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Ερωτικό ( Με μια πιρόγα ) Love Song (In a pirogue)
Music by w:Thanos Mikroutsikos - Θάνος Μικρούτσικος with lyrics by Alkis Alkaios - Άλκης Αλκαίος



Με μια πιρόγα, φεύγεις και γυρίζεις,
with a pirogue you-leave and you-return
You set off and come back in a pirogue,
Τις ώρες που αγριεύει η βροχή,
the hours that it-roughens the rain
At times when the rain grows fiercer,
Στη γη των Βησιγότθων αρμενίζεις
in-the land of-the Visigoths you-sail
You sail through the land of the Visigoths,
Και σε κερδίζουν κήποι κρεμαστοί,
and you they-win gardens hanging
And hanging gardens win you over,
Μα τα φτερά σου σιγοπριονίζεις.
but the wings your you-saw-slowly
But you slowly saw off your wings.

Σκέπασε αρμύρα το γυμνό κορμί σου,
it-covered saltiness the naked body your
Your naked body was covered with salt,
Σου `φερα απ’ τους Δελφούς γλυκό νερό,
you I-brought from the Delphi sweet water
I brought you fresh water from Delphi,
Στα δύο είπες πως θα κοπεί η ζωή σου,
in-the two you-said that will it-be-cut the life your
You said your life would be cut in two,


Ρόζα Rosa
Music by w:Thanos Mikroutsikos - Θάνος Μικρούτσικος with lyrics by Alkis Alkaios - Άλκης Αλκαίος

Song 2


Τα χείλη μου ξερά και διψασμένα,
the lips my dry and thirsty
My lips dry and thirsty,
Γυρεύουνε στην άσφαλτο νερό,
they-search in-the asphalt water,
They search the asphalt for water,
Περνάνε δίπλα μου τα τροχοφόρα,
they-go-past next-to my the wheeled-vehicles
The vehicles pass by me,
Και 'σύ μου λες μας περιμένει η μπόρα,
and you to-me you-tell us it-waits-for the rainshower,
And you tell me that the rain shower awaits us,
Και με τραβάς σε καμπαρέ υγρό.
and me you-drag/pull to cabaret damp,
And you drag me to a damp cabaret.

Βαδίζουμε μαζί στον ίδιο δρόμο,
we-walk together on-the same road
We walk along together on the same road,
Μα τα κελιά μας είναι χωριστά,
but the cells our they-are separate
But our cells are separate,
Σε πολιτεία μαγική γυρνάμε
in city magic we-go-about
We go about in a magic city,
Δε θέλω πια να μάθω τι ζητάμε
not I-want anymore that I-learn what we-ask-for
I no longer want to know what we ask for,
Φτάνει να μου χαρίσεις δυο φιλιά.
it-is-enough that to-me you-grant two kisses
It's enough for you to grant me two kisses.

Με παίζεις στη ρουλέτα και με χάνεις,
me you-play at-the roulette and me you-lose
You play me at roulette and you lose me,
Σε ένα παραμύθι εφιαλτικό,
in a tale nightmarish
In a nightmarish tale,
Φωνή εντόμου τώρα ειν’ η φωνή μου,
voice of-insect now it-is the voice my
My voice is now the voice of an insect,
Φυτό αναρριχώμενο η ζωή μου,
plant climbing the life my
My life is now a climbing plant,
Με κόβεις και με ρίχνεις στο κενό.
me you-cut and me you-throw at-the void
You cut me and you throw me to the void.