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From Old Galician-Portuguese caldo (13th c., Cantigas de Santa Maria), from Latin cal(i)dus.





caldo (feminine calda, masculine plural caldos, feminine plural caldas)

  1. hot, warm



caldo m (plural caldos)

  1. Caldo galego
  2. broth
    • 1295, Ramón Lorenzo, editor, La traducción gallega de la Crónica General y de la Crónica de Castilla, Ourense: IEOPF, page 534:
      Et comiã os coiros das vacas et das bestas et beuiã o caldo delas
      And they ate the leathers of the cows and the animals and drank the broth of [boiling] them
    • 1327, X. Ferro Couselo, editor, A vida e a fala dos devanceiros, Vigo: Galaxia, page 79:
      e proueam á dita albergaría de leytos e de feltros et mantas e de cubertas e manteñan y hun ome e hua moller que aguarde a roupa e faça os leytos aos doentes e os caldos quando lles conpryr
      and they should provide that hospital with beds and felts and blankets and covers, and they should keep there a man and a woman who should guard the clothes and make the beds of the sick and the broths whenever they would need it
    • 1889, Xulio Alonso Sánchez, O Chufón:
      Ó redor da lareira, na cuciña da casa máis chea do logar de Outeiro, xunta estaba a familia. O patrón sentado no escano cos pés fóra e por riba das zocas, quentábase, ó mesmo tempo que, cun forquito bandexaba os toxos, que dempois metía pra debaixo do caldeiro; a muller, sentada no chan, partía os cachelos pró caldo, ia herdeira, filla úneca daquel xuntoiro e xoia daquela casa, fiaba na roca os cerros, prá tea do ano.
      The family was reunited around the hearth, in the kitchen of the fullest house of the hamlet of Outeiro. The head of the household was sitting on the bench, his feet out and on the clogs, warming while he was shaking the furzes with a poke before placing them under the cauldron; the wife, sitting on the ground, was snapping the potatoes for the broth, and the heir, only child of that union and that home's jewel, was spinning the flax, for the year's cloth.
    • 1891, José Barral Campos, O amigo de S. Pedro:
      Dimpois de comer dúas cuncas de caldo, deitouse na cama, sacou da faltrica do chaleque dous cigarros e unha navalla e liando un pito, púxose a fumegar polas ventas das narices, o mesmo có tren.
      After eating two bowls of broth he laid down on the bed; he took two cigars and a pocket knife from the vest's pocket and, rolling a cigarette, began to throw smoke by the nostrils, not unlike a train
  3. clear broth, consommé
  4. juice







Inherited from Latin cal(i)dus. Doublet of calido, which was borrowed.


  • IPA(key): /ˈ
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -aldo
  • Hyphenation: càl‧do



caldo (feminine calda, masculine plural caldi, feminine plural calde, superlative caldissimo, diminutive caldìno (usually noun) or caldùccio (usually noun) or calduccìno (usually noun) or (uncommon) caldétto (adjective), pejorative caldàccio)

  1. warm, hot
    Antonym: freddo



caldo m (plural caldi)

  1. heat
    Ho caldoI am hot
  2. fervour, ardour

Further reading

  • caldo in Collins Italian-English Dictionary
  • caldo in – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana










  1. dative/ablative masculine/neuter singular of caldus


caldo verde



From Old Galician-Portuguese caldo, from Latin cal(i)dus. Doublet of cálido, which was borrowed.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /ˈkaw.du/ [ˈkaʊ̯.du]
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /ˈ [ˈkaʊ̯.do]

  • Rhymes: (Portugal) -aldu, (Brazil) -awdu
  • Hyphenation: cal‧do



caldo m (plural caldos)

  1. broth, stock
    caldo de carnemeat broth, beef stock
    caldo de galinhachicken stock
  2. juice

Derived terms



  • Indonesian: kaldu

Further reading

  • caldo” in Dicionário Aberto based on Novo Diccionário da Língua Portuguesa de Cândido de Figueiredo, 1913





Inherited from Latin cal(i)dus. Compare the borrowed doublet cálido.





caldo m (plural caldos)

  1. a clear soup, broth, bouillon
  2. (soup) stock
  3. swill
  4. sludge

Derived terms



  • Belizean Creole: kaldo

Further reading
