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ю U+044E, ю
Cyrillic я
A distinctive glyph is used for Bulgarian.


English Wikipedia has an article on:



ю (upper case Ю)

  1. A letter of the Cyrillic script, called yu or ju.



ю (upper case Ю)

  1. A letter of the Old Cyrillic script, called yu or ju.





ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The seventieth letter of the Abaza alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (jəw) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The sixty-third letter of the Adyghe alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The fifty-second letter of the Aghul alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-eighth letter of the Alutor alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-fifth letter of the Avar alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-first letter of the Bashkir alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also








ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-first letter of the Belarusian alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also








ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The twenty-ninth letter of the Bulgarian alphabet, called ю (ju), and written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-fifth letter of the Buryat alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-fifth letter of the Chechen alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also




ю̄ (juuclass jj

  1. Pre-2020 spelling of йӯ (juu).







ю (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-fifth letter of the Chukchi alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-sixth letter of the Chuvash alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Crimean Tatar




ю (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-sixth letter of the Crimean Tatar alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-fifth letter of the Dargwa alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also




Etymology 1




ю (i͡u) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-seventh letter of the Dungan alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Etymology 2


Cognate with Standard Mandarin (yǒu).



ю (i͡u)

  1. to have; to possess; there is/are

Etymology 3


Cognate with Standard Mandarin (yóu).



ю (i͡u)

  1. oil

Eastern Mari



  • IPA(key): /ju/
  • Rhymes: -u
  • Hyphenation: ю

Etymology 1


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)



ю (ju)

  1. magic, witchcraft, sorcery
  2. spirit, soul
  3. incantation, spell
  4. (figuratively) charm, fascination, spell
Declension of ю
singular plural
nominative ю (ju) ю-влак (ju-vlak)
accusative юм (jum) ю-влакым (ju-vlakym)
genitive юн (jun) ю-влакын (ju-vlakyn)
dative юлан (julan) ю-влаклан (ju-vlaklan)
comitative юге (juge) ю-влакге (ju-vlakge)
comparative юла (jula) ю-влакла (ju-vlakla)
inessive юшто (jušto) ю-влакыште (ju-vlakyšte)
illative (short) юш (juš) ю-влакыш (ju-vlakyš)
illative (long) юшко (juško) ю-влакышке (ju-vlakyške)
lative юэш (jueš) ю-влакеш (ju-vlakeš)
Possessed forms of ю
singular plural
1st person юэм (juem) юна (juna)
2nd person юэт (juet) юда (juda)
3rd person южо (južo) юшт (jušt)

Etymology 2


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)



ю (ju)

  1. cool, freshness, (pleasant) coolness (of air)
Declension of ю
singular plural
nominative ю (ju) ю-влак (ju-vlak)
accusative юм (jum) ю-влакым (ju-vlakym)
genitive юн (jun) ю-влакын (ju-vlakyn)
dative юлан (julan) ю-влаклан (ju-vlaklan)
comitative юге (juge) ю-влакге (ju-vlakge)
comparative юла (jula) ю-влакла (ju-vlakla)
inessive юшто (jušto) ю-влакыште (ju-vlakyšte)
illative (short) юш (juš) ю-влакыш (ju-vlakyš)
illative (long) юшко (juško) ю-влакышке (ju-vlakyške)
lative юэш (jueš) ю-влакеш (ju-vlakeš)
Possessed forms of ю
singular plural
1st person юэм (juem) юна (juna)
2nd person юэт (juet) юда (juda)
3rd person южо (južo) юшт (jušt)
Derived terms

Etymology 3


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)



ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-fifth letter of the Eastern Mari alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also



  • J. Bradley et al. (2023) “ю”, in The Mari Web Project: Mari-English Dictionary, University of Vienna





ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-fifth letter of the Even alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-third letter of the Evenki alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-third letter of the Ingush alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (transliteration needed) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-seventh letter of the Itelmen alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (jəw) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The fifty-sixth letter of the Kabardian alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-eighth letter of the Kalmyk alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also



Alternative scripts
Arabic يۋ
Cyrillic ю
Latin iu
Yañalif iu





ю (ü) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-first letter of the Kazakh alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-eighth letter of the Khakas alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






From Proto-Permic *ju, from Proto-Uralic *joke. Cognates include Finnish joki and Hungarian .


  • IPA(key): /ˈju/, [ˈju]
  • Hyphenation: ю



ю (ju)

  1. river


Declension of ю (stem: ю-)
singular plural
nominative ю (ju) юяс (jujas)
accusative I* ю (ju) юяс (jujas)
II* юӧс (juös) юясӧс (jujasös)
instrumental юӧн (juön) юясӧн (jujasön)
comitative юкӧд (juköd) юяскӧд (jujasköd)
caritive ютӧг (jutög) юястӧг (jujastög)
consecutive юла (jula) юясла (jujasla)
genitive юлӧн (julön) юяслӧн (jujaslön)
ablative юлысь (julyś) юяслысь (jujaslyś)
dative юлы (july) юяслы (jujasly)
inessive юын (juyn) юясын (jujasyn)
elative юысь (juyś) юясысь (jujasyś)
illative юӧ (juö) юясӧ (jujasö)
egressive юсянь (juśań) юяссянь (jujasśań)
approximative юлань (julań) юяслань (jujaslań)
terminative юӧдз (juödź) юясӧдз (jujasödź)
prolative I юӧд (juöd) юясӧд (jujasöd)
II юті (juti) юясті (jujasti)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Possessive declension of ю
First person singular
singular plural
nominative юӧй (juöj) юясӧй (jujasöj)
accusative I* юӧй (juöj) юясӧй (jujasöj)
II* юӧс (juös) юясӧс (jujasös)
instrumental юнам (junam) юяснам (jujasnam)
comitative юӧйкӧд (juöjköd) юясӧйкӧд (jujasöjköd)
caritive ютӧгым (jutögym) юястӧгым (jujastögym)
consecutive юӧйла (juöjla) юясӧйла (jujasöjla)
genitive юӧйлӧн (juöjlön) юясӧйлӧн (jujasöjlön)
ablative юӧйлысь (juöjlyś) юясӧйлысь (jujasöjlyś)
dative юӧйлы (juöjly) юясӧйлы (jujasöjly)
inessive юам (juam) юясам (jujasam)
elative юсьым (juśym) юяссьым (jujasśym)
illative юам (juam) юясам (jujasam)
egressive юсяньым (juśańym) юяссяньым (jujasśańym)
approximative юланьым (julańym) юясланьым (jujaslańym)
terminative юӧдзым (juödźym) юясӧдзым (jujasödźym)
prolative I юӧдым (juödym) юясӧдым (jujasödym)
II ютіым (jutiym) юястіым (jujastiym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person singular
singular plural
nominative юыд (juyd) юясыд (jujasyd)
accusative I* юыд (juyd) юясыд (jujasyd)
II* ютӧ (jutö) юястӧ (jujastö)
instrumental юнад (junad) юяснад (jujasnad)
comitative юыдкӧд (juydköd) юясыдкӧд (jujasydköd)
caritive ютӧгыд (jutögyd) юястӧгыд (jujastögyd)
consecutive юыдла (juydla) юясыдла (jujasydla)
genitive юыдлӧн (juydlön) юясыдлӧн (jujasydlön)
ablative юыдлысь (juydlyś) юясыдлысь (jujasydlyś)
dative юыдлы (juydly) юясыдлы (jujasydly)
inessive юад (juad) юясад (jujasad)
elative юсьыд (juśyd) юяссьыд (jujasśyd)
illative юад (juad) юясад (jujasad)
egressive юсяньыд (juśańyd) юяссяньыд (jujasśańyd)
approximative юланьыд (julańyd) юясланьыд (jujaslańyd)
terminative юӧдзыд (juödźyd) юясӧдзыд (jujasödźyd)
prolative I юӧдыд (juödyd) юясӧдыд (jujasödyd)
II ютіыд (jutiyd) юястіыд (jujastiyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person singular
singular plural
nominative юыс (juys) юясыс (jujasys)
accusative I* юыс (juys) юясыс (jujasys)
II* юсӧ (jusö) юяссӧ (jujassö)
instrumental юнас (junas) юяснас (jujasnas)
comitative юыскӧд (juysköd) юясыскӧд (jujasysköd)
caritive ютӧгыс (jutögys) юястӧгыс (jujastögys)
consecutive юысла (juysla) юясысла (jujasysla)
genitive юыслӧн (juyslön) юясыслӧн (jujasyslön)
ablative юыслысь (juyslyś) юясыслысь (jujasyslyś)
dative юыслы (juysly) юясыслы (jujasysly)
inessive юас (juas) юясас (jujasas)
elative юсьыс (juśys) юяссьыс (jujasśys)
illative юас (juas) юясас (jujasas)
egressive юсяньыс (juśańys) юяссяньыс (jujasśańys)
approximative юланьыс (julańys) юясланьыс (jujaslańys)
terminative юӧдзыс (juödźys) юясӧдзыс (jujasödźys)
prolative I юӧдыс (juödys) юясӧдыс (jujasödys)
II ютіыс (jutiys) юястіыс (jujastiys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
First person plural
singular plural
nominative юным (junym) юясным (jujasnym)
accusative I* юным (junym) юясным (jujasnym)
II* юнымӧ (junymö) юяснымӧ (jujasnymö)
instrumental юнаным (junanym) юяснаным (jujasnanym)
comitative юнымкӧд (junymköd) юяснымкӧд (jujasnymköd)
caritive ютӧгным (jutögnym) юястӧгным (jujastögnym)
consecutive юнымла (junymla) юяснымла (jujasnymla)
genitive юнымлӧн (junymlön) юяснымлӧн (jujasnymlön)
ablative юнымлысь (junymlyś) юяснымлысь (jujasnymlyś)
dative юнымлы (junymly) юяснымлы (jujasnymly)
inessive юаным (juanym) юясаным (jujasanym)
elative юсьыным (juśynym) юяссьыным (jujasśynym)
illative юаным (juanym) юясаным (jujasanym)
egressive юсяньным (juśańnym) юяссяньным (jujasśańnym)
approximative юланьным (julańnym) юясланьным (jujaslańnym)
terminative юӧдзным (juödźnym) юясӧдзным (jujasödźnym)
prolative I юӧдным (juödnym) юясӧдным (jujasödnym)
II ютіным (jutinym) юястіным (jujastinym)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Second person plural
singular plural
nominative юныд (junyd) юясныд (jujasnyd)
accusative I* юныд (junyd) юясныд (jujasnyd)
II* юнытӧ (junytö) юяснытӧ (jujasnytö)
instrumental юнаныд (junanyd) юяснаныд (jujasnanyd)
comitative юныдкӧд (junydköd) юясныдкӧд (jujasnydköd)
caritive ютӧгныд (jutögnyd) юястӧгныд (jujastögnyd)
consecutive юныдла (junydla) юясныдла (jujasnydla)
genitive юныдлӧн (junydlön) юясныдлӧн (jujasnydlön)
ablative юныдлысь (junydlyś) юясныдлысь (jujasnydlyś)
dative юныдлы (junydly) юясныдлы (jujasnydly)
inessive юаныд (juanyd) юясаныд (jujasanyd)
elative юсьыныд (juśynyd) юяссьыныд (jujasśynyd)
illative юаныд (juanyd) юясаныд (jujasanyd)
egressive юсяньныд (juśańnyd) юяссяньныд (jujasśańnyd)
approximative юланьныд (julańnyd) юясланьныд (jujaslańnyd)
terminative юӧдзныд (juödźnyd) юясӧдзныд (jujasödźnyd)
prolative I юӧдныд (juödnyd) юясӧдныд (jujasödnyd)
II ютіныд (jutinyd) юястіныд (jujastinyd)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.
Third person plural
singular plural
nominative юныс (junys) юясныс (jujasnys)
accusative I* юныс (junys) юясныс (jujasnys)
II* юнысӧ (junysö) юяснысӧ (jujasnysö)
instrumental юнаныс (junanys) юяснаныс (jujasnanys)
comitative юнымкӧс (junymkös) юяснымкӧс (jujasnymkös)
caritive ютӧгныс (jutögnys) юястӧгныс (jujastögnys)
consecutive юнысла (junysla) юяснысла (jujasnysla)
genitive юныслӧн (junyslön) юясныслӧн (jujasnyslön)
ablative юныслысь (junyslyś) юясныслысь (jujasnyslyś)
dative юныслы (junysly) юясныслы (jujasnysly)
inessive юаныс (juanys) юясаныс (jujasanys)
elative юсьыныс (juśynys) юяссьыныс (jujasśynys)
illative юаныс (juanys) юясаныс (jujasanys)
egressive юсяньныс (juśańnys) юяссяньныс (jujasśańnys)
approximative юланьныс (julańnys) юясланьныс (jujaslańnys)
terminative юӧдзныс (juödźnys) юясӧдзныс (jujasödźnys)
prolative I юӧдныс (juödnys) юясӧдныс (jujasödnys)
II ютіныс (jutinys) юястіныс (jujastinys)
*) Animate nouns almost exclusively take the type II accusative ending, whereas inanimate nouns can be used with either ending, but are more often found with type I.


  • A. I. Podorova, editor (1948), Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], Syktyvkar: Коми Государственное Издательство, page 224
  • L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 769





ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-eighth letter of the Kumyk alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-fifth letter of the Kyrgyz alphabet, called ю (yu), and written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-fourth letter of the Lezgi alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






Borrowed from Russian ю (ju).





ю (ju or ) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-fourth letter of the Mongolian alphabet, called ю (), and written in the Cyrillic script.

Usage notes


This letter represents the iotated form of both у (u) and ү (ü), and can therefore be used in both back vowel and front vowel words for the purposes of vowel harmony. It is romanized as ju when used as a back vowel, and when used as a front vowel.



ю ()

  1. The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ю / ю.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-fifth letter of the Nivkh alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Northern Mansi




ю (û) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-first letter of the Northern Mansi alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Old Novgorodian




ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. A letter of the Old Novgorodian alphabet, written in the Old Cyrillic script.
    • c. 1180‒1200, Берестяная грамота № 460 [Birchbark letter no. 460]‎[1], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ꙅ ꙁ и ї к л м н о п р с т уо ѳ х ѡ ц ч ш щ ъ ѣ ѫ ю у ѧ
      a b v g d e ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u θ x o ć ć š ść ŭ jě jǫ ju u ję
    • c. 1200‒1220, Берестяная грамота № 778 [Birchbark letter no. 778]‎[2], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ꙃ ꙁ и ї к л м н о п р с т оу ф х ѿ ц ч ш ъ ѣ ѫ ѫ ю ѧ
      a b v g d e ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u f x otŭ ć ć š ŭ jě jǫ jǫ ju
    • c. 1240‒1260, Onfim, Берестяная грамота № 199 [Birchbark letter no. 199]‎[3], Novgorod:
      а б в г д ¦ е ж ꙅ ꙁ и и к л м н о п р с т у ѳ х ѿ ц ч ш щ ъ ꙑ [ь] ѣ ꙋ ю ѫ ѧ …
      a b v g d ¦ e ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u θ x otŭ ć ć š ść ŭ y [ĭ] jě u ju jǫ ję …
    • c. 1240‒1260, Onfim, Берестяная грамота № 201 [Birchbark letter no. 201]‎[4], Novgorod:
      а б : в г : д е : ж ꙅ : ꙁ и : і к : л м : н о : п р : с т : у ѳ х ѿ : ц ч : ш щ : ъ ꙑ : ь ѣ : ꙋ ю : ѫ ѧ : …
      a b : v g : d e : ž dz : z i : i k : l m : n o : p r : s t : u θ x otŭ : ć ć : š ść : ŭ y : ĭ jě : u ju : jǫ ję : …
    • c. 1240‒1260, Onfim, Берестяная грамота № 205 [Birchbark letter no. 205]‎[5], Novgorod:
      а б в г д е ж ꙅ ꙁ и і к л м н о п р с т у ѳ х отъ ц ч ш щ ъ ꙑ ь ѣ ꙋ ю ѫ ѧ
      a b v g d e ž dz z i i k l m n o p r s t u θ x otŭ ć ć š ść ŭ y ĭ jě u ju jǫ ję





ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-second letter of the Ossetian alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

Usage notes


Only used in Russian borrowings.

See also






ю (iu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirtieth letter of the Moldovan alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also








ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-second letter of the Russian alphabet, called ю (ju), and written in the Cyrillic script.



ю (jun inan (indeclinable)

  1. The name of the Cyrillic script letter Ю.

See also


Solombala English




Inherited from English you. Cognate with Russenorsk ju (you).



ю (ju)

  1. you
    Synonym: слышьты (slyšʹty)
    • 1849 [1848], Vereščagin, Vasilij P., Очерки Архангельской губерніи [Sketches from Arkhangelsk Governorate]‎[6], Saint Petersburg: Typography of Yakov Trey, pages 406407:
      Ватъ ю вантетъ, асей!
      Vat ju vantet, asej!
      What do you want, sailor!


  • Broch, Ingvild (1996) “Solombala-English in Archangel”, in Jahr, Ernst Håkon, Broch, Ingvild, editors, Language Contact in the Arctic: Northern Pidgins and Contact Languages (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs (TiLSM); 88)‎[7], reprint edition, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, published 2011, →DOI, →ISBN, page 94 of 93–98

Southern Altai




ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-sixth letter of the Southern Altai alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The forty-fifth letter of the Tabasaran alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-fourth letter of the Tajik alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-eighth letter of the Tatar alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Tundra Nenets




ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-third letter of the Tundra Nenets alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-fifth letter of the Tuvan alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also




Etymology 1




ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-seventh letter of the Udmurt alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Etymology 2


From Proto-Finno-Permic *jewä. Probably a borrowing from some Indo-European language. See also Finnish jyvä.



ю (ju)

  1. cereal




  • (phoneme) IPA(key): /ju/
  • Audio:(file)



ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-second letter of the Ukrainian alphabet, called ю (ju), and written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirtieth letter of the Uzbek alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also


Western Mari




ю (ju) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-sixth letter of the Western Mari alphabet, written in the Cyrillic script.

See also






ю (yu) (lower case, upper case Ю)

  1. The thirty-ninth letter of the Yakut alphabet, called ю (yu), and written in the Cyrillic script.

See also
