Wiktionary:About Old Novgorodian

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The purple color shows the spread of Old Novgorodian in the late 14th century.

Old Novgorodian is defined in Wiktionary as being between the early 9th century to the mid-15th century (c. 800‒1450).

  • Pre-literate period ‒ until the 11th century (before c. 1000).
  • Early Old Novgorod ‒ early 11th to the first quarter of the 13th century (c. 1000‒1225). Accepted as main in Wiktionary.
  • Late Old Novgorod ‒ second quarter of the 13th to the mid-15th century (c. 1225‒1450).

Divided into two dialects, the main Eastern Old Novgorodian (zle-ono) and the western dialect ‒ Old Pskovian (zle-ops).

Spelling normalization



Letters for entries in Old Novgorodian in Wiktionary
а б в г д е ж и к л м н о п р с т оу ф х ѿ * ц ч ш щ ъ ь ѣ ѥ ю ѫ ѭ ѧ ѩ ѯ ѱ ѳ ѵ
a b v g d e ž z i k l m n o p r s t u f x ot c č š šč ŭ y ĭ ě ja je ju ǫ ę ks ps θ i

* Use these letters for alternative forms.

See also WT:Old Novgorodian transliteration

Concerining spelling, the following practices are followed:

  • For /e/ use е instead of є.
  • For /o/ use о instead of ѡ, ѻ, , etc.
  • For /u/ use оу instead of у or .
  • For /y/ use archaic instead of ы.
  • For /i/ use и instead of і.
  • For /je/ use ѥ instead of е or є.
  • For /ja/ use as etymologically expected, instead of ѧ. Moreover, no я.
  • For nasal /ǫ/, /jǫ/ and /ę/, /ję/ use ѫ, ѭ (no оу, ю instead of them) and ѧ, ѩ as etymologically expected.
  • For entries, do not use a “domestic orthography” («бытовая система письма») in which there is a mixing of the letters еь, оъ, and also ѣе, ь and и.
    • For reduced /ŭ/ and /ĭ/ use ъ and ь as etymologically expected, instead of о and е.
    • Use ѣ /ě/ as etymologically expected. Mixing ѣи reflects the phonetic transition /ě//i/ that occurred around 1200‒1350. Sometimes you can use и for alternative forms.
  • For /z/ use archaic instead of з.
  • One can use ѯ /ks/, ѱ /ps/, ѳ /θ/, ѵ /i/ for Greek borrowings and as etymologically expected.

Word forms


Give preference to these forms of words:

Typical layout

==Old Novgorodian==
[[Image:|thumb|250px|Birchbark letter no. ({{circa2|‒|short=yes}}) / {{lang|zle-ono|{{PAGENAME}}}} ({{senseno|zle-ono|}})]]

===Alternative forms===
* {{alt|zle-ono|||late form/zle-ops}}

{{PIE word|zle-ono|}}
{{inh+|zle-ono|sla-pro|*}}, from {{inh|zle-ono|ine-bsl-pro|*}}, from {{inh|zle-ono|ine-pro||*|t=}}, from {{m|ine-pro|*-|t=}}.<ref name="Anikin">{{R:ru:Anikin|||}}</ref> {{etydate|c|‒}}. 
From early {{m|zle-ono/zle-ops|}}, {{inh+|zle-ono|sla-pro|*|nocap=1}}{{dercat|zle-ono|ine-bsl-pro|ine-pro|inh=2}}{{root|zle-ono|ine-pro|*-}}. {{surf|zle-ono||t1=||lit=}}. 
{{bor+|zle-ono|cu|}}, ultimately from {{der|zle-ono|grc|}}.
From {{af|zle-ono||t1=||lit=}}. Compare {{cog|orv|}}. Cognate with {{cog|orv|}}, {{cog|zle-ort|}}, {{cog|cu|}}, {{cog|zlw-opl|}}. {{dbt|zle-ono|}}.

* {{hyph|zle-ono||}}

===Proper noun===
{{head|zle-ono|proper noun|g=}}<ref>{{R:zle-ono:Zaliznyak:2004|}}</ref>

# {{senseid|zle-ono|}} {{c|zle-ono|}} {{lb|zle-ono|Old Pskovian|relational|hapax}} [[]] {{gl|}}
#: {{syn|zle-ono|}}
#* {{RQ:birchbark||n|‒|…||}}
# {{alt form|zle-ono||t=[[]]|from=Late}}

====Derived/Related terms====

* {{desc|zle-ops|}}
* {{desc|zle-mru||bor=1|unc=1}}
** {{desc|ru|<qq:dialectal>}}


===Further reading===
* {{R:zle-ono:ruscorpora|}}


Reference template Work
{{R:zle-ono:ruscorpora|}} Берестяные грамоты – Национальный корпус русского языка [Birchbark Letters – Russian National Corpus], https://ruscorpora.ru/, 2003–2024
{{R:zle-ono:Zaliznyak:2004||}} Zaliznyak, Andrey (2004) Древненовгородский диалект [Old Novgorod dialect]‎[1] (in Russian), 2nd edition, Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, →ISBN
{{R:zle-ono:NGB||||}} Artsikhovsky, A. V., Borkovsky, V. I., Yanin, V. L., Zaliznyak, A. A., Gippius, A. A. et al., editors (1953–2015), Новгородские грамоты на бересте (1951–2014 гг.) [Novgorod letters on birchbark: 1951–2014] (in Russian), volumes 1–12, Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House, Nauka, Russian Dictionaries et al.
{{R:zle-ono:VJa||||}} Yanin, V. L., Zaliznyak, A. A., Gippius, A. A. et al. (1997–2024) “Берестяные грамоты из раскопок”, in Вопросы языкознания [Topics in the Study of Language]‎[2] (in Russian), Moscow: Nauka, →ISSN
{{R:birchbark||||}} Древнерусские берестяные грамоты [Birchbark Literacy from Medieval Rus]‎[3][4] (in Russian), http://gramoty.ru, 2007–2024