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Inherited from Proto-Slavic *brъsiti.


  • IPA(key): [ˈbrosʲɪtʲ]
  • Audio:(file)



бро́сить (brósitʹpf (imperfective броса́ть)

  1. to throw
    Он бро́сил ка́мушек в во́ду.
    On brósil kámušek v vódu.
    He threw a little stone into the water.
    • 1876, Russian Synodal Bible, Mark 7:27:
      Но Иисус сказал ей: дай прежде насытиться детям, ибо нехорошо взять хлеб у детей и бросить псам.
      No Iisus skazal jej: daj prežde nasytitʹsja detjam, ibo nexorošo vzjatʹ xleb u detej i brositʹ psam.
      “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
  2. to send urgently
  3. to abandon, to forsake
  4. to give up, to quit, to leave off
  5. to jilt



Derived terms
