User:Darkdadaah/Lists/Leftover language templates
< User:Darkdadaah | Lists
Pages that still use language templates directly (some of those are misuses).
Regex used: /\{\{[a-z]{2,3}\}\}/ (excluded: /\{\{(rf[iedcmtpv]|sic|wp|pf|inv)\}\}/)
Template | Code |
Japan | From {{etyl|nl|en}} {{term|Japan|lang=nl}} or {{etyl|pt|en}} {{term|Japão|lang=pt}}, from {{etyl|ms|en}} {{term|Jepang|lang=ms}}, from {{etyl|zhx|en}} {{Hani|[[日本]]}} ({{etyl|ltc|en}} ''nyit-pwón'' < {{etyl|och|en}} ''*nit-pˁənʔ'') (compare {{yue}} ''Yat<sup>6</sup>-bun<sup>2</sup>'' 日本, {{ko}} ''Ilbon'' 일본, {{ja}} ''Nippon'' にっぽん, {{cmn}} ''Rìběn'' 日本, {{vi}} ''Nhật Bản''). (10) |
kanji | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|漢字|tr=kanji||Chinese characters}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[ 漢]] (''xàn'' "Han dynasty", "China") + [[字]] (''dzì'' "[written] character") (compare {{ko}} ''hanja'' 한자, {{cmn}} ''hànzì'' 汉字, {{vi}} ''Hán tự''). (8) |
bushido | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|sc=Jpan|武士道|tr=</i>ぶしどう<i>, bushidō|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[武士]] (''mjú-dʐí'' "warrior") (compare {{cmn}} ''wǔshì'' 武士, {{yue}} ''mou<sup>5</sup>-si<sup>6</sup>'' 武士) + 道 (''dáu'' "way"). (5) |
tanto | * From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|短刀|tr=tantō </i>たんとう<i>|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 短刀 (''twán-taw'' "dagger") (compare {{cmn}} ''duǎndāo'' 短刀), from [[短]] ("short") + [[刀]] ("knife"). (5) |
bo | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|棒|tr=bō </i>ぼう<i>||lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[棒]] (''bǽwng'' "staff", "club") (compare {{cmn}} [[棒|棒 ''bàng'']]). (32) |
manga | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|漫画|tr=manga </i>まんが<i>||lang=ja|sc=Jpan}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[漫]] (''màn'' "free", "unrestrained") + [[畫]] (''ɣwɛ̀'' "drawing") (compare {{cmn}} [[漫画|''mànhuà'' 漫画]], {{ko}} ''manhwa'' [[만화]]). After an 1814 book by {{w|Hokusai|Katsushika Hokusai}}. (7) |
tenno | From {{etyl|ja|en}} [[天皇]] (''Tennō'' てんのう, earlier ''ten'ou'' てんおう), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[天皇]] (''tʰen-ɣwang'') (compare {{cmn}} [[天皇|''tiānhuáng'' 天皇]]), from {{etyl|och|en}} [[天皇]] (''*l̥ˁin-ɢʷˁaŋ'' "Heavenly Sovereign" > "Emperor"), from [[天]] ("Heaven") + [[皇]] ("sovereign"). (8) |
hanja | From {{etyl|ko|en}} {{ko-inline|한자|hanja|Chinese characters|漢字}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[漢]] (''xàn'' "Han dynasty", "China") + [[字]] (''dzì'' "[written] character") (compare {{ja}} ''kanji'' 漢字, {{cmn}} [[汉字|''hànzì'' 汉字]], {{vi}} ''Hán tự''). (5) |
libro | From {{etyl|osp|es}} {{term|libro|lang=osp}} (cf. {{lad}} {{term|livro|lang=lad}}), from {{etyl|la|es}} {{term|librum|lang=la}}, singular accusative of {{term|liber|lang=la}}. (181) |
Tokyo | From Japanese [[東京]] (''Tōkyō'' とうきょう, "Eastern capital"), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[東]] (''tung'' "east") + [[京]] (''kjæng'' "capital") (compare {{cmn}} ''Dōngjīng'' 东京). (9) |
soju | From {{etyl|ko|en}} {{term|소주|tr=soju|lang=ko}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 燒酒 (''ʃew-t͡sjúw'' "liquor") (compare {{cmn}} ''shāojiǔ'' [[烧酒]], {{ja}} ''[[shōchū]]'' 焼酎), from [[燒]] ("burn", "flammable") + [[酒]] ("alcohol"). (5) |
rickshaw | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|sc=Jpan|力車|tr=rikisha|lang=ja}}, an abbreviation of {{term|sc=Jpan|人力車|tr=</i>じんりきしゃ <i>jinrikisha|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[人]] (''nyin'' "person") + [[力]] (''lik'' "strength", "power") + [[車]] (''t͡ʃʰæ'' "cart") (compare {{cmn}} ''rénlìchē'' 人力車). (9) |
gaijin | From {{etyl|ja|en}} [[外人]] (''gaijin'' がいじん "foreigner"), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 外人 (''ngwàj-nyin'') (compare {{cmn}} ''wàirén'' [[外人]]), from {{etyl|och|en}} (''*ŋʷˁat-s ning'' "foreigner", "outsider" < "non-relative"), from [[外]] ("outside", "outer") + [[人]] ("person"). (8) |
yen | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|円|lang=ja|tr=en</i>, earlier<i> yen}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[圓]] (''ɣüen'' "circle" >"round coin") (compare {{cmn}} ''yuán'' [[元]], {{ko}} ''won'' [[원]]). (9) |
bonsai | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|盆栽|||tr=</i>ぼんさい<i> bonsai|sc=Jpan|lang=ja }}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[盆]] (''bwon'' "bowl") + [[栽]] (''tsoj'' "to plant") (compare {{cmn }} [[盆栽|''pénzāi'' 盆栽]]). (8) |
futon | {{etyl|ja|en}} [[布団]] (''futon'' ふとん), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 蒲團 (''bu-dwan'' "meditation cushion") (compare {{cmn}} [[蒲团|''pútuán'' 蒲团]]), from [[蒲]] ("cattail") + [[團]] ("sphere", "round object"). (6) |
seppuku | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|切腹|sc=Jpan|lang=ja}}, {{term|せっぷく|tr=seppuku|sc=Jpan|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[切]] (''t͡set'' "to cut") + [[腹]] (''pjuwk'' "belly") (compare {{yue}} ''tsit-fuk'' 切腹, {{cmn}} ''qiēfù'' 切腹). (6) |
civet | : ''See translations at'' [[:fr:civet|civet]] ''in the {{fr}} Wiktionary.'' (82) |
kabuki | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|歌舞伎|tr=kabuki </i>かぶき<i>|sc=Jpan|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[歌]][[舞]] (''ka-mjú'' "song and dance") (compare {{cmn}} [[歌舞|''gēwǔ'' 歌舞]]) + [[伎]] (''gjé'' "performer"). (10) |
kyūjitai | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|sc=Jpan|旧字体|tr=kyūjitai </i>きゅうじたい<i>|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[舊]] (''gjùw'' "old") +[[字]][[體]] (''dzì-tʰéj'' "character style", "calligraphic form") (compare {{cmn}} ''zìtǐ'' [[字体]]), from [[字]] ("[written] character") + [[體]] ("form", "body"). (5) |
Zen | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|lang=ja|禅|tr=zen </i>ぜん<i>}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[禪]] (''ɖjen'') (compare {{cmn}} 禅 ''Chán''), an abbreviation of {{term|lang=ltc|禪那|tr=ɖjen-na}}, from {{etyl|sa|en}} {{term|lang=sa|ध्यान|tr=dhyāna||a type of meditation}}. Akin to {{term|dhyana|lang=en}}. (9) |
kaizen | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|改善|lang=ja}} (''kaizen'' かいぜん), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[改善]] (''kój-dʒjén'') (compare {{cmn}} [[改善|''gǎishàn'' 改善]]), from {{etyl|och|en}} [[改善]] (''*qˁəʔ-ɡenʔ'' "to correct errors"), from [[改]] ("to change") + [[善]] ("good"). (6) |
dong | From {{etyl|vi|en}} {{l|vi|đồng}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[銅]] (''duwng'' "copper") (compare {{cmn}} [[铜|''tóng'' 铜]]), from {{etyl|och|en}} 銅 (''*lˁoŋ''). (9) |
shimpan | From {{etyl|ja|en}} 審判 (''shinpan'' しんぱん), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 審判 (''ʃim-pʰàn'' "to judge", "to try") (compare {{cmn}} [[审判|''shěnpàn'' 审判]]). (4) |
shimpan bucho | From {{etyl|ja|en}} 審判部長 (''shinpan buchō'' しんぱんぶちょう), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 審判 (''ʃim-pʰàn'' "to judge", "to try") (compare {{cmn}} [[审判|''shěnpàn'' 审判]]) + [[部長]] (''búw-ʈjáng'' "department leader") (compare {{cmn}} [[部长|''bùzhǎng'' 部 长]]). (4) |
消失 | * {{ja}}: {{t|ja|消失点|gloss=vanishing point}} (10) |
վրացերեն | * {{hy}}: {{t|hy|Վրաստան}} (15) |
njóta | * [[njóta við]] ({{imp}}; to be alive, for others to have one's help, to be around) (37) |
россиянин | * {{ru}}: {{t+|ru|Росси́я}} (18) |
tanka | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|短歌||short song|tr=tanka </i>たんか<i>|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[短]] (''twán'' "short") + [[歌]] (''ka'' "song") (compare {{cmn}} ''duǎngē'' 短歌). (6) |
gassho | Japanese [[合掌]] (''gasshō'' がっしょう), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 合掌 (''ɣop-tʃáng'' "Buddhist-style pressed-palm gesture of piety") (compare {{cmn}} ''hézhǎng'' [[合掌]], {{yue}} ''hap<sup>6</sup>-jeung<sup>2</sup>'' 合掌), from [[合]] "unite" and [[掌]] "[[palm]]". (4) |
Kyōto | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|京都||capital|tr=kyōto|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 京都 (''kjæng-tu'' "capital [of a country]") (compare {{cmn}} [[京都|''jīngdū'' 京都]]). (6) |
χρυσός | From {{etyl|grc|el}} {{term|χρυσός||gold|lang=grc}} (already {{gmy}} {{term|𐀓𐀬𐀰|tr=ku-ru-so|lang=gmy}}), semitic loan compare with {{etyl|he|-}} {{attention|he|needs Hebrew characters}} (hārús), {{etyl|akk|-}} {{term|𒆬𒄀|tr=ḫurāṣu [KUG.SIG<sub>17</sub>]|lang=akk}}<ref>{{R:Babiniotis 2008}}</ref> (36) |
gagaku | From {{etyl|ja|en}} 雅楽 (ががく ''gagaku''), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 雅樂 (''ngǽ-ngæwk'' "ancient ceremonial music") (compare {{cmn}} [[雅乐|''yǎyuè'' 雅乐]], {{yue}} ''ngaa<sup>5</sup>-ngok<sup>6</sup>'' 雅樂), from {{etyl|och|en}} 雅樂 (''*ŋˁraʔ-ŋˁrawk'' "courtly, ceremonial music"), from [[雅]] ("elegant", "refined") + [[樂]] ("music"). (4) |
merguez | # In French police slang, the word ''merguez'' is used to describe a car that has been modified—such as filing away its engine number, or the inclusion of components from different cars—to make it hard to identify and correspondingly enhance its suitability for use in crimes.<ref>{{fr}} {{cite web (28) |
վրացական | * {{hy}}: {{t+|hy|վրացերեն}} (18) |
Ryukyu | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|sc=Jpan|琉球|tr=Ryūkyū|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 流求 (''ljuw-gjuw'', a Chinese exonym for the island kingdom, of unclear origin) (compare {{cmn}} ''Liúqiú'' 琉球). (8) |
sonkyo | From {{etyl|ja|en}} 蹲踞 (''sonkyo'' そんきょ), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 蹲踞 (''dzwon-kjò'' "squatting position") (compare {{cmn}} ''dūnjù'' 蹲踞). (4) |
butoh | {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|舞踏|tr=butō|sc=Jpan|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 舞踏 (''mjú-táw'' "dance") (compare {{cmn}} ''wǔdǎo'' 舞蹈, {{yue}} ''mou<sup>5</sup> dou<sup>6</sup>'' 舞蹈), from {{etyl|och|en}} 舞蹈 (''*kə.maʔ tˁawʔ'' "dance [for joy or praise]"), from [[舞]] ("dance") + [[蹈]] ("step"). (4) |
kango | From {{etyl|ja|en}} [[漢語]] (''kango'' かんご), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[漢]] (''xàn'' "Han dynasty", "[[China]]") + [[語]] (''ngjó'' "speech", "language") (compare {{cmn}} [[汉语|''Hànyǔ'' 汉语]] "Chinese"). (6) |
bishonen | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|美少年|tr=bishōnen </i>びしょうねん<i>|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[美]] (''míj'' "beautiful") + [[少年]] (''ʃèw-nen'' "teenaged boy") (compare {{cmn}} ''shàonián'' [[少年]]). (5) |
onsen | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|温泉|tr=onsen </i>おんせん<i>|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 溫泉 (''ʔwon-dzüen'' "hot spring") (compare {{cmn}} [[温泉|''wēnquán'' 温泉]]), from [[溫]] ("warm") + [[泉]] ("spring", "fountain"). (5) |
silenco | * {{io}}: {{t+|io|silencesar|gloss=to be silent}} (19) |
genkan | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|玄関|tr=</i>げんかん<i> genkan|lang=ja|sc=Jpan}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 玄關 (''hwen-kwæn'' "entrance to Buddhist knowledge", by metaphor "front door') (compare {{cmn}} ''xuánguān'' [[玄关]]), from {{etyl|och|en}} [[玄]] (''*ɢʷˁin'' "dark", "profound") + [[關]] (''*kˁron'' "barrier", "gate"). (5) |
palesamenti | {{head|it|plural}} {{mm}} (4) |
kaiju | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{l|ja|怪獣|tr=かいじゅう ''kaijū''}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[怪]] (''kwɛ̀j'' "strange", "fantastic") + [[獸]] (''ʃùw'' "beast") (compare {{cmn}} ''guàishòu'' 怪兽). (4) |
haboku | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|破墨||tr=haboku </i>はぼく<i>|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[破]] (''pʰà'' "broken up") + [[墨]] (''mok'' "ink") (compare {{cmn}} ''pòmò'' 破墨, {{yue}} ''po<sup>3</sup>-mak<sup>6</sup>'' 破墨). (5) |
jinja | From {{etyl|ja|en}} [[神社]] (''jinja'' じんじゃ), from {{etyl|ltc|en}} [[神社]] (''ʒin-dʒjǽ'') (compare {{cmn}} ''shénshè'' 神社), from {{etyl|och|en}} [[神社]] (''*'''C'''ə.lin-mtʰaʔ'' "sacrificial altar", "shrine"), from [[神]] ("deity", "divine") + [[社]] ("Earth deity [and altar]"). (4) |
Hotei | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|lang=ja|布袋|tr=Hotei}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 布袋 (''pù-dòj'' "cloth sack") (compare {{cmn}} [[布袋|''Bùdài'' 布袋]], {{vi}} ''Bố Đại''), by [[metonymy]] "Man with the cloth sack", the "Laughing Buddha" figure associated with the [[Maitreya]] Buddha. (5) |
Kannon | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|lang=ja|観音|tr=Kannon </i>かんのん or<i> ''Kan'on'' </i>かんおん<i>}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 觀音 (''kwan-ʔim'') (compare {{cmn}} [[观音|''Guānyīn'' 观音]]), an abbreviation of 觀世音 (''kwan-ʃjèj-ʔim'' "Observer of the world's cries") (compare {{cmn}} ''Guān-shì-yīn'' 观世音), from [[觀]] ("observe") + [[世]] ("world") + [[音]] ("sounds", "cries"), a translation of {{etyl|sa|en}} अवलोकितेश्वर (''Avalokiteśvara''). (5) |
seifuku | From {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|制服|tr=seifuku </i>せいふく<i>|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 制服 (''tʃjèj-bjuwk'') (compare {{cmn}} [[制服|''zhìfú'' 制服]]), from {{etyl|och|en}} (''tets-bək'' "official or ceremonial clothing", "mourning attire"), from [[制]] ("cut" > "designed" > "systematized") + [[服]] ("clothing"). (5) |
Horai | A romanization of {{etyl|ja|en}} {{term|蓬莱|tr=Hōrai </i>ほうらい<i>|lang=ja}}, from {{etyl|ltc|en}} 蓬萊 (''Bong-Loi'') (compare {{cmn}} [[蓬莱|''Pénglái'' 蓬莱]]), from {{etyl|och|en}} 蓬 萊 (''*Bˁəŋ-rˁəj''). (15) |