Wiktionary:Word of the day/2024/July 23

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Word of the day
for July 23
lionism n
  1. (historical)
    1. The 19th-century practice of bringing a lion (an interesting person or object) into one’s home as entertainment for visitors.
    2. The state of being the lion (see above) of 19th-century hosts.
  2. (by extension) The practice of lionizing (treating a person as a celebrity or someone important); also, the state of being lionized.
  3. (pathology) The state of a person having a leonine facies, that is, facial features which resemble those of a lion as a result of some disease, especially a form of leprosy which causes leontiasis (a medical condition characterized by an overgrowth of the cranial and facial bones).
  4. (Rastafari) The ideals of Rastafarianism. [...]

Haile Selassie I, the Emperor of Ethiopia, was born on this day in 1892. Bearing the hereditary title of Lion of Judah, Selassie is revered by some members of the Rastafari movement as the messiah, and the lion is thus a symbol of Rastafarianism.

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