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Mandarin Chinese Transportation Words
English Mandarin Chinese
cliff 懸崖悬崖 (xuányá)
tributary 支流 (zhīliú)
fresh water 淡水 (dànshuǐ)
salt water. seawater 鹹水咸水 (xiánshuǐ)
archipelago 群島群岛 (qúndǎo)
reef (jiāo)
stream 小溪 (xiǎoxī)
atoll 環礁环礁 (huánjiāo)
bay 海灣海湾 (hǎiwān)
forest 森林 (sēnlín)
cape 海角 (hǎijiǎo)
road ()
canal 運河运河 (yùnhé)
canyon 峽谷峡谷 (xiágǔ)
waterfall 瀑布
mountain top, summit 山頂山顶 (shāndǐng)
continent 大陸大陆 (dàlù)
mountain range, mountain chain 山脈山脉 (shānmài)
coast 海岸 (hǎi'àn)
desert 沙漠 (shāmò)
sand dune 沙丘 (shāqiū)
dam, reservoir 水庫水库 (shuǐkù)
glacier 冰川 (bīngchuān)
gulf 海灣海湾 (hǎiwān)
iceberg 冰山 (bīngshān)
island (dǎo)
jungle 叢林丛林 (cónglín)
lake ()
saltwater lake 鹹水湖咸水湖 (xiánshuǐhú)
plain, prairie 平原 (píngyuán)
source (of a river) 源頭源头 (yuántóu)
sea (hǎi)
tableland 高原 (gāoyuán)
mountain (shān)
snow (xuě)
oasis 綠洲绿洲 (lǜzhōu)
ocean 海洋 (hǎiyáng)
shore (àn)
swamp 沼澤沼泽 (zhǎozé)
peninsula 半島半岛 (bàndǎo)
beach 海灘海滩 (hǎitān)
precipice 懸崖悬崖 (xuányá)
rock 岩石 (yánshí)
rain-forest, tropical rainforest 熱帶雨林热带雨林 (rèdài yǔlín)
path, track, trail 小徑小径 (xiǎojìng)
mountain range 山脈山脉 (shānmài)
valley 山谷 (shāngǔ)
volcano 火山 (huǒshān)