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From racionāls (rational) +‎ -isms. Probably not formed as such in Latvian, but borrowed and adapted from some other European language.


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racionālisms m (1st declension)

  1. (philosophy) rationalism (epistemological theory according to which the best or even only source of knowledge is the mind and its thinking processes rather than the empirical world of facts)
  2. rationalism, rationality (a reasoned attitude toward reality; reasoned behavior based on thinking, on reason)
    viņš katru savu soli aprēķināja, katru domu izsvēra un vārdu apdomāja; racionālisms bija kļuvis par Andreja būtībuhe measured every step, he weighed every thought, he pondered every word; rationality had become Andrejs' essence
    viņa raksturam gan piemita racionālisms, viņš prata savus soļus aukstasinīgi apsvērt un atsacīties no tā, kas varēja izrādīties neizdevīgshis character had rationality, he knew how to consider his steps in cold blood and to give up that which could turn out to be unprofitable
  3. (architecture) rationalism (20th-century school characterized by modern building materials, the use of industrial construction methods, efficient space planning, geometric forms)
    sabiedrisko ēku risinājumā tīrās racionālisma līnijas aizvien biežāk nomaina sarežģītas, plastiki daudzveidīgas formasin the design of public buldings, pure rationalistic (lit. rationalism) lines are increasingly more often replacing the complex, plastically diverse forms
  4. (art) rationalism (current that emphasizes the logical, intellectual, generalizing meaning in the creative work)
    skaņdarbu traktējumā altistam varējām piedēvēt zināmu racionālismu un vēsumuwe can attribute the treatment of the piece of music by the viola to a certain rationalism and coolness
    visā gleznas kvadratūrā jūtama ar racionālismu nomaskēta gleznieciskā aizrautībain the entire painting a certain pictorial enthusiasm masked with rationalism can be felt

