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See also: Canuto



From Late Latin cānūtus, from Latin cānus. Cognate with French chenu.
Equivalent to cano (white-haired) +‎ -uto (-ed”, “having [the object expressed by the noun])


  • IPA(key): /kaˈ, [käˈn̺uːt̪o]
  • Hyphenation: ca‧nù‧to


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  1. (of hair) grey, hoary, white
    • 1840, Alessandro Manzoni, I promessi sposi[1], Tip. Guglielmini e Redaelli, Chapter VIII, page 142:
      Due folte ciocche di capelli, che gli scappavano fuor della papalina, due folti sopraccigli, due folti baffi, un folto pizzo, tutti canuti
      Two thick curls which escaped from beneath the cap, two thick eyebrows, two thick mustachios, a dense tuft along his chin, all quite grey
    • 1903, Gabriele D'Annunzio, “L'opere e i giorni [Works and Days]”, in Alcyone[2], collected in D'Annunzio: versi d'amore e di gloria, volume 2, Milan, published 2004, lines 29–31:
      sale su per lo stipite di pietra ¶ il bianco gelsomin grato alle pecchie ¶ eguale di candore al crin canuto.
      it goes up along the stone jamb ¶ the white jasmin, grateful to the bees, ¶ equal in candor to the whitening hair.
  2. (by extension) hoary-haired
  3. (figurative, poetic) old, serious, staid
    • 1374, Francesco Petrarca, “Trionfo della Pudicizia [Triumph of Demureness]”, in I trionfi [The Triumphs]‎[3], Milan: Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, published 1997, lines 87–88:
      Timor d’infamia e Desio sol d’onore, ¶ Penser canuti in giovenile etate
      Fear of shame and desire only for honour ¶ Mature thoughts at a youthful age
    • 1581, Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata [Jerusalem Delivered]‎[4], Erasmo Viotti, Canto IV, page 76:
      [] ò diletta mia, che ſotto biondi ¶ capelli, e frà sì tenere ſembianze, ¶ canuto ſenno e cor virile aſcondi
      O my beloved, you who, under blond hair and so lovely an appearance, hide serious judgement and a virile heart
  4. (by extension, literary) covered in white, specifically:
    1. (of mountains) besnowed, snow-covered, snowy
      • 16th century, Gabriello Chiabrera, “Viva perla de' fiumi [Live Pearl of the Rivers]”, in Opere di Gabriello Chiabrera e di Fulvio Testi[5], Niccolò Bettoni, published 1834, page 12:
        O chiara, o regal figlia ¶ de' gioghi infra le nubi alti e canuti!
        O bright, o royal daughter ¶ of the tall and snowy beclouded summits!
    2. (of seawater) foamy, spumescent
      • 1907, Alfredo Panzini, “XVIII. Negrito, il feroce [Negrito, the Ferocious]”, in La lanterna di Diogene[6], published 2016:
        Il mare azzurro rotolava le sue onde canute, ancora come ai tempi di Omero.
        The light-blue sea was rolling its foamy waves, like in Homer's times.

Derived terms



(deprecated template usage) cānūtō

  1. dative masculine singular of cānūtus
  2. dative neuter singular of cānūtus
  3. ablative masculine singular of cānūtus
  4. ablative neuter singular of cānūtus


Etymology 1

From (deprecated template usage) [etyl] Mozarabic القناة qannût, from (deprecated template usage) [etyl] Late Latin *cannūtus, (resembling sugarcane), from (deprecated template usage) [etyl] Latin canna (cane)


canuto m (plural canutos)

  1. tube
  2. (slang) joint, reefer


Derived terms

Etymology 2

From Juan Bautista Canut de Bon Gil, a Spanish Methodist preacher, formerly a Jesuit, who founded several evangelical churches in Chile.


canuto (feminine canuta, masculine plural canutos, feminine plural canutas)

  1. (slang) awesome; brill

Derived terms


canuto m (plural canutos)

  1. (slang, Chile, derogatory) evangelical
