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A | B | C | D | D2 | E | F | F2 | F3 | G | G2 | H | I | I2 | J | K | L | M | M2 | N | N2 | O | P | P2 | Q | R | R2 | S | S2 | S3 | T | T2 | U | V | V2 | W | X | Y | Z



This language has translations in 54 of 205754 (0.03%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 2 items Expected language code is wbk

meat (Noun: animal flesh used as food)
* Waigali: {{tt|ask|mus}}
tongue (Noun: organ)
* Waigali: {{tt|trm|ǰip}}



This language has translations in 2987 of 205754 (1.45%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 2 items

our (Determiner: belonging to us)
* Walloon: {{t+|wa|nosse|m|f}} {{qualifier|singular|before consonant}}, {{t+|wa|nost|m}} {{qualifier|singular|before vowel}},<!-- The following belongs at [[nosse]], [[nost]], not here: {{t+|wa|noste|f}} {{qualifier|singular, before vowel}}, {{t+|wa|nos|m-p|f-p}} --> {{t+|wa|no|m|f}} {{qualifier|singular|Western Walloon}}
skin (Noun: )
* Walloon: {{t+check|wa|pelote|f}} <!-- Was under the non-existing sense "the outer protective layer of any plant or animal" -->

List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 2 items

cool off (Verb: to reduce in temperature, activity or temper)
* Walloon: {{t+|wa|si rapåjhî}} {{qualifier|temper}}, {{t+|wa|si rapåjhter}} {{qualifier|temper}}, {{t+|wa|si rafroedi}} {{qualifier|temperature}}; {{t+|wa|rafroedi}} {{qualifier|temperature}}
news (Noun: reports of current events)
* Walloon: {{t+|wa|noveles|f-p}} (del tévé) {{qualifier|on television}}, (do posse) {{qualifier|on radio}}, (del gazete) {{qualifier|on newspapers}}; {{t+|wa|djournå|m}} {{qualifier|on television|on radio}}, {{t+|wa|djournå|m}}, {{t+|wa|noveles|f-p}}

text_outside_template: 3 items

gamble (Verb: to take a risk, with the potential of a positive outcome)
* Walloon: fé ene {{t+|wa|wadjeure}}
lay an egg (Verb: to produce an egg)
* Walloon: {{t+|wa|ponre|alt=ponre èn oû}}e
swirl (Noun: whirling eddy)
* Walloon: {{t+|wa|toubion|m}}, {{t|wa|neyisse|m}} (water)



This language has translations in 14618 of 205754 (7.10%) translation tables

Genders outside t-template

1 item
technical tee (Noun: T-shirt made of a technical fabric)
* Welsh: {{l|cy|crys-T}} {{l|cy|brethyn}} {{l|cy|gwrth-}}{{l|cy|chwys}} {{g|m}}

Multiple qualifiers

1 item
hull (Noun: outer covering of a fruit or seed)
* Welsh: {{q|peas, beans}} {{t|cy|cib|m}}, {{q|nuts}} {{t|cy|plisgyn|m}} {{qualifier|North}}, {{t|cy|masgl|m}} {{qualifier|South}}

Wrong language code

1 item

Expected language code is cy

child's play (Noun: something particularly easy or simple)
* Welsh: {{t|sv|chwarae bach|m}}

List items separated by both comma and semicolon

5 items
at (Preposition: in or very near a particular place)
* Welsh: {{sense|in}} {{tt+|cy|yn|id=in}}, {{tt+|cy|mewn}}; {{sense|near}} {{tt|cy|wrth}}, {{tt+|cy|ger}}
get lost (Interjection: Go away!)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|cer o 'ma}}, {{t|cy|dos o 'ma}}; {{q|plural}} {{t|cy|ewch o 'ma}}, {{t|cy|cerwch o 'ma}}
lather (Verb: to cover with lather)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|seboni}}, {{t|cy|trochioni}}; {{t+|cy|golchi}}
y'know (Contraction: you know)
* Welsh: {{q|North}} {{t|cy|'sti}}; {{q|South}} {{t|cy|timod}}, {{t|cy|t'mod}}
yes (Particle: word used to indicate agreement or acceptance)
* Welsh: {{qualifier|not used, affirmative form of the verb is used instead}}; {{tt|cy|ie}}, {{tt|cy|ia}} {{q|colloquial}}

Nested templates

5 items
cam (Noun: mechanical part)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|{{l|cy|cam|id=mechanics}}|m}}
e.g. (Adverb: initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|e.e.}} {{qualifier|{{t|cy|er enghraifft}}}}
kingfisher (Noun: any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|glas y dorlan|m}}, {{t|cy|{{l|cy|piod y dŵr|pioden y dŵr}}|f}}, {{t+|cy|pysgotwr|m}}
mill-leat (Noun: artificial channel for the conveyance of water to a mill)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|cafn melin|m}} {{t|cy|pynfarch|m}}, {{t|cy|pŵant|m}} {{q|{{w|Carmarthenshire}}, colloquial}}
used to (Verb: formerly and habitually or repeatedly)
* Welsh: {{n-g|in the literary language, use the imperfect tense of the verb that follows or the imperfect of {{t+|cy|arfer}} followed by the verbal noun; in the colloquial language use the imperfect or conditional of {{t+|cy|bod}} plus {{t+|cy|yn}}, then optionally {{t+|cy|arfer}}, then the verbal noun.}}

Uses l-template instead of t-template

6 items
hundreds of thousands (Noun: numbering hundreds of thousands)
* Welsh: {{l|cy|cannoedd ar filoedd}}
polished (Adjective: refined, elegant)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|caboledig}}, {{l|cy|llathredig}}, {{l|cy|graenus}}
polished (Adjective: refined, elegant)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|caboledig}}, {{l|cy|llathredig}}, {{l|cy|graenus}}
summer savory (Noun: Satureja hortensis)
* Welsh: {{l|cy|safri'r haf}}, {{l|cy|safri'r gerddi}}
summer savory (Noun: Satureja hortensis)
* Welsh: {{l|cy|safri'r haf}}, {{l|cy|safri'r gerddi}}
technical tee (Noun: T-shirt made of a technical fabric)
* Welsh: {{l|cy|crys-T}} {{l|cy|brethyn}} {{l|cy|gwrth-}}{{l|cy|chwys}} {{g|m}}

No translation template

7 items
Mars (Proper noun: )
* Welsh: {{tt+check|cy|Mawrth|m}}
home (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{tt+check|cy|tref|f}}
ladyship (Noun: Term of respect)
* Welsh: [[yr|Yr]] [[Arglwyddes]] {{g|f}}
marmot (Noun: rodent of the genera Marmota)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|twrlla}}, marmot
mouse (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{tt+check|cy|llygoden}}
one (Pronoun: indefinite personal pronoun; any person, people in general)
* Welsh: ''expressed by the autonomous verb form'', {{tt+|cy|dyn}} is used when it comes after a preposition, but is {{tt|cy|ei}} in the genitive form e.g. ''Mae iawnderau a dyletswyddau gyda dyn''- One has rights and duties, ''Chwerthir am ei pen''- One will be laughed at
seventeen (Numeral: cardinal number)
* Welsh: [[dau ar bymtheg]] ''m (vigesimal, traditional)'', [[dwy ar bymtheg]] ''f (vigesimal)'', [[un deg saith]] {{qualifier|decimal}}

Unexpected template

7 items
Mars (Proper noun: )
* Welsh: {{tt+check|cy|Mawrth|m}}
coat (Noun: outer garment covering the upper torso and arms)
* Welsh: {{a|cy|cy-S}} {{t+|cy|cot|f}}, {{a|cy|cy-N}} {{t+|cy|côt|f}}
coat (Noun: covering of material, such as paint)
* Welsh: {{a|cy|cy-S}} {{t+|cy|cot|f}}, {{a|cy|cy-N}} {{t+|cy|côt|f}}
coat (Noun: fur or feathers)
* Welsh: {{a|cy|cy-S}} {{t+|cy|cot|f}}, {{a|cy|cy-N}} {{t+|cy|côt|f}}
home (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{tt+check|cy|tref|f}}
mashed potatoes (Noun: dish)
* Welsh: {{a|cy|cy-N}} {{t|cy|tatws stwnsh|f-p}}, {{a|cy|cy-S}} {{t|cy|tato pwtsh|f-p}}
mouse (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{tt+check|cy|llygoden}}

Entry HTML comment

10 items
January (Proper noun: first month of the Gregorian calendar)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|Ionawr|f}} <!-- [[Ionwar]] has m as the gender -->
anxiety (Noun: pathological condition)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|gorbryder|m}}<!-- translation used by NHS -->
bay (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{t+check|cy|bae}}, {{t-check|cy|llawryf}} <!-- unknown PoS -->
course (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{t+check|cy|cwrs|m}} <!-- Was under "onward movement" (sense does not exist) -->
extreme (Noun: each of the things at opposite ends of a range or scale)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|begwn}} <!--note: may be plural-->
glasswort (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{t-check|cy|llyrlys|m}}, {{t-check|cy|gwydrlys|m}}, {{t-check|cy|cali|m}}, {{t-check|cy|corn carw'r môr|m}} <!-- Was under "a plant" -->
ledger (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{t-check|cy|cyfriflyfr|m}} <!-- Was under "book for keeping notes" but looks that it may rather be "book for keeping accounting records"-->
skirt (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{t-check|cy|sgert}} <!-- probably for definition 1 -->
way too (Adverb: )
* Welsh: {{t+check|cy|iawn}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->
when (Conjunction: )
* Welsh: {{t+check|cy|pan}} <!-- Was under non-existing definition "at a time in the past" -->


18 items
Muslim (Adjective: relating to believers of Islam)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|Mwslim}} (n), {{t|cy|Mwslimaidd}} (a)
North Wales (Proper noun: geographic region)
* Welsh: y {{t|cy|Gogledd|m}}, y {{t|cy|Gogleddbarth|m}}
butt (Verb: (intransitive) to strike bluntly with the head)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|tolcio}}, * Welsh: {{t|cy|pendolcio}}
club (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{t-check|cy|clwb}} (3,4)
hard (Adjective: )
* Welsh: {{t+check|cy|caled}} (1,2)
have (Verb: to possess)
* Welsh: {{q|formal or northern}} ''use'' {{t+|cy|bod}} + {{t|cy|gan}} + ''subject'' + ''object; literally "object is by subject"''; {{q|southern}} ''use'' {{t+|cy|bod}} + ''object'' + {{t|cy|gyda}} + ''subject; literally "object is with subject"'' (use'' + + ''subject'' + ''object))
have to (Verb: obligation)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t|cy|i}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun'', {{t+|cy|gorfod}}
have to (Verb: conclusion)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t+|cy|bod}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun''
high definition (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{t-check|cy|clirlun}} (1. Television), {{t+check|cy|croyw}} (2. General)
ill (Adjective: )
* Welsh: {{t+check|cy|claf}} (1, 2), {{t+check|cy|drwg}} (3, 4), {{t+check|cy|gwael}} (3, 4)
must (Verb: be required to)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t|cy|i}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun'', {{t+|cy|gorfod}}
must (Verb: said about something that is very likely, probable, or certain to be true)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t+|cy|bod}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun''
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|dyfynnod|m-p|alt=dyfynodau}} [‘◌’] or [“◌”]
radiation (Noun: )
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|pelydriad}} (1,2,3), {{t|cy|ymbelydredd}} (4)
satellite (Noun: a body orbiting a larger one)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|lleuad}} (moon)
solution (Noun: answer to a problem (mathematics))
* Welsh: {{qualifier|v.}} {{t+check|cy|datrys}}, {{t+check|cy|datrysiad}}, {{qualifier|n.}} {{t+check|cy|ateb}} (final solution = ) [[yr ateb terfynol]]
welcome (Adjective: whose arrival is a cause of joy)
* Welsh: {{t-check|cy|i'w groesawu|m}}, {{t-check|cy|i|f}} 'w chroesawu, {{t-check|cy|i|p}} 'w croesawu
wergeld (Noun: monetary value)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|galanas}} (''for homicide'') or {{t+|cy|sarhad}} (''for injury'') (for homicide'') or (''for injury))

Multiple t-templates

24 items
Eurasian bittern (Noun: Botaurus stellaris)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|adar y bwn|m-p}} {{t|cy|bwm y gors|m}}
aridity (Noun: long term lack of rainfall or moisture)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|poethwg|m}} {{t|cy|sychin|m}}
asylum seeker (Noun: person who has applied for asylum)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|ceisiwr}} {{t|cy|lloches}}
attack (Verb: to apply violent force)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|ymosod}} {{t+|cy|ar}}, {{t+|cy|cyrchu}}
drought (Noun: period of unusually low rain fall)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|sychdwr|m}} {{t|cy|sychin|f}}
drunk (Adjective: intoxicated after drinking too much alcohol)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|meddw}}, {{t+|cy|wedi}} {{t+|cy|meddwi}}
go out (Verb: to leave, especially a building)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|mynd}} {{t+|cy|allan}}
have (Verb: to possess)
* Welsh: {{q|formal or northern}} ''use'' {{t+|cy|bod}} + {{t|cy|gan}} + ''subject'' + ''object; literally "object is by subject"''; {{q|southern}} ''use'' {{t+|cy|bod}} + ''object'' + {{t|cy|gyda}} + ''subject; literally "object is with subject"''
have (Verb: auxiliary used in forming the perfect and the past perfect tenses)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t+|cy|wedi}}
have to (Verb: obligation)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t|cy|i}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun'', {{t+|cy|gorfod}}
have to (Verb: obligation)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t|cy|i}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun'', {{t+|cy|gorfod}}
have to (Verb: conclusion)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t+|cy|bod}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun''
have to (Verb: conclusion)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t+|cy|bod}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun''
must (Verb: be required to)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t|cy|i}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun'', {{t+|cy|gorfod}}
must (Verb: be required to)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t|cy|i}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun'', {{t+|cy|gorfod}}
must (Verb: said about something that is very likely, probable, or certain to be true)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t+|cy|bod}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun''
must (Verb: said about something that is very likely, probable, or certain to be true)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|bod}} {{t|cy|rhaid}} {{t+|cy|bod}} + ''pronoun'' or ''noun''
nowhere (Adverb: in no place)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|yn}} {{t|cy|unman}}, {{t+|cy|yn}} {{t|cy|unlle}}, {{t|cy|nunlle}}
nowhere (Adverb: to no place)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|i}} {{t|cy|unman}}, {{t|cy|i}} {{t|cy|unlle}}, {{t|cy|i}} {{t|cy|nunlle}}
smell (Noun: sense of smell)
* Welsh: {{t+|cy|arogl|mf}} {{t|cy|sawr|mf}}
technical tee (Noun: T-shirt made of a technical fabric)
* Welsh: {{l|cy|crys-T}} {{l|cy|brethyn}} {{l|cy|gwrth-}}{{l|cy|chwys}} {{g|m}}
technical tee (Noun: T-shirt made of a technical fabric)
* Welsh: {{l|cy|crys-T}} {{l|cy|brethyn}} {{l|cy|gwrth-}}{{l|cy|chwys}} {{g|m}}
technical tee (Noun: T-shirt made of a technical fabric)
* Welsh: {{l|cy|crys-T}} {{l|cy|brethyn}} {{l|cy|gwrth-}}{{l|cy|chwys}} {{g|m}}
wergeld (Noun: monetary value)
* Welsh: {{t|cy|galanas}} (''for homicide'') or {{t+|cy|sarhad}} (''for injury'')

West Frisian


This language has translations in 2968 of 205754 (1.44%) translation tables
Wrong language code: 1 item Expected language code is fy

solve (Verb: to find an answer or solution)
* West Frisian: {{t|fr|oplosse}}

No translation template: 2 items

French (Noun: people of France, collectively)
* West Frisian: (de) [[Frânsen]] {{g|p}}
marmot (Noun: rodent of the genera Marmota)
* West Frisian: {{t|fy|bargemot}}, marmot

text_outside_template: 2 items

Pacific Ocean (Proper noun: the world's largest body of water)
* West Frisian: {{t|fy|Stille Oseaan}}, {{t|fy|Grutte Oseaan}}, {{t|fy|Pasifyske Oseaan}}, {{t|fy|Stille Súdsee}} (archaic)
quotation marks (Noun: Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.)
* West Frisian: {{t|fy|oanhelteken|n}} [„◌”]

Entry HTML comment: 4 items

diurnal (Adjective: happening during daylight; primarily active during the day)
* West Frisian: {{t+check|fy|dei|alt=dei-}} <!-- was "[[dei]]-" - assumed inflected form or vocalised spelling; please verify if linking is acceptable. see [[User:Kephir/gadgets/xte#Translation_fixing]] -->
make the bed (Verb: arrange sheets, etc smoothly and neatly)
* West Frisian: <!-- please double-check that this is actually West Frisian and not North or Saterland Frisian --> {{t-check|fy|bêdmeitsje}}
skirt (Noun: )
* West Frisian: {{t-check|fy|jûpe|f}} <!-- probably for definition 1 -->
way too (Adverb: )
* West Frisian: {{t-check|fy|tige}}, {{t-check|fy|frij}} <!-- Was under: "to a high degree" -->

Multiple t-templates: 4 items

growth (Noun: increase in size)
* West Frisian: {{t|fy|groei|c}} {{t|fy|oanwaaks|c}}
growth (Noun: act of growing)
* West Frisian: {{t|fy|groei|c}} {{t|fy|oanwaaks|c}}
second (Noun: short, indeterminate amount of time)
* West Frisian: {{tt|fy|sekonde|c}} {{tt|fy|efkes|n}}
this (Determiner: the (thing) here)
* West Frisian: {{tt+|fy|dizze}} ({{tt+|fy|dit|n}})

Western Apache


This language has translations in 327 of 205754 (0.16%) translation tables
List items separated by both comma and semicolon: 1 item

Apache (Noun: Apache person)
* Western Apache: {{t|apw|Dilzhę́’é}} {{q|Tonto or San Carlos}}; {{t|apw|Ha’i’ą́há}}, {{t|apw|Hák’ą́yé}} {{q|Chiricahua}}; {{t|apw|Mashgalé}} {{q|Mescalero}}; {{t|apw|Tsék’aadn}} {{q|San Carlos}}; {{t|apw|Ndee}}, {{t|apw|Nnee}} {{q|Western Apache in general}}; {{t|apw|Dziłghą́’é}}, {{t|apw|Dziłghą’á}}, {{t|apw|Dziłt’aadn}}, {{t|apw|Łį́nabaahé}}, {{t|apw|Łį́nabaahá}} {{q|White Mountain}}

Western Cham


This language has translations in 11 of 205754 (0.01%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 2 items

coconut (Noun: fruit of coco palm)
* Western Cham: {{t|cja|ليعو}} {{t|cja|liu}}
elephant (Noun: mammal)
* Western Cham: {{tt|cja|ليمان}} {{tt|cja|limân}}

White Hmong


This language has translations in 667 of 205754 (0.32%) translation tables
Entry HTML comment: 1 item

saola (Noun: rare ruminant of Vietnam and Laos)
* White Hmong: {{t|mww|saht-supahp}} {{qualifier|loanword from Lao}}<!--hence the unusual orthography-->

Multiple qualifiers: 1 item

France (Proper noun: country)
* White Hmong: {{t|mww|Fav Teb}}, {{t|mww|Fab Kis}} {{qualifier|outdated}} {{qualifier|informal}}

Multiple t-templates: 2 items

breakfast (Noun: first meal of the day)
* White Hmong: {{t|mww|pluag}} {{t|mww|tshais}}
repeat (Verb: do or say again)
* White Hmong: {{t|mww|ua}} {{t|mww|dua}}



This language has translations in 770 of 205754 (0.37%) translation tables
Multiple t-templates: 1 item

piezoelectric (Adjective: of or relating to piezoelectricity)
*: Wu: {{t|wuu|壓電個}},{{t|wuu|有壓電性個}}

text_outside_template: 1 item

piezoelectric (Adjective: of or relating to piezoelectricity)
*: Wu: {{t|wuu|壓電個}}{{t|wuu|有壓電性個}}