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to make into; to change into; ‑ization
to make into; to change into; ‑ization; to ... ‑ize; to transform
bone dragon; imperial; surname
trad. (化骨龍)
simp. (化骨龙)
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  1. (Cantonese, mythology) a mythological creature that resembles a snakehead (Channidae) but has four legs, allegedly able to cause one's bones to dissolve if one were to eat it (Classifier: c;  c)
  2. (Cantonese, figurative) one's own child, often one who is difficult to bring up (originally because of being a big eater, thus becoming a financial burden for parents) (Classifier: c;  c)
  3. (Cantonese, figurative) food waste shredder

See also
