sugiru|sc=Jpan}} (verb or adjective suffix; grammatical verb, e.g. {{lang|ja|飲みすぎる}} (nomisugiru) - to drink too much))
trade away (Verb: to relinquish)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|(̈[[物]])を[[売り払う]]|tr=(mono)wo uriharau}}, {{t|ja|([[権利]])を[[手放す]]|tr=(kenri)wo tebanasu]}}
true (Verb: straighten)
* Japanese: {{l|ja|正しい|正しく}}{{l|ja|調整|調整する|tr=tadashiku chōsei suru}}, {{l|ja|正確|正確に}}{{l|ja|形作る|tr=seikaku ni katachizukuru}}
umpire (Verb: to act as an umpire in a game)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|for all sports}} {{t+|ja|審判|tr=shinpan}}, {{t+|ja|審判員|tr=shinpan'in}} {{qualifier|occasionally, for baseball}} {{t|ja|アンパイヤ|tr=anpaiya}}
ward (Noun: part of a hospital where patients reside)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|病室|tr=byōshitsu}} {{t+|ja|病棟|tr=byōtō}}
watermelon (Noun: plant)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|スイカ|tr=suika}} ({{t+|ja|西瓜}})
watermelon (Noun: fruit)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|スイカ|tr=suika}} ({{t+|ja|西瓜|tr=すいか, suika}})
worry (Verb: to seize or shake by the throat)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|噛む|alt=噛んで}}{{t+|ja|振り回す|tr=kande furimawasu}}
yuck (Interjection: uttered to indicate disgust)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|げ|tr=ge}} (''also spelled:'' {{t+|ja|ゲ|tr=ge}}, {{t|ja|げっ|tr=ge}}, {{t|ja|ゲッ|tr=ge}})
yuck (Interjection: uttered to indicate disgust)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|げ|tr=ge}} (''also spelled:'' {{t+|ja|ゲ|tr=ge}}, {{t|ja|げっ|tr=ge}}, {{t|ja|ゲッ|tr=ge}})
yuck (Interjection: uttered to indicate disgust)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|げ|tr=ge}} (''also spelled:'' {{t+|ja|ゲ|tr=ge}}, {{t|ja|げっ|tr=ge}}, {{t|ja|ゲッ|tr=ge}})


177 items
-cide (Suffix: killing of)
* Japanese: -{{t|ja|殺し|tr=koroshi}}
-ify (Suffix: to produce verbs meaning to make)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|化|alt=-化する|tr=-かする, -ka-suru}} ({{t+|ja|化|tr=-か, -ka}} + {{t+|ja|する|tr=-suru}})
-ize (Suffix: suffix used to form verbs)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|化|alt=-化する|tr=-かする, -ka-suru}} ({{t+|ja|化|tr=-か, -ka}} + {{t+|ja|する|tr=-suru}})
1992 (Proper noun: nineteen ninety-two (in words))
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[一]][[九]][[九]][[二]][[年]]}} / {{t|ja|[[1]][[9]][[9]][[2]][[年]]|tr=いっせんきゅうひゃくきゅうじゅうにねん, issen kyūhyaku kyūjū ni nen}}
Alice in Wonderland (Adjective: as in a surreal fairy tale)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|不思議の国のアリス|tr=fushigi no kuni no Arisu|sc=Jpan}} ([[よう|のような]])
Aragonese (Adjective: from Aragon)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|アラゴン|tr=Aragon no|alt=アラゴンの}} (''[[adnominal|adn.]]'')
Australia (Proper noun: Commonwealth of Australia)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|オーストラリア|tr=Ōsutoraria}} (''also written:'' {{t+|ja|濠太剌利|tr=Ōsutoraria}}), {{qualifier|rare}} {{tt+|ja|濠洲|tr=ごうしゅう, Gōshū}}, {{t+|ja|豪州|tr=ごうしゅう, Gōshū}}, {{qualifier|abbreviation}} {{t+|ja|濠|tr=ごう, Gō}}, {{t+|ja|豪|tr=ごう, Gō}}
Australia (Proper noun: continent of Australia)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|オーストラリア|tr=Ōsutoraria}} (''also written:'' {{t+|ja|濠太剌利|tr=Ōsutoraria}}), {{qualifier|rare}} {{tt+|ja|濠洲|tr=ごうしゅう, Gōshū}}, {{t+|ja|豪州|tr=ごうしゅう, Gōshū}}, {{qualifier|abbreviation}} {{t+|ja|濠|tr=ごう, Gō}}, {{t+|ja|豪|tr=ごう, Gō}}, {{tt|ja|[[オーストラリア]][[大陸]]|tr=オーストラリアたいりく, Ōsutoraria tairiku}}
British (Proper noun: the British English language)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[イギリス]][[英語]]|tr=Igirisu eigo}}, {{t|ja|英英語|tr=えいえいご, eieigo}} or {{t|ja|英々語|tr=えいえいご, eieigo}}
Buscemese (Adjective: from Buscemi)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ブシェミ|tr=Bushemi no}} (''[[adnominal|adn.]]'')
Buscemese (Noun: from Buscemi)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ブシェミ|tr=Bushemi no}} (''[[adnominal|adn.]]'')
Cambridge (Proper noun: city in England)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ケンブリッジ|tr=Kenburijji}} (sometimes: {{t|ja|剣橋|tr=Kenburijji}})
Ingush (Noun: A member of the Ingush people)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|イングーシ人}} (Ingūshi-jin)
Ingush (Proper noun: Nakh dialect spoken by the Ingush)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|イングーシ語}} (Ingūshi-go)
Kurosawa (Proper noun: surname)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|黒沢|tr=くろさわ, Kurosawa}} (kyūjitai: {{t|ja|黒澤|tr=くろさわ, Kurosawa}})
LOL (Interjection: expression of laughter)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|w}}, {{t|ja|www}}, {{t|ja|ワラ}} (wara), {{t+|ja|草|tr=kusa}}, {{t+|ja|笑|tr=わらい, warai, しょう, shō, わら, wara|alt=(笑)|sc=Jpan}} (can be preceded by [[かっこ]] ''kakko'' when reading aloud)
Latin (Proper noun: language of the ancient Romans)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ラテン語|tr=ラテンご, ratengo}} (obsolete: {{t|ja|拉丁語}})
Memphis (Proper noun: city of ancient Egypt)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|メンフィス}}、{{t|ja|メンネフル}}、{{t|ja|マンフ}} (、、))
Paris (Proper noun: capital of France)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|パリ|tr=Pari}} ({{tt+|ja|巴里|tr=Pari}} '''dated''')
Peruvian (Adjective: pertaining to Peru)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ペルー|tr=Perū}}
Samoan (Noun: person)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|サモア人}} (samoa-jin)
Samoan (Noun: Samoan language)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|サモア語}} (samoa-go)
Tang dynasty (Proper noun: Chinese dynasty)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|唐|sc=Jpan}} ([[Tō]])
Virgo Supercluster (Proper noun: Local Supercluster)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|おとめ座超銀河団}} <sub>({{t|ja|おとめざちょうぎんがだん}})</sub> (<sub>()</sub>))
Yuriko (Proper noun: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|Yuriko}} / {{t|ja|Yūriko}}; {{t|ja|ゆりこ}} / {{t|ja|ゆうりこ}};
act (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|行動|alt=行動する|tr=kōdō suru}} (3); {{t-check|ja|実行する|tr=jikkō suru}} (1,4); {{t-check|ja|出演する|tr=shutsuen suru}} (2)
administration (Noun: the executive part of government)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|政権|tr=せいけん, seiken}}; (office) {{t+|ja|官庁|tr=かんちょう, kanchō}}; (school) {{t+|ja|行政|tr=ぎょうせい, gyōsei}}
adopt (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|採用する}} (saiyō suru)
adoptee (Noun: adopted son or daughter)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|養子|m|tr=ようし, yōshi|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|養女|f|tr=yōjo|sc=Jpan}} (daughter)
adoptee (Noun: person who was adopted as a child)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|養子|m|tr=ようし, yōshi|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|養女|f|tr=yōjo|sc=Jpan}} (daughter)
aftereffect (Noun: delayed effect)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|後遺症|tr=kōishō}}(''for disease or injuries''), {{t+|ja|余波|tr=yoha}} (''for incident'')
age (Noun: time of life at which one attains full personal rights and capacities)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|成人|tr=せいじん, seijin}} (to coming of age)
alimony (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|別居扶助料}} (bekkyo fujoryō)
allotment (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|割り当て}} (wariate), {{t+check|ja|分担}} (buntan)
allowed (Adjective: permitted, authorized)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|許可|alt=許可された|tr=kyoka sareta}}, {{t+|ja|可|tr=ka}} (''suffix'')
alone (Adverb: by oneself)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|一人|tr=ひとり, hitori}} (+で +de), {{t+|ja|単独|tr=たんどく, dandoku}}
ambergris (Noun: waxy substance produced by sperm whales)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|竜涎香|tr=りゅうぜんこう, ryūzenkō}} (also spelled {{t+|ja|龍涎香|tr=りゅうぜんこう, ryūzenkō}}), {{t|ja|アンバーグリス|tr=anbāgurisu}}
antivirus (Noun: computing software)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|アンチウイルス|tr=anchiuirusu|sc=Jpan}} / {{t|ja|アンチウィルス|tr=anchiwirusu|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|抗ウイルス|tr=kō-uirusu|sc=Jpan}} / {{t|ja|抗ウィルス|tr=kō-wirusu|sc=Jpan}}
apt (Adjective: fit or fitted; suited; suitable; appropriate)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|適切}} (てきせつ, ''tekisetsu'')
apt (Adjective: ready; especially fitted or qualified (to do something); quick to learn; prompt; expert)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|利発}} (りはつ, ''rihatsu'')
arbitrate (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|仲介する}} (chūkai suru)
argumentum ad hominem (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|対人論証}} (''taijin ronshō'')
armoured fighting vehicle (Noun: type of military vehicle)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|装甲戦闘車両}} or {{t|ja|装甲戦闘車輛|tr=sōkōsentōsharyō}}
battle (Noun: general action, fight, or encounter; a combat)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|戦い|tr=たたかい, tatakai}}, (archaic) {{t+|ja|戦|tr=いくさ, ikusa}}, {{t+|ja|争い|tr=あらそい, arasoi}}, {{t+|ja|戦闘|tr=せんとう, sentō}}
bee-eater (Noun: bird in the family Meropidae)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ハチクイ|tr=hachikui}}, {{t|ja|ハチクイ科|tr=hachikui-ka}} ''(family)''
bigwig (Noun: A person of importance)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|大物}} (おおもの, ōmono)
bite (Verb: cut into by clamping the teeth)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|噛む|tr=かむ, kamu}} (also spelled: {{tt+|ja|咬む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt+|ja|嚙む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|嚼む|tr=かむ, kamu}}, {{tt|ja|噛み切る|tr=かみきる, kamikiru}}
boil (Verb: cook in boiling water)
* Japanese: (transitive){{t+|ja|ゆでる|tr=yuderu}}, {{t+|ja|煮る|tr=にる, niru}}, (intransitive){{t+|ja|ゆだる|tr=yudaru}}, {{t|ja|煮える|tr=にえる, nieru}}
buy time (Verb: purposefully cause a delay, in order to achieve something else)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|時を稼ぐ}} (toki wo kasegu)
calcination (Noun: the process of calcining)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|煆焼|tr=かしょう, kashō}}{{t+|ja|焼成|tr=しょうせい, shōsei}}
calligrapher (Noun: one who practices calligraphy)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|書家|tr=shoka}} ([[しょか]]), {{t+|ja|書道家|tr=shodōka}} ([[しょどうか]])
carjack (Verb: to steal an automobile forcibly)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|カージャック}} (kājakku)
castrato (Adjective: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|カストラート}} (kasutorāto)
chickenhawk (Noun: adult man who seeks out boys as his sexual partners)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|若専}} (''wakasen'')
chilblain (Noun: inflammation)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|霜焼け|tr=しもやけ, shimoyake|sc=Jpan}} / {{t|ja|霜焼|tr=しもやけ, shimoyake|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|凍瘡|tr=とうそう, tōsō|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|凍傷|tr=とうしょう, tōshō|sc=Jpan}}
city (Noun: large settlement)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|都市|tr=とし, toshi}}, {{t+|ja|都会|tr=とかい, tokai}}, {{t+|ja|町|tr=まち, machi}} (e.g. 町で - "in the city"), {{t+|ja|市|tr=し, shi}} {{qualifier|compound}}
clasp (Verb: take hold of; grab tightly)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|握り締める}} (にぎりしめる, ''nigirishimeru'')
cleft chin (Noun: cleft chin)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|割れ顎|tr=wareago|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|informal, lit.: butt chin}} {{t|ja|ケツあご|tr=ketsuago|sc=Jpan}} (also spelled: {{t|ja|ケツ顎|tr=ketsuago}}, {{t|ja|尻顎|tr=ketsuago}})
collaborate (Verb: to cooperate treasonably)
* Japanese: ([[敵]]に) {{t+|ja|協力|tr=きょうりょくする, kyōryoku suru|alt=協力する|sc=Jpan}}
colossus (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|巨人}} (kyojín)
commitment (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|委任}} (いにん, inin), {{t+check|ja|責任}} (せきにん, sekinin)
complex (Adjective: in mathematics)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|複素|tr=fukuso}} (in compounds)
consist (Verb: to be composed (of))
* Japanese: (of: {{l|ja|から|...から|tr=...kara}}) {{t+|ja|成り立つ|tr=なりたつ, naritatsu}}, (of: {{l|ja|から|...から|tr=...kara}}) {{t+|ja|成る|tr=なる, naru}}
constructible (Adjective: capable of being constructed)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|建てる|alt=建てられる|tr=taterareru}}, {{t+|ja|造る|alt=造れる|tr=tsukureru}} (colloquial), {{t+|ja|成り立つ|tr=naritatsu}}
cousin-in-law (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|義理のいとこ}} (giri no itoko)
cube (Noun: object more or less in the form of a cube)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|角砂糖|tr=かくざとう, kakuzatō|sc=Jpan}} (''sugar cube'')
cursive (Noun: manuscript)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|草書|tr=そうしょ, sōsho}} - for kanji or kana.
dairy (Noun: shop selling dairy products)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|牛乳屋|tr=gyūnyūya}} (optionally, added {{l|ja|さん|tr=san}}), {{t|ja|牛乳販売店|tr=gyūnyūhanbaiten}}
damn (Interjection: non-vulgar expression of contempt etc.)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|しまった|tr=shimatta!|alt=しまった!|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+check|ja|くそ|tr=kuso|sc=Jpan}} (lit. shit), {{t+check|ja|畜生|tr=[[ちくしょう]]!, chikushō!|alt=畜生!|sc=Jpan}}, {{t-check|ja|チェ|tr=che!|alt=チェ!|sc=Jpan}}
damn (Noun: use of damn as a swear word)
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|しまった|tr=shimatta|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+check|ja|糞|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+check|ja|くそ|tr=kuso|sc=Jpan}} (lit. shit), {{t-check|ja|最低の|tr=saitei no}}
darling (Noun: person who is dear to one)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|愛すべき|tr=[[あいすべき]], aisubeki}} {{qualifier|never used as a form of address}}, {{t+|ja|ダーリン|tr=dārin}}, {{t|ja|スイートハート|tr=swītohāto}}, {{t+|ja|ハニー|tr=hanī}} (''these words are rarely used in Japan as a form of address''), {{t+|ja|貴方|tr=[[あなた]], anata}} (''wife to husband'', "[[you]]"), {{t+|ja|君|tr=[[きみ]], kimi}} (''husband to wife'', "[[you]]")
decay (Verb: )
* Japanese: (1) {{t-check|ja|朽ちる|tr=[[くちる]], kuchiru}}, (2) {{t+check|ja|腐る|tr=[[くさる]], kusaru}}
deliver (Verb: to meet expectations)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|沿う}}{{t+|ja|添う|tr=そう, sou}}, {{t+|ja|応じる|tr=おうじる, ōjiru}}, {{t+|ja|応ずる|tr=おうずる, ōzuru}}, {{t|ja|…を[[果たす]]|tr=…をはたす, … o hatasu}}
digital rights management (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|デジタル著作権管理|tr=でじたるちょさくけんかんり, dejitaru chosakuken kanri}} (see [[デジタル]], [[著作権]], and [[管理#Japanese|管理]])
disorientation (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|とまどい}} (tomadoi)
do you have Wi-Fi (Phrase: do you have Wi-Fi?)
* Japanese: {{q|polite}} {{t|ja|[[Wi-Fi]][[が]][[ある|あります]][[か]]?|tr=-}} (waifai ga arimasu ka?), {{q|familiar}} {{t|ja|[[Wi-Fi]][[が]][[ある]][[の]]?|tr=-}}, (waifai ga aru no?)
dog eat dog (Adjective: harsh and ruthless)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|食うか食われるか|tr=kuuka kuwareruka}} - literal translation: Eat or be eaten.
don't (Verb: do not)
* Japanese: ''terminal'' + {{t+|ja|な|tr=na}}, {{qualifier|polite}} {{t|ja|...ないでください|tr=...naide kudasai|sc=Jpan}}
done (Adjective: In a state of having completed or finished an activity)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|済む|alt=済んだ|tr=sunda}}, {{t+|ja|終わる|alt=終わった|tr=owatta}}, {{t+|ja|済み|alt=-済み|tr=zumi}} (''suffix'')
double standard (Noun: the situation of groups one of which is excused from following a standard)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ダブルスタンダード|tr=daburu sutandādo|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|ダブスタ|tr=dabusuta}} (''abbreviation''), {{t+|ja|二重基準|tr=nijū kijun}}, {{t+|ja|二重規範|tr=nijū kihan}}, {{t+|ja|二重標準|tr=nijū hyōjun}}
dragon (Noun: mythical creature)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|竜|tr=りゅう, ryū; りょう, ryō; たつ, tatsu}} (kyūjitai: {{tt+|ja|龍|tr=りゅう, ryū; りょう, ryō; たつ, tatsu}}), {{tt+|ja|ドラゴン|tr=doragon}}
drop dead (Interjection: an angry expletive)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|くたばれ}} (kutabare)
eminent (Adjective: of a person: distinguished, noteworthy)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|著名|alt=著名な|tr=chomei na}}, (as a prefix) {{t+|ja|名|tr=mei}}
en passant (Adverb: (chess) captured “in passing” by the other player's pawn)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|アンパッサン}} (''anpassan'')
feminine (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|女性|tr=[[じょせい]], josei}} (1,2)
fieldfare (Noun: Turdus pilaris)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ノハラツグミ|sc=Jpan}} (noharatsugumi)
fire escape (Noun: emergency doors, ladders etc. as a class)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|火災非難設備|tr=kasai hinan setsubi}} (equipment), {{t|ja|防火扉|tr=bōkatobira}} (fire door), {{t+|ja|非常階段|tr=hijō kaidan}} (stairs)
five-second rule (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t|ja|3秒ルール|tr=sanbyō rūru}} ''(three-second rule, dropped food)'', {{t|ja|5秒ルール|tr=gobyō rūru}} ''(five-second rule, basketball)''
focus (Verb: (intransitive) to concentrate one's attention on something)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|集中|tr=shūchū suru|alt=集中する}} (on/upon: {{t+|ja|に}})
forbidden (Adjective: not allowed)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|禁じる|alt=禁じられた|tr=kinjirareta}}, {{t+|ja|禁止|alt=禁止された|tr=kinshi sareta}}, {{t+|ja|禁断|alt=禁断の|tr=kindan no}}, {{t+|ja|禁|alt=禁|tr=kin}} (''suffix'')
geisha (Noun: a Japanese entertainer)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|芸者|tr=げいしゃ, geisha}}, {{t+|ja|芸妓|tr=げいぎ, geigi}}, {{t|ja|芸子|tr=げいこ, geiko}} (''young'')
give (Verb: transfer the possession of something to someone else)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|与える|tr=あたえる, ataeru}}{{tt+|ja|あげる|tr=ageru}}, {{tt|ja|下さる|tr=くださる, kudasaru}} {{qualifier|honorific}}, {{tt+|ja|差し上げる|tr=さしあげる, sashiageru}} {{qualifier|humble}}, {{tt+|ja|くれる|tr=kureru}} {{qualifier|senior to junior}}
glade (Noun: open space in the woods)
* Japanese: (林間の){{t+|ja|空き地|tr=あきち, akichi}}, {{t+|ja|空地|tr=あきち, akichi}}
grisly (Adjective: horrifyingly repellent; terrifying, gruesome)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|恐ろしい}} (おそろしい, ''osoroshī'')
guillemet (Noun: either of the punctuation marks « or »)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ギュメ|tr=gyume|sc=Jpan}}, symbols: {{l|ja|《|sc=Jpan}} and {{l|ja|》|sc=Jpan}}, {{l|ja|〈|sc=Jpan}} and {{l|ja|〉|sc=Jpan}} (symbols: and))
guy (Noun: male, man)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|やつ|tr=yatsu}}, {{t|ja|ヤツ|tr=yatsu}}, {{t+|ja|奴|tr=yatsu}}, {{t+|ja|野郎|tr=やろう, yarō}} ref. {{t+|ja|こいつ|tr=koitsu}}, {{t+|ja|そいつ|tr=soitsu}}, {{t+|ja|あいつ|tr=aitsu}}
hank (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|輪}} (わ, ''wa'') (1), {{t-check|ja|帆環}} (はんかん, ''hankan'') (2)
harelip (Noun: congenital malformation of the upper lip)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|口唇裂|tr=こうしんれつ, kōshinretsu|sc=Jpan}}, {{t+|ja|兎唇|tr=としん, toshin, いぐち, iguchi, みつくち, mitsukuchi|sc=Jpan}}, also spelled: {{t|ja|兎欠|sc=Jpan|tr=iguchi}}, {{t|ja|兎口|sc=Jpan|tr=mitsukuchi}}, {{t+|ja|欠唇|sc=Jpan|tr=iguchi}}, {{t+|ja|三つ口|sc=Jpan|tr=mitsukuchi}}
hearing (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|聴力|tr=ちょうりょく, chōryoku}} (1), {{t+check|ja|公聴会|tr=こうちょうかい, kōchōkai}} (2)
high-beam (Noun: automobile's headlights adjusted to brighten a longer distance)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ハイビーム|tr=hai-biimu}}, {{t+|ja|上向き|tr=uwamuki}}{{t|ja|走行用前照灯|tr=sōkō-yō zenshōtō}} {{qual|official}}
how do you say … in English (Phrase: request for translation into English)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|…[[は]][[英語]][[で]][[なん]][[と]][[言う|言います]][[か]]?|tr=-}} (… wa Eigo de nan to iimasu ka?)
ill-treat (Verb: to treat someone badly)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|虐待する}} (ぎゃくたいする, ''gyakutai-suru'')
immunity (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|免疫}} (men'eki)
in spite of (Preposition: despite)
* Japanese: {{qualifier|suffix}} {{t+|ja|にもかかわらず|alt=〜にもかかわらず|tr=-nimo kakawarazu}} (〜[[にも関わらず]])
intellect (Noun: The faculty of knowing and reasoning; understanding)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|知性|tr=ちせい, chisei}}{{t|ja|思考力|tr=しこうりょく, shikōryoku}}
judge (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|判断する}} (はんだんする, handan suru)
junction (Noun: the boundary between two materials)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|接点|tr=setten}}, for semiconductors {{t+|ja|接合|tr=setsugō}}
knitting (Noun: knitted fabric)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|編み物|tr=あみもの, amimono|sc=Jpan}} (also: {{t+|ja|編物|tr=あみもの, amimono|sc=Jpan}})
lantern (Noun: case of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|灯篭|tr=とうろう, tōrō|sc=Jpan}} (also: {{t+|ja|灯籠|sc=Jpan|tr=とうろう, tōrō}}), {{t+|ja|ランタン|tr=rantan|sc=Jpan}}, {{qualifier|paper}} {{t+|ja|提灯|tr=ちょうちん, chōchin|sc=Jpan}}
lint (Noun: fuzzy fluff)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|糸屑|tr=[[いとくず]], itokuzu|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|綿埃|tr=[[わたぼこり]], watabokori|sc=Jpan}}, [navel lint:] {{t|ja|臍の胡麻|tr=[[へそのごま]], heso no goma|sc=Jpan}}
locative case (Noun: case used to indicate place, or the place where)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|処格|tr=shokaku}}, {{t+|ja|地格|tr=ちかく, chikaku}} "land case", {{t+|ja|前置格|tr=ぜんちかく, zenchikaku}} "prepositional case"
look (Verb: to try to see)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|見る|tr=みる, miru}} (''also:'' to [[see]]), {{tt+|ja|観る|tr=みる, miru}} (''actively''), {{tt|ja|見てみる|tr=mitemiru}}, {{tt|ja|ご覧|tr=ごらんになる, go-ran ni naru|alt=ご覧になる}} {{qualifier|honorific}}, {{tt+|ja|拝見|alt=拝見する|tr=はいけんする, haiken surú}} {{qualifier|humble}}
look at (Verb: )
* Japanese: Adverb:{{t+check|ja|よく|tr=yoku}}, {{t+check|ja|じっくり|tr=jikkuri}}, or {{t+check|ja|しっかり|tr=shikkari}} + {{t+check|ja|見る|tr=miru}}(1), {{t+check|ja|観察|tr=kansatsu}}(1)
lose count (Verb: to forget the number of times that something has happened)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|数えきれなくなる}} (kazoekinaku naru), {{t|ja|数がわからなくなる}} (kazo ga wakaranakunaru)
majestic (Adjective: having splendor or royalty)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|荘厳|tr=そうごん sōgon}}, {{t+|ja|威厳|tr=いげん, igen}}がある
mana (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|魔力}} (maryoku), {{t|ja|マナ}} (mana)
mate (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|相方|tr=aikata}} (2), {{t+check|ja|片割れ|tr=kataware}} (2), {{t+check|ja|王手|tr=ōte}} (5)
mental image (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|心像}} (shinzō)
merry (Adjective: jolly and full of high-spirits)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|陽気|tr=ようきな, yōki na|alt=陽気な}}{{t|ja|賑々しい|tr=にぎにぎしい, nigi nigi shī}}, {{t+|ja|明るい|tr=あかるい, akarui}}
migrate (Verb: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|移民する}}, {{t-check|ja|移住する}} (1), {{t+check|ja|渡る}} (for birds), {{t-check|ja|回遊する}} (for fish) (2)
military (Adjective: )
* Japanese: {{t-check|ja|[[軍事的]]な|tr=ぐんじてきな, gunjiteki na}} (1,2), {{t-check|ja|[[軍隊]]の|tr=[[ぐんたいの]], guntai no}}
mis- (Prefix: bad or wrong; badly or wrongly)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|誤|alt=誤-|tr=go}} (''prefix''), {{t+|ja|ミス|alt=-ミス|tr=misu}} (''suffix'')
model (Noun: simplified representation)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|模範|tr=mohan}}, {{t+|ja|模型|tr=mokei}}, {{t+|ja|型|tr=gata}} (''as a suffix'')
model (Noun: style)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|模範|tr=mohan}}, {{t+|ja|模型|tr=mokei}}, {{t+|ja|型|tr=gata}} (''as a suffix'')
morel (Noun: common morel or yellow morel, Morchella esculenta)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|網笠茸}}, {{t|ja|アミガサダケ}} (amigasa-dake)
morning sickness (Noun: early morning nausea from pregnancy)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|つわり|tr=tsuwari}}, {{t+|ja|おそ|tr=oso}}, ''both words can written as:'' {{t+|ja|悪阻}}
must (Verb: be required to)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ならない|tr=...nakereba naranai|alt=...なければならない}} (conditional negative form + "naranai"), {{t|ja|いけない|tr=...nakutewa ikenai|alt=...なくてはいけない}} (conditional negative form + "ikenai"), {{t+|ja|駄目|tr=...nai to dame da|alt=...ないと駄目だ}} (conditional negative form + "dame da"), {{t+|ja|なきゃ|tr=...nakya|alt=...なきゃ}} {{qualifier|informal}}, {{t+|ja|なくちゃ|tr=...nakucha|alt=...なくちゃ}} {{qualifier|informal}}
my (Determiner: belonging to me)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|私|alt=私の|tr=わたしの, watashi no}}, {{qualifier|male speaker}} {{tt+|ja|僕|alt=僕の|tr=ぼくの, boku no}}, {{tt+|ja|我が|tr=わが, waga}} (also written: {{tt+|ja|我}})
nectar (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|花蜜|tr=[[かみつ]], kamitsu}} (liquid secreted by flowers), {{t+check|ja|蜜}}
nether (Adjective: lower)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|下の}} (したの, ''shitano'')
no longer (Adverb: not any more)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|最早|tr=mohaya}} (...+ negative), {{t+|ja|もう|tr=mō}} (...+ negative), {{t|ja|これ以上|tr=kore ijō}} (...+ negative), {{t+|ja|以上|tr=いじょう, ijō|sc=Jpan}}
number (Noun: used to show the rank of something in a list or sequence)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|番|tr=ばん, ban}} (suffix)
obsession (Noun: )
* Japanese: {{t+check|ja|妄想|tr=もうそう, mōsō}} (1)
opportune (Adjective: suitable)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|適切}} (てきせつ, ''tekisetsu'')
otherwise (Adverb: in all other respects)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|その他|tr=sono-hoka}}, {{t|ja|他の点で|tr=hoka-no ten-dewa}}
our (Determiner: belonging to us)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|私たち|alt=私たちの|tr=わたしたちの, watashitachi no}} (also: 我等の), {{t|ja|我ら|alt=我らの|tr=われらの, warera no}}, {{t+|ja|我々|alt=我々の|tr=われわれの, wareware no}}
outer ear (Noun: portion of ear)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|外耳|tr=gaiji}} (がいじ)
pig in a poke (Noun: something whose true value is concealed or unknown)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|衝動買い|tr=しょうどうがい, shōdōgai}} (''impulsive buying'')
platypus (Noun: Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|カモノハシ|tr=[[kamonohashi]]}} (also written: {{t+|ja|鴨嘴}} or {{t+|ja|かものはし}}) (also written: or))
poster child (Noun: prototypical example)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|看板娘|tr=kanbanmusume|sc=Jpan}}(lit. poster daughter)
prefecture (Noun: The district governed by a prefect)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|県|tr=けん, ken}}, {{t+|ja|府|tr=ふ, fu}}, {{t+|ja|都道府県|tr=とどうふけん, to-dō-fu-ken}} (''of Japanese prefectures'')
protium (Noun: lightest isotope of hydrogen)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|軽水素|tr=けいすいそ, keisuiso|sc=Jpan}}, (rare) {{t|ja|プロチウム|tr=ぷろちうむ, purochiumu|sc=Jpan}}
puff pastry (Noun: light, flaky pastry)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|パイ生地|tr=pai kiji|sc=Jpan}} (pie dough), {{t|ja|パフペストリー|tr=pafupēsutorī|sc=Jpan}} (puff pastry), {{t|ja|折り込みパイ生地|tr=orikomi pai kiji|sc=Jpan}}
qipao (Noun: a traditional dress worn by Chinese women)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|チャイナドレス|tr=chainadoresu}} (''i.e. China dress'')
record (Verb: make an audio or video recording of)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|録る|tr=toru}}, {{t+|ja|収録|alt=収録する|tr=shūroku suru}}, {{t+|ja|録音|tr=rokuon suru|alt=録音する}} (''audio''), {{t+|ja|録画|alt=録画する|tr=rokuga suru}} (''video'')
rumble strip (Noun: pattern in a road's surface)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|ランブルストリップス}} (ranbaru sutorippusu)
sanguivorous (Adjective: feeding on blood)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|吸血性}}(), {{t+|ja|吸血}}
scaffolding (Noun: system of tubes or poles used to support people and material)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|足場}} (あしば, ''ashiba'')
security procedure (Noun: procedures to ensure security)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|セキュリティー手続き}} (セキュリティーてつづき, ''sekyuritii tetsuzuki'')
semelfactive (Noun: semelfactive aspect)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|単一の相}} (たんいつのそう, tan'itsú no sō)
since (Conjunction: because)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ので|alt=ので|tr=node}}, {{t+|ja|ため|alt=ため|tr=tame}}, {{t|ja|により|alt=により|tr=ni yori}}, {{t+|ja|によって|alt=によって|tr=ni yotte}}, {{t+|ja|から|alt=から|tr=kara}}
sinter (Verb: to compact and heat a powder to form a solid mass)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|焼結}} (しょうけつ, ''shōketsu'')
sister-in-law (Noun: wife's sister)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|義姉|tr=gishi}} (older), {{t+|ja|義妹|tr=gimai}} (younger), {{t|ja|義理の姉|tr=giri no ane}}, {{t|ja|義理の妹|tr=giri no imōto}}
solstice (Noun: point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|冬至|tr=とうじ, tōji}} (''winter solstice''), {{t+|ja|夏至|tr=げし, geshi}} (''summer solstice'')
some (Adverb: approximately, roughly)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|約}} (やく, yaku)
starfish (Noun: various echinoderms)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|ヒトデ|tr=hitode}}, {{t+|ja|海星|tr=ひとで, hitode|sc=Jpan}} (also written: {{t+|ja|人手|sc=Jpan}}, {{t|ja|海盤車|sc=Jpan}})
string cheese (Noun: cheese)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|[[w:ja:さけるチーズ|さけるチーズ]]|tr=sakeru chīzu|lit=tearable cheese}} (trademarked product by {{w|Megmilk Snow Brand}})
stye (Noun: bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|麦粒腫|tr=ばくりゅうしゅ, bakuryūshu}}, ̼{{t+|ja|ものもらい|tr=monomorai}}
sugar beet (Noun: type of beet)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|甜菜|tr=[[てんさい]], tensai}} / {{t+|ja|テンサイ|tr=tensai}}, {{t+|ja|砂糖大根|tr=さとうだいこん, satōdaikon}} / {{t|ja|サトウダイコン|tr=satōdaikon}}
susuki grass (Noun: Miscanthus sinensis)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|薄}} ([[すすき]], [[ススキ]], ''[[susuki]]'')
temple (Noun: place of worship)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|神殿|tr=しんでん, shinden}}, ''Buddhist temple:'' {{t+|ja|堂塔|tr=どうとう, dōtō}}, {{t+|ja|寺|tr=てら, tera}}, {{t+|ja|寺院|tr=じいん, jiin}}, {{qualifier|Shinto shrine}} {{t+|ja|神社|tr=じんじゃ, jinja}}, {{t+|ja|寺院|tr=じいん, jiin}}
the (Adverb: the + comparative, the + comparative)
* Japanese: (''conditional -reba + dictionary form + hodo + adjective 2'') {{t|ja|''adj.1'' + [[れば]] + ''adj.1'' [[程]] + ''adj.2''|tr=...reba...hodo}} (example: 暑ければ[[暑い]][[程]][[良い]] ''atsukereba atsui hodo ii'' "the hotter the better") (conditional -reba + dictionary form + hodo + adjective 2'') (example: 暑ければ[[暑い]][[程]][[良い]] ''atsukereba atsui hodo ii'' "the hotter the better"))
there is nothing new under the sun (Proverb: there is nothing new)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|日の下に新しきものなし|tr=hi no shita ni atarashiki mono nashi}}<ref></ref>
these (Determiner: plural of this)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|この|tr=kono}} (same as singular), {{qualifier|for plural}} {{t|ja|これらの|tr=korera-no}}
thick (Adjective: relatively great in extent from one surface to another)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|太い|tr=[[ふとい]], futoi}} (''of tube, etc.''), {{tt+|ja|厚い|tr=[[あつい]], atsui}} (''of book, etc.'')
thrice (Adverb: three times)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|三回|tr=sankai}}, {{t+|ja|三度|tr=sando, mitabi}} (for frequency), {{t|ja|三倍|tr=sanbai}} (for scale ratio)
too much (Adverb: excessively)
* Japanese: {{l|ja|多}}{{l|ja|すぎる}} (おおすぎる, ō-sugiru) {{qualifier|only of quantity}}, {{t+|ja|すぎる|tr=すぎる, sugiru|sc=Jpan}} (verb or adjective suffix; grammatical verb, e.g. {{lang|ja|飲みすぎる}} (nomisugiru) - to drink too much))
trio (Noun: group of three people or things)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|三つ組|tr=mitsugumi}} (things), {{t|ja|三人組|tr=sanningumi}} (people)
upland antshrike (Noun: passerine bird)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|コウゲンアリモズ}} (kougen'arimozu)
us (Pronoun: objective case of "we")
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|私達}} (watashitachi)
variety show (Noun: type of entertainment featuring a succession of short, unrelated performances by various artistes)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|バラエティ番組|tr=バラエティばんぐみ, baraeti bangumi}}, {{t|ja|色物|tr=いろもの, iromono}} (''opposition to rakugo'')
want (Verb: to desire)
* Japanese: {{tt+|ja|欲しい|tr=ほしい, hoshii}}, {{tt+|ja|欲する|tr=ほっする, hossuru}}, {{tt+|ja|望む|tr=のぞむ, nozomu}}, {{tt|ja|...[[たい]]|tr=...tai}} (-i verb base + -tai), {{tt|ja|...[[たがる]]|tr=...tagaru}} (-i verb base + -tagaru, 2nd and 3rd person, 1st person only in the form of "たがっても")
what is the Wi-Fi password (Phrase: what is the Wi-Fi password?)
* Japanese: {{t|ja|Wi-Fiの[[パスワード]][[は]][[何]][[です]][[か]]?|tr=-}} (waifai no pasuwādo wa nan desu ka)
whitebait (Noun: young of various species of fish)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|白子}} (しらす)
would like (Verb: intransitive)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|欲しい|tr=ほしい, hoshii}}, {{t+|ja|たい|alt=...たい|tr=...tai}} (-i verb base + -tai, 1st person only) {{qualifier|the exact form depends on the situation}}
yen (Noun: unit of Japanese currency)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|円|tr=えん, en}}, ''also:'' {{t+|ja|圓|tr=えん, en}}
yuck (Interjection: uttered to indicate disgust)
* Japanese: {{t+|ja|げ|tr=ge}} (''also spelled:'' {{t+|ja|ゲ|tr=ge}}, {{t|ja|げっ|tr=ge}}, {{t|ja|ゲッ|tr=ge}})



This language has translations in 1544 of 204959 (0.75%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item

peace (Noun: )
* Javanese: {{t-check|jv||tr=rukun}}, {{t-check|jv||tr=rahayuning gesang}}

Multiple t-templates: 1 item

dinner (Noun: main meal of the day)
* Javanese: {{t+|jv|mangan}} {{t+|jv|bengi}}, {{t|jv|jinnair}}

Unexpected template: 1 item

thank you (Interjection: an expression of gratitude)
* Javanese: {{tt|jv|hatur nuwun}}, {{tt|jv|nuwun sewu}} {{gloss|many thanks, million thanks}}, {{t|jv|ꦩꦠꦸꦂꦤꦸꦮꦸꦤ꧀}}

Wrong language code: 2 items Expected language code is jv

Panji (Proper noun: character in Southeast Asian folklore)
* Javanese: {{t|ms|Panji}}
where (Conjunction: at or in which place)
* Javanese: {{tt|id|endi}}, {{tt|id|ing ngendi}}

text_outside_template: 4 items

elephant (Noun: mammal)
* Javanese: {{tt|jv|ꦒꦗꦃ}}, {{tt|jv|ꦭꦶꦩꦤ꧀}} (krama), {{tt|jv|ꦢ꧀ꦮꦶꦥꦁꦒ}}, {{tt|jv|ꦢ꧀ꦮꦶꦫꦢ}}, {{tt+|jv|ꦧ꧀ꦭꦼꦢꦸꦒ꧀}} (young)
good afternoon (Phrase: greeting said in the afternoon)
* Javanese: {{t|jv|sugeng siang}} (before 16.00), {{t|jv|sugeng sonten}} (after 16.00)
tiger (Noun: The mammal Panthera tigris)
* Javanese: {{tt+|jv|macan}}, {{tt|jv|gémbong}} (ngoko), {{tt+|jv|gogor}} (young), {{tt|jv|sima}} (krama), {{tt+|jv|wiyagra}}, {{tt+|jv|sardula}}, {{tt+|jv|bowong}}
who (Pronoun: who? (interrogative pronoun))
* Javanese: {{tt+|jv|sapa}}, {{tt|jv|sinten}} (kromo-level)



This language has translations in 124 of 204959 (0.06%) translation tables
No translation template: 5 items

baby (Noun: very young human being)
* Jingpho: [[ma#Jingpho|ma]], {{tt|kac|ma chyangai}}, {{tt|kac|ma kasha}}, {{tt|kac|manga kasha}}
baby (Noun: immature or infantile person)
* Jingpho: [[ma#Jingpho|ma]]
good luck (Interjection: used to wish fortune on someone or as encouragement)
* Jingpho: [[lam shagu awng dang u ga]]!, [[gam kaja u ga]]!
how are you (Phrase: greeting)
* Jingpho: [[hkam kaja ai i]]?
is it going to rain (Phrase: is it going to rain)
* Jingpho: [[marang htu sana maw sai i]]?, [[marang htu sana i]]?



This language has translations in 25 of 204959 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation template: 1 item

all (Determiner: every individual of the given class)
* Judeo-Italian: {{tt|itk|טוּטוֹ|tr=ṭuṭo|ts=tutto}} {{g|m}}, {{tt|itk|טוּטַה|tr=ṭuṭah|ts=tutta⁠}} {{g|f}}, {{tt|itk|טוּטִי|tr=ṭuṭi|ts=tutti}} {{g|m-p}}, {{g|f-p}}

Genders outside t-template: 3 items

all (Determiner: every individual of the given class)
* Judeo-Italian: {{tt|itk|טוּטוֹ|tr=ṭuṭo|ts=tutto}} {{g|m}}, {{tt|itk|טוּטַה|tr=ṭuṭah|ts=tutta⁠}} {{g|f}}, {{tt|itk|טוּטִי|tr=ṭuṭi|ts=tutti}} {{g|m-p}}, {{g|f-p}}
all (Determiner: every individual of the given class)
* Judeo-Italian: {{tt|itk|טוּטוֹ|tr=ṭuṭo|ts=tutto}} {{g|m}}, {{tt|itk|טוּטַה|tr=ṭuṭah|ts=tutta⁠}} {{g|f}}, {{tt|itk|טוּטִי|tr=ṭuṭi|ts=tutti}} {{g|m-p}}, {{g|f-p}}
all (Determiner: every individual of the given class)
* Judeo-Italian: {{tt|itk|טוּטוֹ|tr=ṭuṭo|ts=tutto}} {{g|m}}, {{tt|itk|טוּטַה|tr=ṭuṭah|ts=tutta⁠}} {{g|f}}, {{tt|itk|טוּטִי|tr=ṭuṭi|ts=tutti}} {{g|m-p}}, {{g|f-p}}



This language has translations in 12 of 204959 (0.01%) translation tables
No translation target: 1 item

Jurchen (Noun: Tungusic people)
* Jurchen: {{t|juc|tr=dʒu-ʃə}}